Video — Sarah Palin Talks About How She Was Treated By The Media
By Gasparrini Thursday January 8, 2009
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As much as it nauseates me to hear words come out of her mouth, please, please let her continue to speak publicly.
The more she, and her kind, talk the further she will push reasonable people from her and from her party until only the fringe right-wing wackjobs are all that remains of the GOP.
who cares how smart or dumb she is? The dumber the better…She’s hot as hell though… Ill take a dumbass Sara Palin who is hot as hell over a brillant but ugly ass Caroline Kennedy anyday. At least with Palin she can drive your ass over a bridge without needing to wear a life jacket!
#32 – Algo
You need to pay less attention to the masturbatory potential of political candidates and more to what they can do for their country.
The pr0n industry is already in a tailspin. If the media are filled with babes that take the place of dirty magazines and movies, that’s just further fuel on the fire.
Or are you supporting a bailout of Hustler and Girls Gone Wild?
I didn’t hear Hillary griping, and they were criticizing everything about her, from her policies to her thighs to her daughter.
Did you have to mention hillary’s thighs?
Man, she’s hot…I bet she blows some mean snow! I mean, she’s hot. Just like my grade 2 teacher…mmmm…Miss Jenny.
God bless Sarah Palin. I’ll take an honest woman with straightforward easy to understand principles that our founders can agree with over a slick speaking group of vermin who want to steal our freedom.
I realize my views aren’t popular right now and I’m fine with that. I am now waiting for Obumma and his evil followers to crash the economy completely and for the food riots to begin. After the civil war that this country needs takes place, we will be able to get back to living as free people without the shackles of an incompetent government.
I give this whole process 2 years, 3 at the most.
Good luck to all you folks out there.
#37 – Little ‘Un
>>I’ll take an honest woman with straightforward easy
>>to understand principles that our founders can agree
Me too! That’s why I’m pleased as punch that Michelle Obama is going to be the next first lady!
No sedition, no unconsitutional relgiosity, no deceit, no character assasination, and no lying about who her darned kids are!
This is going to be a great 8 years!
#37 Ivor
“we will be able to get back to living as free peoples without the shackles of an incompetent government”
Like under the Bush administration? Surely you jest. Are you old school German or just a toady? The only freedom under a neo-con government is the freedom to shut up and empty your wallet into the coffers of administration buddies.
Ive heard Bush called a lot of thing but competent is not one of them.
# 24 BdgBill said, in part:
“If John McCain dies before 2012 half the country is going to have chills running down their spine for a week.”
Kiddin’ me? I’ve had those chills the last eight years!
sara who?
The “Miserable Failure” of Bush’s soon to end Regine of Incompetence – Giving us the ***Bush Great Depression II !!! – is another example !!!
I can’t see why anyone would ever again vote for a Republican !!!
# 42 JimD said, “I can’t see why anyone would ever again vote for a Republican !!!”
Did you live through the train wreck they called the Carter presidency?
#43 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>Did you live through the train wreck they
>>called the Carter presidency?
Yep. And I’d rather have Carter as President for Life than go through another Repugnican term. Especially after having lived through the Armageddon called the Dumbya “presidency”.
#37, Even Littler One,
God bless Sarah Palin.
Would that be because no one else would?
However, if “god” is so powerful and you serve him, isn’t that a lot presumptuous demanding that “god” do something? A request should be qualified with something like a “Please, …” or a “May …”.
If memory serves me right, the train was heading down the track when Carter stepped in front of it with the rest of us.
Bush on the other hand had quite a time as the driver of the train before running our asses over. He had plenty of time to slow it down but failed to. In fact he was busy stoking the fire with Locomotive Breath Cheney et al urgin him on.
waaaaaaaaaaah liberal media waaaaaaaaah
can’t take the heat, keep your ass out the kitchen.
#47 grog, Is that all you got? You lame piece o’repuke. Go home.
# 39 Hugh Ripper
When did I say Bush was competent? When did I say I voted for him? Your reading skills need serious work.
All government is incompetent. The only way to maintain freedom is to have the least amount of incompetent government possible.
#46 Mr. Fusion said, on January 9th, 2009 at 10:42 am
>>God bless Sarah Palin.
>>Would that be because no one else would?
God fearing people would ask God to bless Sarah Palin. I even ask God to bless you. Especially you since you seem to need it much more than most folks I’ve run into here.
>>However, if “god” is so powerful and you serve him, isn’t that a lot presumptuous demanding that “god” do something? A request should be qualified with something like a “Please, …” or a “May …”.
So you are God’s “miss manners”. Haha…you’re funny, too.
God bless you, Mr. Fusion!
I lived through the Carter Presidency. It wasn’t that bad. Ronald Reagan made things so much worse that I was astounded he was re-elected.