A reminder as to who is actually behind the mess we are in. Curiously you never see or hear this stuff anywhere and only occasionally on FOX.

  1. MikeN says:

    Credit default swaps and the like are good things. It basically means you are taking insurance against your loans going bad. Of course, the insurer has to have the money to back it up, and AIG didn’t.

  2. AlGoreLeonia says:

    #32 self identifies as another useful idiot…

  3. “Curiously you never see or hear this stuff anywhere and only occasionally on FOX.”

    Are you implying, sir, that there is media bias??!

  4. Phydeau says:

    #34 AlGoreLeonia

    Keep up the clueless arrogance, pal. Notice who’s in the White House and controls Congress now?

    Yes, keep it up, and the Democrats will be in power for a long time. Of course, they’ll have to be, in order to undo the damage the Republicans have wrought.

    And you’re still projecting — you are indeed a useful idiot. With your bluster and blather and arrogance, you’ll help keep the Republican party a minority, as it should be for a long time. We can only hope the Republican party leadership is just like you…

  5. JFC says:

    I guess all our problems were Barny Frank’s fault. And you people who gladly pile on with your over simplistic “yeah!”s are why the country is so divided. What exactly do you get out of demonizing Frank? You can’t possibly be so naive as to think that he alone is solely responsible for the financial crisis. Honestly Mr. Dvorak, it seems you inch every day towards irrelevance.

  6. AlGoreLeonia says:

    #36: You and fusion are useful idiots that owned by the democratic party. The proof is in your posting here today carrying the water for the crook Barney Frank who’s boyfriend was a Fannie Mae Director when Barney was fighting any oversight of Fannie Mae in 2003. Hmmm…wonder why?….But, you are a GOOD useful idiot….

  7. Phydeau says:

    Keep the faith, AlGoreLeonia. Don’t ever change.

  8. Charles says:

    Having… a hard time typing… stilling spinning… in my chair.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    The funniest thing about these right wingers blaming Democrats for this whole mess is that you guys had two consecutive terms to fix this mess and yet you did nothing.

  10. AlGoreLeonia says:

    #41: Is Democratic Useful Idiot #3

  11. Phydeau says:

    You go gal, AlGoreLeonia. Woohoo! You are so smart and us dumb libruls are so dumb. Must be hard for you to be humble, you being so smart and everything. Golly.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    Ho hum. Let’s take something that’s the fault of a lot of people (most of them Repubs) and blame it all on Barney Frank, because he’s a funny-looking homo-secksual.

    And then to back it up, let’s show a Faux Spews “news” story.

    This is why nobody with an IQ over 40 watches Faux Spews. Even on the rare occasions when they’re promoting a point of view that I agree with, they’re STILL full of shit. Everything on that station is an editorial piece. They pick their ax, and then they grind it to death.

    The amazing thing is that they can actually promote Fair and Balanced™ as their motto, with a straight face. I guess that means everybody on the channel is bellowing neocon nonsense, then they have that little milquetoast who’s on with Hannity squeaking out his left-wing opinions.

    They reported; I decided: There’s more objectivity on the Op-Ed page than on Faux Spews.

  13. Breetai says:

    Ya know, I always get annoyed and pissed off about Republicans and them being idiots and in denial about WMD’s in Iraq. Now I’ve got something new to be annoyed about The other side.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    # 42 AlGoreLeonia

    Oh yeah, and tell us what useful thing the Republicans have done these 8 years so far apart from proving that when you can call a middle-aged white Republican male a homo there’s a good chance he is.

  15. Somebody_Else says:

    “A reminder as to who is actually behind the mess we are in.”

    I knew it was those damn Canadians! We need to liberate them immediately.

  16. bobbo says:

    #44–Mustard==I hope you don’t become a democrat apologist in the same mode as the repuglicans you so correctly admonish.

    1. Frank DOES share a LARGE PART of the blame here. He was the chair of the fricken committee in charge of the Freddies. Doesn’t matter that his motives weren’t as putrid as the normal repuglican.

    2. An item being reported on Faux Spews is irrelevant. Going off correctly on an irrelevant tangent is still going off on a tangent.

    Barney Frank, like all incumbents, should be – – – – – – – – VOTED OUT OF OFFICE – – – with a special item read into the congressional record that he stands for the type of WILD INTERFERENCE with the free market and IRRESPONSIBLE lack of regulation that is the very heart and soul of what being a congressman is supposed to be.

