In their own voices or just a bunch of out of context clips? You decide.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 jim said, “Please, give me a link to Hamas murdering innocent Palestinians in Gaza since the start of this war.”

    You mean like launching rockets from areas populated by Palestinians women & children, elementary schools?

  2. bombsuck says:

    Words never hurt anyone. Sending bombs and troops in a country with machine guns, that actually kills people.

    The israelli government are obviously a bunch of idiots and they need to be displaced from power as soon as possible.

    Probably same thing with any hamas or any other group encouraging the killing of innocents on the other side.

    Just displace the bastards. Same with Bush, he should have been displaced 8 years ago. No democratic country should allow such shamefull idiots in power in any democratic nation.

  3. jim says:

    No, I mean a valid new link. Not Israeli propaganda video’s

  4. Thinker says:

    #34 Bombsuck,

    I’ll believe the sincerity of your words when you place yourself in front of either a Hamas rocket, or mortar launcher.

    Then I’ll take up your’s and Jim’s cause.

  5. jim says:

    Ya, Abbas and Arab leaders are Israeli sell outs.

  6. Thinker says:

    …Aaaand looking at CNN both sides, Israel and Hamas are telling the UN to take a flying leap.

    I thought this was shaping up to be a real grudge match. 🙁

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 35 jim said, “No, I mean a valid new link. Not Israeli propaganda video’s”

    Here ya go:

    Let me know what you think should be done to those Hamas guys who are doing this….

  8. Milo says:

    How any of this could be “out of context” is beyond me!

  9. jim says:

    The source of this is an Israeli defense official.
    “Israeli commanders have released few details of the battles in Gaza and kept foreign correspondents out of the strip,”
    I’m not taking their lying word for it.

    Dig harder.

  10. daveg says:

    You can get lots of racist and scary quote right out of the Israeli Knesset as well.

    It is worth noting that Israel backed Hamas in the begining, essentially giving birth to the organization in an attempt to divide the palastinian people.

    And while words are worth watching, it would seem the deeds and results on the ground paint a very different story. It is that worth watching more closely.

    Finally, Hamas has little or no beef with the US and Israel seems to be handling itself just fine. We should step back and not be so attached to Israel as it makes them reckless and places us in the path of blowback.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 41 jim said, “The source of this is an Israeli defense official.”

    Umm, no. The quote (as noted in the article) was. The data & the story, not.


  12. Milo says:

    “Hamas has little or no beef with the US”

    Other than wanting to destroy it, as is said by Hamas in the video that you’re commenting on!

  13. jim says:

    “The tunnels were being used by mortar squads that are spearheaded the Hamas attacks on Israeli forces, defence officials told The Daily Telegraph.”

    And were does it say Hamas is deliberately targeting Palestinians?

  14. Sinn Fein says:

    “…just a bunch of out of context clips?”

    “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” If one were to hear this sort of insane declarative statement, its best to believe it and take action to neutralize the threat.

    Israel, KILL OR BE KILLED!

  15. Jim says:

    Hamas didn’t take anything. The Palestinians democratically voted them in. They are the legal government in Gaza.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 47 jim said, “And were does it say Hamas is deliberately targeting Palestinians?”

    Article 51(7)

  17. jim says:

    Ya, death, thats what you and Israel export, And you wonder why the world hates you.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 49 Jim said, ” They are the legal government in Gaza.”

    Exactly. And if they want to start a war (which they’ve done) they are to blame. Unfortunately, the civilians who voted them in are reaping what they elected…

  19. Alex Wollangk says:

    One thing I’ve heard which provides an interesting context for what is currently going on is that Hamas spends 90% of its money on social services and 10% on terrorism. Hamas has built schools and hospitals throughout the areas they are in. One of the reasons they have stated that they want to conquer is because under Islam people of all faiths can thrive, which is actually a claim well supported historically primarily by considering the Ottoman Empire. (Yes, I know people of non-Muslim faiths do not traditionally do well in Iran, but Iran is an exception rather than the rule.)

    Now, Hamas’ propaganda is pretty awful and their actions raining rockets on Israel are criminal.

    Israel isn’t exactly squeeky clean in this situation either, though. When Israel was created there were two states in the area: Israel and Palestine. Israel has ever since been trying to take over the entire region by illegal colonization and military attack. Palestinians react with terror attacks. The whole situation is a mess.

    Neither side is blameless and both currently have very highly placed leaders only interested in the destruction of the other who are guaranteed to hamstring any reasonable peace.

  20. jim says:

    Link Article 51(7) please.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 54 jim said, “Link Article 51(7) please.”

    I don’t link internationally known documents that any grade school kid knows about.

    If you haven’t read it already, it just shows your COMPLETE lack of knowledge & education.

  22. Jim says:

    You have nothing so you resort to name calling. Fine, I’ll leave you to go back to FoX news then.

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    There is hope. Possibly, just slightly possibly, the Gazans are starting to wake up to the fact that they are tools and might think about doing the right thing.,1518,600349,00.html

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, Cow-Paddy, Ignoant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Rent-A-Cop,

    # 54 jim said, “Link Article 51(7) please.”

    I don’t link internationally known documents that any grade school kid knows about.

    If you haven’t read it already, it just shows your COMPLETE lack of knowledge & education.

    Which means you are just making up more of your bullshit. Like where in the Constitution it forbids Congress from regulating CEO’s wages. You still haven’t posted either a link OR the relevant section.

    You claim it, you back it up.

  25. #12 – Jim,

    And the Israeli history has nothing to do with the PLO bombing school buses and hospitals years ago?

    Come now. You must be able to see that both sides in this are wrong. That you only present one side as wrong means that you are half-blind.

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #59 – Mr Confusion: No one here is surprised that you are clueless regarding the Geneva Conventions…

  27. #12 – jim (again)

    Are you aware that the violence began in 1929? Israel was not yet a state. The people massacred had lived there continuously for 800 years.

    So, yes, Israel is often wrong. But, will you not admit that both sides are wrong? Or, are you that blind?

  28. #s 16 & 17,

    Godwin’s Law, you lose.

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    #56 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>I don’t link internationally known documents
    >>that any grade school kid knows about.

    Usually when you say that, it means that you simply made up whatever you’re claiming out of whole cloth, and it hasn’t got a single iota of truth to it. Especially when you’re called on it. Like the Clinton budget surplus thing.

    I don’t know if that’s the case here or not. I’m just sayin’.

  30. #18 – nolimit662,

    The Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion (deliberately singular, as always for me) is that way. If you read any of the texts of any of the subsects too closely, you too will start a Jihad or a Crusade or whatever you prefer to call it. So, you may want to either tone it down just a tad or expand that to include all religious individuals. I think you will likely be unwilling to do the latter.


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