workers Economy Peachy.

The U.S. lost more jobs in 2008 than in any year since 1945 as employers fired another 524,000 people in December, indicating a free-fall in the economy just days before President-elect Barack Obama takes office.

“Consumers are now going to get more and more scared at the prospect of losing their job,” said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Global Insight in Lexington, Massachusetts. Obama’s proposed fiscal stimulus “needs to be big, needs to be bold, needs to be swift. If they can do something quickly we can limit the hemorrhage by mid-year.”

The Labor Department reported that the nation lost 2.589 million jobs in 2008, just shy of the 2.75 million decline at the end of World War II. The unemployment rate climbed more than economists forecast, to 7.2 percent in December, the highest level in almost 16 years.

  1. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 Dallas said, “Obama spending is about creating jobs in infrastructure that stays here.”

    I know! I can’t wait to see what jobs he’ll create that the free market won’t support…

  2. Dallas says:

    #32 What are you talking about the ‘market won’t support’? Are you a moron?

    American industries are lavishing at the prospect of a huge government spending package to build shit.

    I hope I’m misunderstanding you or you must be related to Sarah Palin.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 33 Dallas said, “American industries are lavishing at the prospect of a huge government spending package to build shit.”

    Exactly. If the gov’t pays them, they build what the gov’t says to build. The reason it’s not being made now is that it is stuff people will not buy…

  4. I like the way the whole country is behind Obama and we are joining to gether to make things work. It’s good to see party partisanship go away and harmony evolve.

  5. MikeN says:

    The Depression ended and unemployment finally dropped below 20% because of World War II…

    If I were Iranian, I’d be stocking up.

  6. MikeN says:

    I still remember in 1993 after Bill Clinton was elected, liberals were saying the recovery that happened before Clinton came into office was in anticipation of his economic plan and presidency, and George Bush gets no credit.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #37 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>I still remember in 1993 after Bill Clinton
    >>was elected, liberals were saying the
    >>recovery that happened before Clinton came
    >>into office was in anticipation of his
    >>economic plan

    Gosh, Lyin’ Mike. I remember it a little bit differently….

  8. ECA says:

    I would like the gov. to ADD to the infrastructure. AS in UPDATED cell towers, a NEW BACKBONE, a TRUE NET design on the backbone. THEN sell it BACK to the corps at a premium.

    START stores to compete with the corps, and SHOW that profit can be made from CHEAP labor and NOT MASSIVE wages for those on top.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 40 ECA said, “THEN sell it BACK to the corps at a premium.”

    Wouldn’t work. The telcom industry puts in the amount that the market will currently support. The gov could build out 10X as much but no one would buy it at a premium. They wouldn’t make their $ back.

  10. ECA says:

    When the gov is collecting the ROAMING charges for using The GOV system??
    Then have the FCC tell the Cell corps that cant transfer the fee to the consumer?

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 42 ECA said, “REALLY..
    When the gov is collecting the ROAMING charges for using The GOV system??”

    Correct. Because the gov’t system wouldn’t be cost efficient enough to pay for itself AND make a profit…

  12. bobbo says:

    #38–37–Mustard and Mike==I’m pro Clinton all the way except for every thing Hilary did and Bills lying to t he American Public==but I remember the same thing regarding Bush. Each President inherits from the past meaning the past bleeds into the future. All a matter of degree.

    It is fair to say that Obama could have been a GREAT president, but the road-wreck BushtheImbecile is leaving this country will sink Obama. I don’t care about Obama or Bush==I’m thinking of the kiddies.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #44 – Bobbo

    >>Obama could have been a GREAT president, but
    >>the road-wreck BushtheImbecile is leaving
    >>this country will sink Obama.

    You underestimate Obama, Bobbo. Just like Dumbya was able to take Clinton’s glory days and turn them into a fetid stinking cesspool in a few short years, a leader with vision and integrity will be able to reverse Dumbya’s legacy; certainly within 8 years.