    I can even give BushtheRetard a bit of a slide here because he is such an idiot, but Barney had to know on some level EXACTLY what he was doing===and he just didn’t care.

    Power corrupts==which is why you have to VOTE ALL THE ENCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE.

  17. ramuno says:

    So five years ago, Frank didn’t see the system failing but supposedly the president wanted to do something then to head off the problems we have now.

    Then why didn’t he do something? He controlled the White House and the House and the Senate.

    Hind sight is fun.

  18. Jeebers says:

    Bush’s push for better regulation of GSE’s was fallacious. Here’s the other side of the story from the NY times:


  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #44 – Bobbo

    I hope your irrational exuberance for voting everyone out of office isn’t going to lead you to blame everyone for everything, whether they’re to blame or not.

    Barney Frank is to blame for some of the stuff-up related to the Freddies. Certainly not all of it. The Freddies are not single-handedly responsible for the housing meltdown. The housing meltdown was not single-handedly responsible for the economic meltdown.

    So there’s plenty of fingers to point, but to point them all at Barney Frank is about as lame as it gets.

    See Jeebers’ NYT article for a more rational look at who’s to blame for what.

    And my issue regarding Faux Spews was separate and distinct from whether or not I agree with the point they were hammering mercilessly, or whether I believe that Barney Frank is responsible for all our economic woes.

    My point was that Faux Spews NEVER just reports on a story. They have an ax they want to grind, and then the report the news on that story in such a way as to sharpen that ax.

    To compare the NYT (non-Editorial page) reporting to anything resembling Faux Spews (as Bob did in #20) is just ridiculous. Even on issues where I’m on the other side of the fence from the NYT (like gun control), I find their reporting to be about as fair and balanced as it gets. When I see the shit they pump out on Faux Spews, it almost makes me want to become a gun control nut.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    “A reminder as to who is actually behind the mess we are in.”

    Yep, 2 years overseeing the criminal actions, all the while telling the public all is well.

    Hang him.

  21. bobbo says:

    Mustard==should Barney Frank retain his congressional membership or be voted out of office=====because of his involvement in the Sub Prime Mess, or not?

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #52 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Hang him.

    Whoa, the testosterone is flowing today, huh Paddy-RAMBO? You musta gotten all het up thinking about strutting down the promenade with those pearl-handled six-shooters, piling up liberal bodies as you went!

    If you want to hang Barney Frank, you must want to slowly torture Dumbya, waterboarding him, tasing him, cutting him and pouring Drano® into his wounds, attaching electrodes to his genitals, inserting an electric probe into his anus, and finally strapping him into Ol’ Sparky and zapping him until his eyes bug out and smoke comes out of his ears.

    Let the punishment fit the crime.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 54 Mister Mustard said, “If you want to hang Barney Frank, …”

    Hang the lot of ’em.

    You have a problem with that?

  24. bobbo says:

    #55–pedro==when you say “all” libs==is that your real understanding of the issue, or just lazy editing of your first impulse?

  25. Mr Diesel says:

    Mustard, I’m going to agree with part of what you said. We can place the blame squarely on the dipshits in Congress (both sides and I don’t care which side it is weighted on).

    What do you call 535 Congressman at the bottom of the sea?

    A good start

    (That’s a joke for the humor impaired of which there are a lot of on here.)

    What shocked me the most about this is that someone actually started a thread with Fox News.

  26. bobbo says:

    Only a power mad authoritarian would post “Hitler” as his only contribution.

    You can do better. Give it one or two posting yourself before misusing your position.

  27. bobbo says:

    #61–pedro==you didn’t answer the question at all.

    For emphasis, I “bobbo” am a liberal. I post that Barney Frank should be voted out of office because of his malfeasance.

    So–when you posted “ALL” liberal refuse to deal with Democratic responsibility for the sub-prime mess, were you on solid reflection, overstating the case or are you as biased as you pose yourself to be against?


  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #56 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Hang the lot of ‘em.
    >>You have a problem with that?

    Shit not, not if you’re doing the hanging, Paddy-RAMBO! I’ve got too much living left to do for your to be piling up my liberal body with the other liberals.

    Do you have a problem with the somewhat harsher punishment for Dumbya, given the severity of his crimes?

  29. bobbo says:

    Don’t be a hypocrit Mister Mustard. You correctly harangue a few here for their failure to back up their opinions, now you do the same.

    Mustard==should Barney Frank retain his congressional membership or be voted out of office=====because of his involvement in the Sub Prime Mess, or not?


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