Police Warn About New Drug Made from Raw Sewage | WSBT South Bend – Your Local News Leader | News — They are kidding, right??

A very dangerous and somewhat new drug is causing police to send a warning to local parents. Investigators say kids are getting high off a drug called Jenkem. The drug, made from fermented feces and urine, hasn’t been found in our area yet, but police think it could be here soon.

Police say Jenkem is a fad they’re hearing about from other law enforcement agencies. It starts as an attempt to get high.

“It’s basically someone taking raw sewage and letting it ferment,” explained Metro Special Operations Police Captain Robert Hammer. “Then there’s a gas that expels off of that and they inhale that gas.”

That gas causes hallucinations. Dr. Tom Sweeny works in the ER at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center. He says the typical hallucinogen gives a sense of euphoria and a heightened sense of awareness. The rush is followed by sedation.

Sounds like a crappy high to me! (*rimshot*)

  1. Suntan says:

    So, you can get high off methane?

  2. Miguel says:

    What do they say when they’re high?

    ‘Mmmmmm, gooooood shiiiit’


  3. Mark Derail says:

    As far as I know, you won’t get high on methane. Faintness, especially if inhaled through the nose.

    Well, Wikipedia seems to say it’s a hoax, based on one adult freaking out another adult that freaks out another one.


    What set off a flood of media attention began in early September when a concerned parent reported to the principal of Palmetto Ridge High School in Naples, Florida that she had heard about Jenkem from her child who was a student there.

    No usage was claimed, however the principal passed the information on to the Collier County Sheriff’s Office in Naples, and the sheriff office’s intelligence bureau issued an internal intelligence bulletin on September 26 which contained the unresearched alarmist phrase “Jenkem is now a popular drug in American Schools.”

  4. brm says:

    John, are you living under a rock? This is old news! Even my mom knows about this.

    NSFW writeup at ED:


  5. KAMV says:

    Local radio station was talking about this months ago, calling it “Butthash”.

  6. J4Y says:

    Butt Hash!!!

  7. Bob says:

    For some reason this reminds me of the south park episode where Kenny was getting high off male cat urine.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    How is this any different than sticking my head into my septic tank? Unfortunately, I’ve had to do it a few times, and “high” isn’t exactly what I feel.

  9. Joe says:

    according to snopes this is a hoax.


  10. billabong says:

    Its called batshit crazy.

  11. Special Ed says:

    Looks like bong water.

  12. KarmaBaby says:

    Butt Crack.

  13. chuck says:

    Great. Now the police can arrest anyone for possession of “drug-making materials”.

  14. brian t says:

    I’m sure I remember you and/or Adam talking about this, at least a year ago. I doubt it’s in the USA, but in Africa, who knows?

    However, I should point out that “Genkem” (with a G) is a brand name for glue and related products in South Africa, which means that neighbouring countries probably have it too. See http://www.genkem.co.za/ for details. Maybe I should put that info on Wikipedia?

  15. Improbus says:

    Legalize marijuana now! Think of the children!!!

  16. Scott says:

    According to Snopes, this stuff was mentioned on the BBC about 10 years ago. It was cr*p then and it still is!

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    Wikipedia also calls it a hoax.

    What set off a flood of media attention began in early September when a concerned parent reported to the principal of Palmetto Ridge High School in Naples, Florida that she had heard about Jenkem from her child who was a student there.

    No usage was claimed, however the principal passed the information on to the Collier County Sheriff’s Office in Naples, and the sheriff office’s intelligence bureau issued an internal intelligence bulletin on September 26 which contained the unresearched alarmist phrase “Jenkem is now a popular drug in American Schools.”

  18. sailboatfool says:

    read snopes link above

  19. bobbo says:

    I don’t know. I’ve had hallucinations and passed out while changing diapers. Obviously, there is something to it.

  20. OMG…a hoax?!?!? But how could the major media report on it as fact!?!?

    It must be true.

  21. Hugh Ripper says:

    Human feces…hallucinogenic…children…this ‘story’ has the buzzwords to give a sub-editor a hard on. Can anyone honestly see this catching on in the developed world?

  22. Gandalf says:

    Any good journalist should verify his information before publishing it. I know you are not a good journalist, so there is no point telling you that.

  23. honeymoonsover says:

    This is why Ed Norton always acted so goofy.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, ‘dro,

    STFU. You have nothing intelligent to offer so please quit annoying those that do.

  25. Izmir the Astarach says:

    The punchline of the original report was right at the end, where they police say that this new drug craze is also known as “Leroy Jenkums”.

    What a hilarious example of how ignorant law enforcement is. If you send an email to your local bumpkin police claiming anything at all, it seems like you have a chance of being believed.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #12 KarmaBaby, You Win!!! That’s funny.

  27. chris says:

    He says the typical hallucinogen gives a sense of euphoria and a heightened sense of awareness. The rush is followed by sedation.


    Sniff… I’m CRAZY, I inhaled poo gas. What is that strong smell?

    (sound of body falling)



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