Marvel Comics executives said it was a natural to put the 44th president in a heroic context.

“When we heard that President-Elect Obama is a collector of Spider-Man comics, we knew that these two historic figures had to meet in our comics’ Marvel Universe,” says Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada. “Historic moments such as this one can be reflected in our comics because the Marvel Universe is set in the real world. A Spider-Man fan moving into the Oval Office is an event that must be commemorated in the pages of ‘Amazing Spider-Man.’”

There’s plenty of presidential history in the comics, such as the time that JFK appeared in the pages of Superman (the issue was written and drawn before Kennedy’s 1963 assassination but actually hit stands after that dark day in Dallas) and Richard Nixon’s 1972 cameos in “The Fantastic Four” and in “The Incredible Hulk.”

When will they have the titanic battle between Sarah (‘it’s everybody else’s fault’) Palin and Caroline (‘uh, you know’) Kennedy for who can give the worst interview?

  1. Dallas says:

    “..When will they have the titanic battle between Sarah Palin and Caroline Kennedy for who can give the worst interview?..”

    Kennedy is a disappointment for sure but Palin is the reining queen for worst interviews for many years to come.

  2. scadragon says:

    “Here he is to save the day!”
    “Look! Up on the Hill! It’s Super-Barak!”
    Now maybe he can save us all! Save our JOBS!
    Bail us out from under our crushing credit card debts!
    Oh, save us Super-Barak! Save us!

  3. JimD says:


    Get to it, Spidey !!!

  4. BigBoyBC says:

    Oh brother, is there no end to the BS…

    I understand the historic nature of his election, but this is just another example of people going over the top.

    CBS has a DVD the’re pushing, colorized coins on an informercial, dolls and etc…

    Worship or just trying to make a buck, it just seem wrong to me…

  5. Paddy-O says:

    Looks like Reid & crew just told BO to f— off regarding his econ stimulus plan…

    His own party is rejecting his plan.

  6. Shubee says:

    Ralph Nader and Spiderman are both proven superheroes. Barack Obama is still untested and it remains to be shown if he will fight for truth and justice.

  7. contempt says:

    Too bad Obama has no superpowers to call upon for after the media finishes building him up and only the inevitable fall remains.

    There is his magic teleprompter, but I don’t see it helping him much when the time comes.

  8. money! says:

    it’s up to $50 on ebay already, $75 on amazon! and it’s not even out yet!

  9. Cirdan says:

    OMG PEOPLE! Obama has not done one frikin thing deserving of all this crap. He hasn’t sat one day in the president’s chair and has done nothing.

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 9 Cirdan said, “OMG PEOPLE! Obama has not done one frikin thing deserving of all this crap.”

    I know! I can’t believe the Dem leaders in the senate are treating him this way!

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    #7 contempt. Man, you nailed it right there!

    How many times have we seen the MSM eat it’s own children just to have something to talk about?

    Every day we turn on the the TV to see someone the media once built up being torn down just for the ratings.

    I give Obama a bit over a year…

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Somebody please photoshop this and turn Obama into Tuvok.

  13. B. Dog says:

    Golly, the media and everyone love him so much that he almost seems to have magic powers, like invulnerability.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #7 – ‘tempt

    Ah, ‘tempt, you old dog! You’re still here, even with all the shame! Are you ready to tell us where you got your “facts” that a “Franken precinct” in Minnesota logged 9,724 votes when there were only 9578 registered voters??

    #1 – Dallas

    >>Kennedy is a disappointment for sure

    Why, because she doesn’t spit out rapid-fire bursts of bullshit like she has a machine gun up her ass, and she isn’t going to be nominated for Honorary Head of Toastmasters International?

    We could use a little more introspection and measured thinking among our politicians, and a little less Hollywood.

  15. Buckwheat says:

    #12 – “Somebody please photoshop this and turn Obama into Tuvok.”

    Gee, I thought that I was the only one to see the resemblance!!

  16. Sea Lawyer says:

    #5, well, giving a tax credit for hiring somebody is stupid.

  17. contempt says:

    #14 Drama Queen Mustard

    I see your experiment into the depths of madness continues. I should warn you that your thoughts are beginning to sound like that of the chronic masturbator.

    Perhaps you should take a break if for no other reason than to salvage what remains of your mental health and eye sight my hairy palmed friend.

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    #17 – ‘tempt

    >>I see the depths of madness. I should warn
    >>of the chronic masturbator. Perhaps you
    >>should take a break salvage what remains,
    >>your hairy palmed friend.


    Are you admitting you lied, ‘temptie?

    Admitting that you have a problem is the first step towards recovery, you know. And it can be very cleansing.

