Video — Sarah Palin Talks About How She Was Treated By The Media
By Gasparrini Thursday January 8, 2009
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Please post this video again later in 2009. I’m not quite ready to listen to that bitch’s voice again. I’m sure it’s an interesting piece.
Hoo boy.”John Ziegler, Documentary Film Maker”? The Michael Moore of the Radical Right?
If I had any interest in what Flash-In-The-Pan Palin had to say, I’d watch it in spite of its unsavory pedigree.
I don’t have any interest in hearing Flash-In-The-Pan whining the injustice of it all, so I won’t.
She would be sexy if she wasn’t so stupid.
Um… I thought Palin blamed the way she talked during the Katie Couric interview on the McCain campaign and the inability to say what she wanted in the manner in which she was accustomed. The McCain campaign doesn’t control her now. So, what’s the excuse for her incoherent rambling now? Her inability to string together a coherent thought undermines any argument about her mistreatment by the media.
Ever since she gave that that Thanksgiving interview in front of the turkey slaughter cone I’ve kinda had a crush on her … she has that ‘I have the answer to everything’ that is kinda sexy about the American right.
#3 – Jeebers,
She would be sexy if she wasn’t so stupid.
The brain is the sexiest organ in the human body. So this is like saying she’d be sexy if only she were sexy.
As it is, she’s so disgusting inside that the outside doesn’t matter at all.
The trick is, to turn down the volume – so that you can hear her voice but not understand what she’s saying.
Misanthropic Scott the brain is the sexiest organ in the human body.
Organs on the whole, just aren’t very sexy. Bumbs are sexy, breasts are sexy, bellies are sexy, thighs are sexy.
Brains, lungs, kidneys etc, just not sexy.
Well, I admit I watched the whole thing. Now that the nausea has eased somewhat here is my analysis.
What an effen hypocrite. She still doesn’t get it !!! She continues to blame outsiders for tramping on “her” personal life when she stood on that stage telling us how we should run our lives.
If she wants us to believe she is the one who gave birth to her grandson, she needs to refute some of the evidence; Bristol home schooled all year when her mommy is in charge of the Alaska Education system, no pictures of her pregnancy, the flight home from Texas after her water broke, the way Bristol held her son at the convention instead of the grandfather, etc.
These “anonymous bloggers” are just the “water cooler crowd” now able to post their innuendo on line. It really gives the wing nut crowd something to quote when they tell everyone Obama’s a Muslim.
She blames reporters who didn’t take “one extra step” to hear her bullshit twist on something. Why should they. They had seen her lie about Trig, her Mayoralty record, and Troopergate.
“What is it that perpetuates someone to believe the worst, the gossip, the lies, …” It is called Republicanism.
“When I heard Obama state on Television his wife was off limits…” Nope. Obama said his children were off limits. And he kept them out of the campaign too. Michelle made several speeches and was attacked by the right wing nut crowd for several things but not about her speeches. Palin trotted her family out and pointed to them, including grandson Trig, a a good family of virtue.
Bristol and Levy ARE High School dropouts. Remember, Bristol’s mommy is the ultimate head of the Alaska education system and her daughter and son-in-law to be quit school to raise a kid born out of wedlock. And this woman is against sex education in schools, birth control to minors, and abortion.
Her interview with Koric showed her for the ignorant bitch she is. Even if she had of said she got her news from the bible would have been a better answer than sitting there like a deer caught in the headlights.
If the roles were reversed and she had of been picked for Obama’s running mate, the treatment would have been very different. She would have been vilified far worse by the Republicans than she ever was by the Democrats.
Face it, she was a fringe candidate and McCain quickly learned he had made a mistake in asking her. She was not prepared and frankly, unqualified for the job.
Sheet, I need a shower.
Maybe she would have more credibility convincing people she didn’t do really stupid things if she didn’t speak so stupidly.
A person that says they have international political experience because from parts of Alaska you can see Russia, or that when Putin flies to the US he goes thru Alaskan airspace==is beyond redemption.
The darling of the far right wing shames the entire demographic.
I do so hope she runs in 2012. She’ll doom [again] the Republicans. What a [fat assed] imbecile.
Fey said it right. “a little high school bitchy”
Boo-hoo. What a victim. Apparently nothing had anything to do with any of her deficiencies. Great job putting a spin on things long after they happened when you’ve had months to think up excuses and no one else is going to call you on anything you’re saying.
I got about 3 minutes in and had to shut it off. I don’t recall the issue of her pregnancy having much coverage in the mainstream media’s as opposed to the stupid things she said. That was more bloggers than anything else, and the right wing bloggers had plenty to say about Obama that no credible news source would repeat.
I also like how she thinks Obama speaks for anyone that would criticize her, “he said family was off limits”. Considering the failure of her sex education policies that she trots out on stage, she’s surprised people attack her on that? If I never hear her voice again it will be too soon.
Mr. Fusion: …had of been picked for Obama’s running mate, She would have been vilified far worse by the Republicans than she ever was by the Democrats.
Yeah, in Bizarro’s world.
Should have been published in HD with Hulu.
Like that, only Americans would be able to watch it.
If she wants us to believe she is the one who gave birth to her grandson, she needs to refute some of the evidence;
>These “anonymous bloggers” are just the “water cooler crowd” now able to post their innuendo on line. It really gives the wing nut crowd something to quote when they tell everyone Obama’s a Muslim.
“What is it that perpetuates someone to believe the worst, the gossip, the lies, …” It is called Republicanism.
You should think over your own posts Fusion.
I really don’t care if she ever runs for anything again, but I hope she does many interviews, just because of the reaction in certain corners. 🙂
Blurred soldier son in the profile shots… jeez The living room looks like a pigsty. And the bitter eyes… That’s gonna be one heck of a movie. I’ll pass.
I am beginning to think she is really that dumb. Like many of you I can’t stand to hear her talk. So many gibberish talks it hurts my head listening. I hate to be rude when I’m sincerely trying to understand her viewpoints but Christ!
I almost threw up in m mouth when she claimed to have stood up to those in her own party (ie Ted ‘tubes’ Stevens) who were corrupt.
Comparison…the girl from SC who did the whole geography disaster thing in the Miss Teen USA contest… that was equivalent to Palin with Couric. Miss SC went on NBC the next morning and showed her chops. She redeemed herself. Turns out she’s a smart kid who choked on the biggest stage of her life.
Palin, kinda the opposite. The more she tries to redeem herself, the deeper her hole.
It’s truly scary how close this dingbat came to the presidency.
Think about it… She was one Obama mistake and one John McCain embolism away from the White House.
If John McCain dies before 2012 half the country is going to have chills running down their spine for a week.
What a ditz. Makes Dan Quayle look like a genius.
She isn’t nearly as photogenic since she lost her personal makeup artist. She still sounds the same.
STOP… enough of this woman. Their pandering to the Hillary malcontents failed, stop giving her status. She deserves none.
“What is it that leads someone to believe the worst, to perpetuate the worst, in terms of gossip, lies…” hmmm- how about some quotes from the campaign:
“When they offered me the bridge to nowhere, I said Thanks, but no thanks.”
“He’s palling around with terrorists.”
etc etc ad nauseum.
She was so interested in refuting gossip about her son’s parentage, she released the records of his birth?
C’mon Sarah- get real.
#18, Lyin’ Mike,
You should think over your own posts Fusion.
All the time I was showering I was thinking about that interview. So I lathered up again.
Why do Republican women for the most part always look hot and democratic women for the most part look like old or not so old angry lesbians (Janet Reno, Madeleine Albright, Donna Shalala, etc)???