Doctor Batista ponders

A Long Island surgeon embroiled in a nearly four-year divorce proceeding wants his estranged wife to return the kidney he donated to her – although he says he’ll settle for $1.5 million.

Dr. Richard Batista, a surgeon at Nassau University Medical Center, said he decided to go public with his demand for kidney compensation because he has grown frustrated with the negotiations.

Batista said he gave his kidney to Dawnell Batista, now 44, in 2001. She filed for divorce in 2005, although he claims she began having an extramarital affair 18 months to two years after receiving his kidney, his lawyer said. Her lawyer could not be reached for comment.

Maybe they should divide the kidney. What do you think?

  1. keaneo says:

    I prefer kidneys simmered in a bit of Guinness and served with roast potatoes and onions.

  2. Ron Larson says:

    Dude… there are some things that you give away that you don’t get back. Move on.

  3. JamesM says:

    My wife wants her pound of flesh, too, but she’s willing to take the cash!

  4. Marc Perkel says:

    Reminds me of a story where a guy bought a breast job for his wife and on divorce wanted his money back.

    He would have been better off suing for visitation.

  5. sargasso says:

    Sorry, I’m siding with the wife on this one. Her debt of gratitude ended when she walked out of hospital. Giving someone a kidney doesn’t make them a chattel.

  6. Dave W says:

    And they say that same sex marriage would somehow endanger or cheapen the institution? How, exactly is that possible?

  7. Breetai says:

    I agree with James. This gives a whole new spin on wanting a pound of flesh.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    A gift can not be recalled.

    But I agree, how does same sex marriage cheapen the institution again?

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Four years in divorce court says to me that neither side can be calm and rational when dealing with their spouse.

    But get real. Nobody can have an expectation of getting back a donated organ, hence the word donate.

    Maybe soon lawyers will be drawing up pre-donation agreements just like prenuptial agreements.

  10. bobbo says:

    If this were “actually” a court filed request, there should be damages assessed for wasting the courts time. Divorces that take a long time usually result from the husband trying to hide assets and the wife not wanting to settle before they are all found.

    There should be a quick divorce with modification on discovery of fraud.

    The notion that the unemployed spouse deserves half the earnings is a rationale social position to take, but it is only fair in about 10% of the cases.

    Probably the most important decision we make in life with the least preparation. Schools could do more, the State could do more. We won’t of course.

  11. Miguel says:

    Another saying from Portugal goes like this ‘He who gives and then takes away will end up in Hell’ (it rhymes in Portuguese, of course 🙂

    WTF?!?! I thought I’d seen everything when this guy wanted back a mobile phone he had offered his girlfriend, after they broke up… But a KIDNEY?!??! Jeez, is America krazy? This crisis may be the best thing to happen, maybe people will become a bit more human(e) and have a bit more common sense…

  12. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    We should legalize selling organs.

  13. Kanjy says:

    Is this just a way for him to say that he wants her dead?

  14. Special Ed says:

    I’m sure it must have been awkward for the doctor to have sex with his with after some other guy stuck his organ in her.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    I can’t wait for all the bit- *cough* women talk shows to blame the man for her cheating on him.

  16. lakelady says:

    easy to see why she’d want to divorce him. Sheesh.

  17. zeph says:

    Yeah, that whole business of saving her life at the cost of endangering his own must’ve been a real turn-off.


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