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Sound like a most fair and reasonable group of people to me
Like the type of people who would vote for Obama
One thing amazes me. What makes them think they can conquer the whole world and stand up against all these other forces? Sure, all this would be scary if we weren’t talking about a few pajama wearing dopes drunken with power…
That video seems to be fairly accurate. After all, does Hamas really think they can conquer Europe and then the Americas? Why do they keep firing rockets when there is no chance it will make things better?
Religious zealots at their finest!
Palestinians are the new definition of sheeple.
To #3…
You do realize that there are over 50 million practicing Muslims in Europe… That would be one impressive uprising… Not that I want that. I’m just saying.
Globally, over 1 Billion claim Islam as their faith so we are not talking about trivial numbers here.
MEMRI is founded on extreme Zionism. They use the same propaganda techniques that the Nazis used by taking things out of context. There work is biased and sickening. Israelis are committing war crimes in Gaza. Now why don’t you link those stories. Maybe it’s because you will find some very horrific video that’s too graphic and upsetting to post.
I doubt they are all religious extremists there. (1.4 million in the gaza strip)
But even if they are all terrorists. How could they be moderate?
They live in constant fear and repression from the apartheid regime of israel.
If they stand up, the world calls them terrorists.
And Israels aggression and repression is entirely tolerated by the western world.
I will not say there is no ‘misdoing’ on either side. But as long as we are not fair to both side, we will not see a end in this confilct.
The last year was a example of how peace could even work with the radical hamas in control. Peace was in our grasp? And what do we do? We let Israel ruin it all. (Starving the people to death. CIVILIANS! Air rides. And the usual repression on the boarders.)
Remember, hamas was elected because the citicens of Palestina where fed up because being nice did not work for them.
Yes, Hamas rockets kill people too. But what should they do? Quietly die?
It is the only thing that gives them some attention and leverage. Playing nice did not work.
What about these voices?
Interviewer: A plan to deport the Palestinians?
Creveld: I think it’s quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will succeed.
Interviewer: Do you think that the world will allow that kind of ethnic cleansing?
Creveld: That depends on who does it and how quickly it happens. We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force.
Interviewer: Wouldn’t Israel then become a rogue state?
Creveld: Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen, before Israel goes under.
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]
#4, You missed the point. We’re not talking about Muslims in general here, but Hamas and those who support them.
There are plenty of Muslims who don’t agree with Hamas, even in the Middle East.
But what about those who voted in Hamas knowing their purpose and mission is exactly as stated in the video? Knowing they were an aggressive, violent group?
After all, who do you think are firing those rockets? Who do you think are supporting the militants by feeding the them, clothing them, and funding them?
Who do you think Hamas is, aliens from outer space? Their the Palestinians in Gaza, of course!
So why are we crying about the Gazans? After all, are they not the ones who started launching rockets into Israel hoping to cause terror and death?
Oh, and please don’t talk about “measured response” or other crap like that. Has anyone ever won a war using “measured response”? What a crock, and I can’t believe anyone with an ounce of intelligence would even utter such a thing.
When someone starts a war against you, as the Gazans did against Israel, the only course of action is to fight TO WIN!
You have to do whatever has to be done to stop the aggression and protect your people.
So the next time a tank shell lands near civilians, don’t blame the Israelis, put the blame right where it rightly belongs, with the Gazans -who installed and supported an agressive terrorist regime.
And, exactly how is anyone supposed to sign a treaty with such induhviduals and expect them to keep to the bargain? Remember, this group is their legitimately democratically elected government.
There will be peace in the middle east when one of two things happen.
1) BOTH SIDES drop religion as the incredibly stupid xenophobic genocidal delusion that it is.
2) Humans go extinct.
I’m not optimistic about choice 1.
#5 – jim,
Even if you assume that every one of those quotes is taken completely out of context, can you really imagine a context in which those statements would be reasonable?
#6 – Deep-Thought,
And Israels aggression and repression is entirely tolerated by the western world.
Don’t get out much, do you?
The U.N. consistently for many years has condemned Israels actions every single time anything happens in the region. And, it has never ever condemned the PLO, hamas, hezbollah, etc.
Only here in the U.S. does Israel find any support. The rest of the world is nearly as hostile to it as the Palestinians are.
Oh, and add Amnesty International to the list of anti-Israel groups for making essentially the same statements as the U.N.
Understand that I do not think Israel is right. I think both sides are wrong. I think only one side gets internationally chastised though, and it’s always always always Israel.
Did up some sayings from the “conservative/ultra orthodox” parties in Israel… try that and your career will be finished Dvorak.
#7 Troublemaker. That’s a good link. The original article is from 2003, about a year before Arafat died and the roadmap to peace was started.
I in particular thought it interesting that he talked specifically about the wall which has since been built and has been highly successful in vastly reducing suicide bombers. I also thought it interesting that he emphasizes the fact that Israel cannot no one, not even Arafat, could stop the Palestinians from killing.
BTW, Notice how the Palestinians in the west bank seem to be doing ok? How having a moderate leader in the west bank is improving their overall situation immensely?
But why not Gaza?
