In their own voices or just a bunch of out of context clips? You decide.

  1. Selvy says:

    Fatah didn’t do anything for the Palestinians once they took over, Hamas did something but, as was pointed out, you have to go by their rules or you get a talking to (or much, much worse). They have no interest in providing true government or government services to the Palestinian people, they only want a place to lob missiles from and raise more martyrs to psend to the front lines. You should’ve seen the kinds of shows on local TV for the kids, wasn’t much different from the indoctrination shows on Iranian TV.

    There is no way Israel could’ve responded any better, because any ceasefires with Hamas, Hizbollah, etc. only occur because the terrorist groups in question are looking to resupply, regroup, and redeploy against Israel. It’s the same thing elsewhere in the world where Muslim terrorists are involved. They’re merely a temporary stay of execution for the infidels–the rest of us. That is the extremist mindset.

  2. grog says:

    dear jim,

    who straps bombs to women and has them go specifically to civilian centers to blow themselves up?

    just curious who exports death like that.

  3. Noel says:

    Yes, Hamas and Israel are both bad guys. My heart goes out to the poor peaceful Palestinians and Israelis caught in the middle.

  4. #69 – Noel,

    Mine too. Let’s hope that this, at least, is something we can all agree on and have some peace on this thread.

  5. bombsuck says:

    You can be sure that the Israelli fuc%ktard Government decision to go in a slaugther 1000 Palestinians mostly civilians has created at least 10000 new volunteers to suicide crash bomb themselves up killing as many Israelli and Westerners as possible.

    Thank you the Israelli fuc¤ktard government for crapping on human lives this way, thank you for thinking that Obama will let you be such a bunch of fuc’ktards. I certainly hope Obama and Clinton have a plan to completely remove the Israelli Government from any international collaboration, force them out of power, force peace onto the region with new UN-monitored elections and real talks for peace not by a bunch of fuc%king fuc#ktards.

  6. jerry says:

    to the axis of Iran, hezbollah, hamas, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba and tacitally China: If your aim is to overthow Israel, that may be achieved, but at the cost of world destruction.

    Is it worth it?

  7. #71 bumfuck,

    I’m glad to know that you hold the suicide bombers themselves completely blameless. Certainly, since you believe they have the right to blow up civilians, we should also support the training of native Americans to blow up civilians in protest the governments in Canada, United States, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaraguan, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Paraguay, Cuba, Haiti, Colombia, and a bunch of other equally repressive nations I’m sure I missed.

    Clearly you are such a moran that you believe that there must be one side who is right and one side who is wrong in every conflict. Perhaps it has not occurred to your infinitesimally small brain that perhaps, just perhaps, humans in general suck and everyone concerned is wrong.

  8. AlGoreLeonia says:

    Just sounds like a bunch of liberal democrats having coffee at Starbucks on any given day of the week

  9. Greg Allen says:

    During my decade of living in Muslim countries, I heard some crazy, offensive, hateful things being said.

    But, it was NO WORSE than what you can hear in America on right wing talk radio or any chat-room populated by right-wingers.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #74, Scott,

    I’m glad to know that you hold the suicide bombers themselves completely blameless.

    I notice you don’t mention the Israelis dropping 500 kg bombs on apartment buildings as unacceptable. Or the arrest of Palestinians on unfounded charges. Of how Palestinians are beaten by Israeli troops. Of how Israeli settlers on stolen Palestinian land indiscriminately shoot Palestinians without repercussions. Of how ambulances are detoured and held for hours at checkpoint as simple harassment. Of how every time Israeli gets upset they destroy the infrastructure on the West Bank and Gaza strip. Of how food and fuel are held up by the Israelis until the food starts to spoil and the lights start to flicker.

    If you want to focus on one item and decide that only the Palestinians have done wrong, even if both sides are at fault, is disingenuous. As so aptly put by Jimmy Carter, the Palestinians live in an oppressive apartheid regime and Israel is the abuser.

  11. deowll says:

    “danijel said, on January 9th, 2009 at 2:51 am One thing amazes me. What makes them think they can conquer the whole world and stand up against all these other forces? Sure, all this would be scary if we weren’t talking about a few pajama wearing dopes drunken with power…”

    Well smarty they do think it. You might want to look at a map to see how far they’ve got so far. They have a major hunk of the planet and the people living there lined up on their side. The oil money is on their side. You fill’er up and donate money to their cause.

    About the only way I know of to stop them is to kill them. If you can come up with a better answer (one that works) feel free to share.

  12. #77 – Mr. Fusion,

    I’m surprised you didn’t read my posts more carefully. I’ve been very careful to state again and again that both sides are wrong.

    I harp on what the Palestinians do precisely because most of the world is ignoring that. The U.N and Amnesty International are doing a fine job of getting out the word about how cruel the Israelis are.

    What they repeatedly fail to mention is that the other side is also committing atrocities left and right.

    So, yes, both sides are wrong. I just want to stop the one sided view that persists in most of the world.

  13. bozo says:

    Article 51(7)..
    Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949..
    The whole Article 51 is worth the read.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #79, Scott,

    I see 100 words to condemn one side and then five words to equally assess the blame. That isn’t fair.

    No, suicide bombing is not good. But then dropping bombs on apartment buildings is not good either. If you want to mention one then you should have mentioned the other.

    But then how do you add all the other atrocities committed by the oppressing side into the mix? 20 years ago the West sympathized with South African Blacks against the oppressive Whites. Sure, there were some terrorists acts by the Blacks. And although we condemned them, we understood what drove them to commit such acts. We did not accept the severe and one sided retaliation as justified.

    Yes, peace is nice and only the right wing nuts and evangelical assholes want the genocide. blah, blah, blah. Peace, however, will never be attained as long as the oppressor is not held on equal terms and expectations as the oppressed.

  15. #82 – Mr. Fusion,

    I fail to see the comparison with South Africa. I know the rest of the world likes the analogy. However, unlike black South Africans, the Palestinians are supported and heavily armed by oil rich nations. They also have at least some representation in the Knesset.

  16. #82 – Mr. Fusion,

    I fail to see the comparison with South Africa. I know the rest of the world likes the analogy. However, unlike black South Africans, the Palestinians are supported and heavily armed by oil rich nations. They also have at least some representation in the Knesset.


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