    As to Hill and Bill… pffft. Hill wasn’t president, and she didn’t have much influence on the course of human events while she was First Lady. And ass to Bill, I’d rather have some pussywhipped guy telling fibs about what he was doing with whom under the Oval Desk, than a guy lying to me about why my children are coming back from his Trophy War dead and mangled. Or why my tax dollars for the next 35306983097 years are going to bail out the “capitalists” who just about killed the American economy.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Even after having their elective asses handed to them, the right wing nuts still want to think everything is the Democrats fault.

    Get over it a**holes, you lost !!!

    Good times are a coming.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #46 – Bobbo

    >>Once you lie about nooky on the side instead
    >>of saying its none of our business, then
    >>what won’t he lie about?

    Huh. Interesting concept. Anyone who has ever lied about anything is a stone-cold liar, and cannot be trusted to provide truthful information on any topic. (I thought that sort of disdain was restricted to dyed-in-the-wool prevaricators like Contempt, Paddy-RAMBO, and Dumbya.)

    I hope you’ve thought this through, glass house/ stone throw-wise. There are an awful lot of people who have lied at some time in their lives. I’d say it approximates something close to 100.000%.

    Or do you have your own, personal Bobbonian threshold for what sort of lie “matters”? That’s very convenient for you, but I’m not sure the rest of the world shares the same criteria you use.

    >>You are wrong about Obama

    No, I’m right about Obama. See how easy that was?

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Bobbo,AKA Cow-Paddy the Troll,

    Once you lie about nooky on the side instead of saying its none of our business, then what won’t he lie about?

    Oh what a short memory. Bill did say it was none of anyone’s business and refused to say anything about it in discovery. It took a court order to force him to discuss the issue.

    As for lieing, forget about it. The only people who never lied in their life died in infancy.

    A retard can/has break things that even a genius cannot repair.

    OK, so what did you break now? Your router?

  17. bobbo says:

    Fusion–you have such potential, but:

    1. The court order also required Bill to tell the truth. He could still refuse to answer. Why he could even have told the truth in a manly way. I am a liberal which forces me to vote democratic quite often. Why do you use this same “pressure” to defend the incompetent and corrupt just because they are democrats? Such action is simply – – -Un-American, Stupid, and transparently so. You can do better.

    2. Never lying isn’t the issue.

    3. I think DLink made a defective router. Once again, you seem to want to blame the victim rather than look to the prime cause.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, Bobbo,

    You were the one who said Bill could have said it was none of their business. I said he did. And it is still none of their business and the court recognized that fact and did not allow it to be used. 2/3s of Americans also held that opinion.


    For your router, I posted this procedure in the Barney Frank post but I’ll try it here too.


    If your router and modem are not communicating then follow this procedure carefully.

    Unplug the power, the cable, and ethernet all at the modem. Disconnect the power to the router. Go take a crap or make a coffee, but wait at least FIVE minutes. This allows the capacitors to dissipate.

    Plug the modem power back in, then the cable, then the ethernet. Plug the router in. Take your time but you do not need to wait for the lights to flash before plugging in the next item. Wait for about 1/2 to one minute for the modem and router to communicate. Your computer may or may not need booting. If this procedure does not work then try it again with the computer turned off.


    If the router is cutting out then it loses communication with the modem and both must be booted. They must be booted together to relink.

    I have an old D-Link EBR-whatever sitting in the closet since we went wireless. I’ve stayed with D-Link as they’ve been hassle free.

  19. bobbo says:

    Fusion–what are you doing? When you spin and twist for no good reason, it throws all your spinny twisty posts into qustion.

    Bill made a national televised speech wherein he told us all that “I did not have sex with that woman—–“. He wasn’t under court order to speak on that subject and rather than tell America to mind its own business and grow up, he lied.