Possibly this: “Hamas’s charter calls for the eventual creation of an Islamic Republic in their historic homeland of Palestine, in place of Israel. Hamas sees this view as an Islamic religious duty and prophesy that comes directly from Hadith. In 1999, late Hamas co-founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin mentioned the year 2027 as the possible date for the “disappearance” of Israel. The group has not issued a clear statement about how it would deal with the current population of Israel, should it succeed in overthrowing Israeli and secular Palestinian government. Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, one of its co-founders, stated that the movement’s goal is “to remove Israel from the map”.
‘The slogan of Hamas is “God is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Qur’an its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of God is the loftiest of its wishes.”‘
Not the best of neighbors.
ª9I just saw on the news a Palestinian father holding two of his children under the ages of four with bullet holes to the head. Both of them had holes in the head and one also had a chest wound. He tells the camera man they were a victim of Israeli snipper. Yesterday the ICRC accused Israel of breaching international humanitarian law.
“The International Committee of the Red Cross has accused the Israeli military of “unacceptable” conduct and breaching international humanitarian law after discovering four emaciated children living next to the corpses of their mothers and other adults in bomb-shattered houses in Gaza City.
The ICRC said that it had spent four days seeking Israeli guarantees of safe passage so that it could gain access to the houses in the badly damaged Zaytun neighbourhood of the city. It was finally allowed to send in a rescue team and four Palestine Red Crescent Society ambulances yesterday afternoon and said today that what they found was shocking.
In one house they discovered four small children, alive but too weak to stand, next to the bodies of their dead mothers. In all their were 12 dead bodies lying on mattresses.
In another house they found 15 survivors of the Israeli bombardment, several of them wounded, and in a third, three corpses. At that point they were ordered to leave by Israeli soldiers manning a post some 80 metres away, but they refused to do so.”
These kind of crimes have been happening for 60 years against the Palestinians. Hamas voicing it’s hatred for Israel and the US is a product of Israeli’s brutal occupation.
#13 5.25 mins into this video. Just take a look at how humane your beloved Israelis are.
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]
Hitler thought he could conquer the world too.
Funny thing is, if they just leave us alone, we will conquer ourselves. Free enterprise only works well for the rich.
MEMRI is a Mossad propaganda arm. Goebbels would be proud that the Israeli people are using his tactics against their occupied territories to garner international support for war crimes.
Some of you people really shock me with your ignorance of world events. Hamas is using their own people as human shields. That’s why you are seeing dead innocent women and children. They are cowards. And it’s about time Israel stands up for themselves. How long would the US tolerate Mexico or Canada lobbing rockets at us??? I would guess not for one minute. So good for Israel. They should go in and occupy the region until ALL terrorist acts cease!! They are only trying to protect their country. The more I see this unfold the more I realize all of Islam is a religion of hate and killing. They won’t stop until Jews and Christians are wiped off the map. Then they will turn on some other group. What we need to do is nuke Iran as an example to all arabs that enough is enough and it is going to end or we will nuke them all one by one!! They are a cancerous scourge on this earth that needs to be annihilated!!
It couldn’t be about resources could it?
“War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields”
[Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly. – ed.]
No limit, your comment is as frightening as the antisemitic comments from the other end of the spectrum.
Everyone’s quick to point the finger at who they perceive as the “bad guy.” What is the solution? Not so easy to provide a workable solution.
nolimit662 said: “How long would the US tolerate Mexico or Canada lobbing rockets at us???”
We Canadians would lob moose at you, our empties, and old Swedish hockey players whose knees are blown out.
Where do you get your news from? Please enlighten us to your non-ignorance to world affairs.
You really are a kook!! If it was about the resources then Hamas should not have been lobbing rockets at Israel and therefore giving them an excuse to come on in. If it’s about the gas fields then I guess they deserve to lose them seeing they’re obviously using it to fund their rocket purchases aimed at Israel.
nolimit662 said, on January 9th, 2009 at 6:37 am
Some of you people really shock me with your ignorance of world events. Hamas is using their own people as human shields. That’s why you are seeing dead innocent women and children… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…
LOL… talk about “ignorance”. You take the cake dude…
My “Claims”, are you saying The international committee for the red cross is lying? Christ it’s like arguing with a Holocaust denier. Please, give me a link to Hamas murdering innocent Palestinians in Gaza since the start of this war.
maybe if some of you listened to something besides the lamestream media sometime. Try listening to michael savage or go to drudge and see what’s really going on. Savage told just a few days ago of Egypt trying to get injured Palestinians across the border for help and Hamas just wouldn’t let any of their own people get help. And as far as all the poor civilians. If Hamas wouldn’t use hospitals and schools and dense residential areas as shields this wouldn’t be happening. Hamas is shameless and will sacrafice anyone’s life to achieve their means. Enough with all you Anti-Semite zealots!!
#23 – try reading, you might learn something. Nub.
#27 don’t have enough brain cells to actually give any information?
Jim or should I say Zorkor?
You were identified as a member of Hamas a long time ago. Time to move on.
#28 – do your own leg work – aka reading. Can’t have momz reading everything to you your entire life. So read the article or don’t. Your loss, sheep.
No, I’m a member of the Human race that lives outside the US and I will never “move on” when I see Israel and the US committing war crimes. They’re the real terrorist.