UFO enthusiasts are claiming damage to a Lincolnshire wind farm turbine was caused by a mystery aircraft.

The turbine at Conisholme lost one 66ft (20m) blade and another was badly damaged in the early hours of Sunday.

County councillor for the area Robert Palmer said he had seen a “round, white light that seemed to be hovering”. Ecotricity, which owns the site, said while investigations continued they were not ruling anything out – but the extent of damage was “unique”…

Mr Palmer said: “I actually saw a white light – a round, white light that seemed to be hovering…

The Ministry of Defence said it was not looking into the incident.

Ecotricity said it would have taken an impact with something at least as heavy as a cow to break off the blade.

Meanwhile, in an exclusive, the Guardian has solved the origin of the mysterious moving lights.

The Guardian News & Media director of digital content, Emily Bell, would like to make it clear that her family had no part in damaging any of those 65ft multimillion-pound turbine blades – but she can help explain those “massive balls of light with tentacles going right down to the ground”, as one onlooker described them to the Sun.

Those mysterious lights were actually fireworks Emily’s brother Tim had bought at the local garden centre for the 80th birthday party of dad Peter Bell. “It was a medium-sized fireworks display with absolutely no ballistics, and the fireworks were mostly dropping over my parents’ house. But we were laughing that we could have broken the wind turbine,” jested Emily.


  1. green says:


  2. Paddy-O says:

    Yeah, I saw this last night. Some very large object shredded this turbine.

  3. GigG says:

    This is easy. One blade fails. Either the one that came off or the one that is still on there but crumpled. The out of balance situation cause the second blade to fail.

  4. ChuckM says:

    Clearly one of two things has happened here:

    1.Like GigG says… Failure of one blade (probably a bad weld or balance issue), fractured over time and let go. The second blade running into it but not letting go.


    2. A Cow throwing UFO with laser beams coming from it’s eyes.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 4 GigG said, “This is easy. One blade fails. Either the one that came off or the one that is still on there but crumpled. The out of balance situation cause the second blade to fail.”

    Except, neither blade shows signs of hitting the other…

    Good guess though.

  6. Ron Larson says:

    College Frat Prank….

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    I’m assuming an alien somewhere has the missing blade displayed on its mantelpiece.

  8. Gavino says:

    It’s been an odd day here is Britain. As well as this pished up Aliens story we’ve had :-

    – Recluse Dies In Litter Labyrinth – An elderly man has been found dead inside a labyrinth of tunnels he created with litter inside his house.


    – Buried alive by 16yr pile of shopping – AN elderly shopaholic was buried alive in her home after a 16-year pile of unopened purchases collapsed on her.

    Oh what has become of this once great nation

  9. GigG says:


    I didn’t say they did.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Aliens can’t handle whiskey.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Cow-Paddy,

    Except, neither blade shows signs of hitting the other…

    Did you see the damaged blade or did your “contacts” tell you. Oh, you didn’t even read the blurb.

    Ecotricity said it would have taken an impact with something at least as heavy as a cow to break off the blade.

    If that picture is of the damaged blade, it appears that it did indeed hit something in its circular path. It was not hit by something hitting it. If something hit it, the blade would be bent backwards.

  12. newglenn says:

    Remember Occam’s razor, Guys.
    A flying cow is much more likely than a 170ft alien spacecraft playing with fireworks.

  13. BillM says:

    Hey John, was Adam Curry flying his plane again?

  14. amodedoma says:

    The fireworks if directed at the windmill, could have helped shake off that first blade which in falling damaged the second. I’ve seen some pretty nasty pyrotechnics since I’ve come to europe. These units are usually carefully monitored and maintained – they’re very expensive.

  15. Someone says:

    Perhaps it was “Apocalypse Cow”.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Or a Cow-Paddy. They are so full of shit one could easily cause that kind of damage. Of course the entire neighborhood would asking “Where were you when the shit hit the fan”?

  17. yankee77 says:

    Do people really think that UFO’s or “Aliens” would have lights on any kind of aircraft? What use would an advanced being have for visible light? I think all of this UFO BS is just that, people like to get attention. All I’ve ever seen is blurred pictures, heard shotty accounts, and no physical evidence of aliens. People need to grow up and move on.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, yank,

    People need to grow up and move on.

    Why? Think of the entertainment value. Think of all the Hollywood movies. All the cameras sold. All the SciFi Channel programs out there searching. Christ on a pogo stick, it’s an effen industry !!!

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Owwww! Aliens did it! Not more likely it was a freak lightning strike. Planes have had damage to their wings by lightning bolts, for decades. A few years ago, our neighbor’s CB radio antenna, attached to a galvanized pipe, was struck by lightning. The antenna and the pipe disappeared. We found shards of that pipe everywhere. So why not a turbine blade? And just how stupid could some aliens be, who traveled billions of miles thru space, avoided asteroids, and then banged into a slow moving propeller on earth. Look out Holland!! All your Wind Mill are belong to us.


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