MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) – Five of the Somali pirates who released a hijacked oil-laden Saudi supertanker drowned with their share of a reported $3 million ransom after their small boat capsized, a pirate and a relative of one of the dead men said Saturday. Pirate Daud Nure said the boat with eight people on board overturned in a storm after dozens of pirates left the Sirius Star following a two-month standoff in the Gulf of Aden that ended Friday. He said five people died and three people reached shore after swimming for several hours. Daud Nure was not part of the pirate operation but knew those involved. Abukar Haji, the uncle of one of the dead men, said the deaths were an accident.
The pirates originally wanted more than £16 million to release the boat and its £65 million load of oil. Eventually they accepted the offer of $3million (around £2million). “The boat the pirates were traveling in capsized because it was running at high speed because the pirates were afraid of an attack from the warships patrolling around,” he said. “There has been human and monetary loss but what makes us feel sad is that we don’t still have the dead bodies of our relatives. Four are still missing and one washed up on the shore.”
Har! or is it Arhhh! I’m wondering if they didn’t include a little “surprise” in that package.
Good. Serves ’em right.
I laughed when I read this last night.
maybe the rest of the pirates can go and try to find the lost money
#2 – Paddy O’Pinocchio
>>I laughed when I read this last night.
Gosh, it must be great to have friends in high government places, Paddy O’Pinocchio.
Not only do you get the straight skinny on what’s really happening in the world as part of your quid pro quo for tidying up the desk ornaments on Condi’s desk, but you get to find out about stuff BEFORE IT EVEN HAPPENS!
The pirate captain didn’t report these drownings until today; heck al Jazeera didn’t even report the story until 17:00 Mecca time!!
# 4 Mister Mustard said, “heck al Jazeera didn’t even report the story until 17:00 Mecca time!!”
“Ninemsn, Australia – Jan 8, 2009
Somali pirates drown after ship release Six Somalian pirates drowned on leaving freed Saudi-owned supertanker Sirius Star nearly two months after it was”
You’re such an idiot.
I love ransom stories. The fun only begins after they get the money. It will be interesting to see what they do next time. Collect the ransom on a calm sea day would be a start.
Greed sure has a hefty price to pay.
Yea, that seemed worth it.
Allahu Akbar
#4 He is right we saw it on the news here last night in NZ wold of just been because of the right timing of the news cycle this side of the word saw it first.
I wonder if they had a little help 😉
#5 – Paddy O’Pinocchio
>>You’re such an idiot.
Heh. Maybe so, but at least I’m not a liar, Paddy O’Pinocchio.
I noticed you didn’t provide a link to that story, thinking that no one would look it up themselves and discover that you truncated the last sentence to omit “captured off the east African coast, their leader told AFP on Saturday.“. That would be today, Saturday, January 10 2009.
So, Paddy O’Pinocchio, how were they reporting the story on Thursday, when it didn’t even happen until Saturday? Hmmmm? Oh, I see … the actual date stamp on the article is 21:51 AEST Sat Jan 10 2009.
How sad it must be for a Mittyesque character like yourself, stepping and fetching for Da Man at Radio Shack during the day, living your secret life of intrigue during the night, replete with highly placed connections in the firmament of American politics, supernatural powers, and the like. James Thurber couldn’t write a tale as sad as the tale of your life.
#10 –
>>He is right we saw it on the news here last
>>night in NZ
“Last night” (ie Friday night) in NZ would be Saturday in Paddy-RAMBOland. According to my Radio Shack Secret Decoder/ Time Zone ring, it’s 11:44am Sunday in Aukland, while it’s only 2:45pm Saturday in Paddy-RAMBOland.
So while you may have seen it last night, it’s unlikely that Paddy-RAMBO did.
# 12 Mister Mustard said, >>You’re such an idiot.
“Heh. Maybe so,”
Maybe? LOL
International date line much?
This makes the Nigerians seem all the smarter; the worst that can happen to them is spilling a cappuccino onto their lap while typing a scam reply to a Craigslist ad, all whilst lounging in a comfy chair in an Internet Cafe.
I wonder if their families will sue?
#14 – Paddy O’Gnoramus
>>International date line much?
Yeah. Read up on it. And get back to us when you have an explanation for how you read about something on Friday night that didn’t happen until Saturday, Somalia time.
Hard day at the ‘Shack?
The only good pirate is a dead pirate.
# 13 Mister Mustard said, “”Last night” (ie Friday night) in NZ would be Saturday in Paddy-”
NZ is a DAY ahead of CA! Not a day BEHIND.
I wonder when the international community will clue into the fact that paying all these ransoms is why there is so much piracy?
As I understand things, it’s the insurance companies that won’t allow an armed force on these ships.
In both cases, these two groups should be made to account as though they themselves were part of the pirate community. And the rest of us should be permitted to defend ourselves against them as though they have attacked us directly.
Hey Mr. Genius. I beg of you to stop ruining your credibility…
Clarification: these two groups meaning ransom-payers and insurers.
#21 – Paddy O’Pinocchio
I would suggest, Paddy O’Pinocchio, that The Montreal Gazette published the original story about the ransom on January 9, then updated it on January 10 when the information about the pirates drowning was known. And, unlike major news outlets, their web master does not add “Story updated on XX, YY, ZZZZ”. You know, like the original source of the story (Reuters Africa) does
Sheesh. Give it up, dude. THEY DIDN’T KNOW THE PIRATES HAD DROWNED UNTIL SATURDAY MORNING. So I’d say the chances that you read about it last night range from slim to none.
Don’t you know it’s a sin to tell a lie, Paddy O’Pinocchio? And then there’s the nose thing, unless you consider that a benefit, sex toy-wise.
#23 Mr, Tard.
“Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:41am GMT”
Keeps getting better & better…
Fuck em. He He, Ha Ha.
Face it, Mustard caught you. Weasal all you want, but you’ve been outed as a liar. Oopps, my mistake, that should have been, “you’ve been outed as a liar AGAIN.
What is to top this scenario:
1) You give the pirates the millions they want.
2) Apache helicopters, waiting just over the horizon, swoop in as the pirates are getting away in their Zodiacs.
3) The pirates surrender or get blown out of the water.
I’m just saying, hijacking may be easy to DO but why aren’t pirates easy to catch?
Where is their due process? Habeus corpus? This is a war crime!
#29, Lyin’ Mike,
Due process comes after they have been apprehended. #27, Greg Allen has the right question, “why can’t we catch them”? Then I see no reason they can’t be put on trial at the Hague World Court, or in the country of ship’s flag.
This is not a war crime, it is piracy as defined in all Maritime laws and treaties.
I am forming a team to retrieve the lost treasure of the famous Somali pirates. Volunteers??… VOLUNTEERS..