  19. contempt says:

    #18 Drama Queen Mustard
    >>Are you admitting you lied

    Not only do I stand by my original statement I will do you one better. It was reported on Fox News that between 20 to 25 Minnesota precincts reported more votes than registered voters. ACORN strikes again.

    From now on do your own homework and please take care of that Irritable Bowel Syndrome – you’re starting to stink up the place.

  20. jccalhoun says:

    The Savage Dragon had an Obama cover back in September which kind of makes sense since the Dragon is supposed to be from Chicago.

  21. Paddy-O says:

    # 16 Sea Lawyer said, “#5, well, giving a tax credit for hiring somebody is stupid.”

    Of course. The whole plan is pretty much useless.

    If they want to get the economy going get rid of the Fed system, slash all tax rates, get rid of Cap gains tax (like China) and the economy will rebound within a year. No “stimulus” package needed.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #19 – ‘tempt

    >>I will do you one better. It was reported on
    >>Fox News that between 20 to 25 Minnesota
    >>precincts reported more votes than
    >>registered voters.

    Gosh, ‘tempt. You’ll forgive me if I still request something to back that statement up. A link to the Faux Spews article making this claim would do just fine.

    Or does “reported on Faux Spews” mean that Loofah Pad O’Reilly or Sean Handjobbity said something to that effect in one of their spittle-flecked tirades?

    In any case, I searched the Faux Spews web site (just as I’ve been using The Google to search the entire internet) to find evidence of even a CLAIM (proof not even required, btw, just a CLAIM) that what you allege happened did in fact happen. Not even a whimper.

    >>ACORN strikes again.

    Oh no! The nigras, workin’ for the hebes! Who could have predicted it?? The End Times are near!!

  23. frogman says:

    #19=It was reported on Fox News that between 20 to 25 Minnesota precincts reported more votes than registered voters.

    The report was at 25 last time i saw it come up on the that pundit thingie they do in the morning. Looks like MM owes you an apology.

  24. contempt says:

    #23 frogman
    >>Looks like MM owes you an apology.

    True, but that’s not gonna happen. Drama Queen Mustard’s assessment of political events prove time and time again to be sheep-like.

    If an idea is not approved by a leader of the Democrat Party then it has to be wrong. Quite sad when you think about it.

  25. James Hill says:

    Spiderman isn’t the only liberal to shoot a white stick substance over Obama.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #23 – Frogman

    >>The report was at 25 last time i saw it come up on
    >>the that pundit thingie they do in the morning.

    Well hot damn, Froggie! If this allegation is true, that marks the end of Franken’s bid for the Senate seat!! Surely something as devoutly wished for by Faux Spews would merit a link, a citation, even a little whisper, on their web site, don’t you agree?

    Since I don’t generally watch Faux Spews (I find the Simpsons to be a more fair and balanced reporting of the news), I missed the “pundit” making that allegation. And I’ve been unable to verify such a claim, even with extensive use of The Google.

    So until there’s some verification of this voter fraud, it remains an elusive bit of unverifiable ephemera, similar to me saying “I heard Bill O’Reilly admit on Fox News that he takes it up the ass from Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in debauched homosexual three-way love fests”.

    So. Pony up some verification, or join ‘tempt in the liars’ penalty box.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #24 – ‘tempt

    My oh my. You’re a resiliant little bastard, I’ll grant you that.

    In spite of the supreme humiliation you have suffered for having made an outlandish claim that you can’t back up, you put on the game face and come back to post again. It amazes me that you’re not wimpering in the corner of your broom closet. A lesser liar would not have your self-sacrificing relentlessness.

    Kudos to you! You’re one tough mofo!

  28. contempt says:

    #27 Drama Queen Mustard

    Still living in your imaginary world? It’s time to come out of your weasel hole and take a breath of reality. I’m not sure it will do any good, but you can try. You can try.

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    #27 – ‘tempt

    >>It’s time to come out of your weasel hole and take a
    >>breath of reality.

    Oh, help me then, ‘tempt. Don’t be so ‘temptuous of my well being! I beseech thee!

    Just provide that link (or other supporting evidence) of your claim, and you will be my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. You’ll be my month of May, when it’s cold outside! Please. Pretty please with sugar on top! Remove from me the shroud of ignorance.

    In the alternative, STFU, and admit that you’re a liar. And that you just made up that whole silly (albeit quantitative) scenario about Franken “stealing votes” from Coleman, and Minnesota precints that reported more votes cast than voters registered.


  30. contempt says:

    #29 Drama Queen Mustard
    >>Remove from me the shroud of ignorance.

    You pose an impossible task as nothing can remove your shroud of ignorance. That seems to be your lot in life.

    >>Just provide that link
    Here we have a problem. Knowing how much you wish it and how much it pisses you off when I don’t makes it all the sweeter. I suppose that is the price you pay for being such an asshole.


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