    Please get real.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #52 – Bobo

    Can you make the distinction between some guy that cheats on his wife and then gets sucked into a tangled web trying to cover it up, and someone who runs the country under a web of lies and deceit, whose entire work ethic is based on dishonesty, and who has misled the entire nation for as long as he’s been in office?

    In the former case, I’d be pissed if I were that person’s wife. Maybe even if I were his mother-in-law. If he were my car mechanic, my dentist, a member of the City Council, or the president of the United States, I really wouldn’t give a shit. Even if, during the bitter sequelae of the infidelity, he sought to avoid the wrath of his battle-axe wife by perpetuating his fiction. As long as he fixes my car and keeps my pearly whites pearly white, he can do whatever he needs to do in his off hours.

    In the latter case, I’d seek to put him in the stockade.

  21. Dallas says:

    Omg. The republicans are still obsessing over Bill’s cock.
    Let it go! It’s been a decade for crying out loud.

  22. bobbo says:

    Its sad when word association tangents pass for insight.

    I made no comparison at all between Clinton and BushtheRetards honesty.

    Dallas–my obsession was about demanding honesty in our political leaders. If all you get out of that is cock, I’m sure there’s a smile on your face. Rather round, but still a smile.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #55 – Bobo

    Well, so far, the only dishonesty you have accused Clinton of relates to his cock.

    Heck, if stepping out on their wives were the worst things politicians ever did, we’d be living in Utopia, in nirvana, in paradise, in dramland, in Shangi-la, in seventh heaven.

    Give it a rest, Bobster. Clinton was a good president, shitty husband. Try to argue beyond that, and you’re going to have to whip out your prestidigitational punctuation, and tase our brains into incomprehension with a flurry of === and /// and ==///.

  24. LibertyLover says:

    #56, Bill Clinton was a popular president. That is fact. It is opinion that he was a good president.

    George Bush is an unpopular president. That is fact. It is opinion that he is a bad president.

    Please don’t confuse fact and opinion.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #57 – LiLo

    Not to worry, if I make a contentions statement that I consider to be ojbectively factual, I provide a link to support it. Otherwise, it’s just my opinion.

    How the heck would I know if Bill Clinton was a shitty husband? It’s my opinion that he was. Maybe he learned some cigar tricks from his time with Monica that he brought home to Hill, and kept her on such an unending rollercoaster ride of ecstasy that she didn’t give a shit WHO he was diddling under the desk at work.

    That George Bush is a shitty president is also my opinion, although it’s one of those things that, while not formally proven, has such prima facie validity that it’s generally accepted as fact.

  26. Dallas says:

    The terrible economy is not helping the significant Bush regime effort to improve his legacy. He has Karl Rove and much of his cabinet on the this.

    “Operation: No, not the worst”

    NPR contest featuring Karl Rove.

    “Is Bush the worse president in 50 years?”

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #57, loser,

    George Bush is an unpopular president. That is fact. It is opinion that he is a bad president.

    When the empirical data demonstrates that Bush did not do a good job then it becomes a fact he is a bad President.

    When his performance is compared to other Presidents then it does become an opinion of just how bad he was.

  28. MikeN says:

    #44Bobbo, you’re right about the influence of past presidents. I’m just talking about the liberal and liberal media talking points at the time. The recovery was all because of Bill Clinton even though it started 6 months before he was president.

  29. MikeN says:

    Hardly Bill Clinton’s only lie. Indeed the whole investigation was pursued so vigorously by Ken Starr because he had tape recordings and because it followed the pattern of Whitewater, Vernon Jordan getting a key witness a job so they would stop talking to the prosecutor.

  30. James Hill says:

    Me owning this blog is worth less and less every day, too. The last three posts are evidence of this: Defending Bill and failing to knock Bush just isn’t that interesting anymore.

    You guys have lost, as it is now fact that a liberal can only win as a populist, and can do nothing more than bring the right into his cabinet and propose jobs programs.

    Honestly, it’s just time to name this place after me. Worship is mandatory.


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