Found by Gary, the dangerous infidel

  1. bobbo says:

    Yea, so what is clearly ridiculous on an individual basis was pushed by Bush and passed by Congress as the Bailout.

    And still==no one loses a job, blame is generalized to “everyone” which is no one. The need for re-regulation is already being cautioned against by “the free market guys.”

    Maybe civilizations fail when they simply get too big to manage.

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The good news for those of you who wanted to help but weren’t quite sure what to do, you’ve already been signed up for a payroll deduction so you don’t forget to send in your checks.

  3. ECA says:

    Put him out of his misery, and MINE.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #1 – Bobbo


  5. Brett says:

    That video is a rip-off from another viral

  6. amodedoma says:

    Greed is a very powerful motivator. Free market destroyed american industry and deregulation’s gotten the nation into an astronomical debt and all for what? So a fortunate few can feel they are superior to the rest cause they have a collection of cars, a huge residence, lots of servants, plenty of bling, a trophy wife, etc., etc… You know, the good things in life, HAH!

  7. Johnny says:

    Funny, This Hour has 22 Minutes is a CANADIAN production and I can’t view it “from my country or domain”. I am IN CANADA!! Weird…

    Obviously, this is awesome!!!


  8. Nik120V says:

    Hilarious….I live in Canada. This is broadcast on a publicly owned Canadian TV station, yet your video player says it is not available in my country. I am so sick of these country blocking websites 🙁

  9. Miss_X2b says:

    F*ck ’em.

  10. LibertyLover says:


    Capitalism and a Free Market are not the same thing. Please do not confuse what this goobermint has done with the phrase “Free Market.” We are victims of Capitalism – as in the acquisition of capital.

    Capitalism, therefore, has come to be viewed as compatible with and indeed even requiring activist government: a government that manipulates investment patterns through fiscal policy, regulates production, supervises competition through licensing and antitrust laws, stimulates exports by use of subsidies, and controls the purchase of imports with tariffs and quotas. The interventionist state, in the evolution of historical capitalism, has come to be considered the prerequisite for the maintenance of the market economy.

    Historical Capitalism vs. The Free Market
    by Richard M. Ebeling, January 1993

  11. Dallas says:

    The rich Republican struggle is very sad indeed.

    How can I help?

  12. Nth of the 49th says:


    No shit,

  13. look2theleft says:

    Wow! Nobody ever looks at the whole picture.
    Right next to the video above is “A message from
    John C. …”

    Mr Dvorak is a brilliant podcast personality with loads of interesting things to say.

    But please keep the ads. He talks way to much about fine wines and dining and international travel to be asking for donations. What does he get for speaking? About $10K like Leo??


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