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The U.S. Army is apologizing to thousands of Army families who received letters beginning “Dear John Doe” after losing a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Some 7,000 letters were sent in late December to notify families of services or gifts surviving family members can receive from nonprofit organizations that help families of fallen soldiers. The letters also had improper address information at the top of the correspondence. Instead of the receiving family’s name and home address, the letters said “Army Long Term Case Management.”
The letters were printed by a contracting company and sent by the U.S. Army Human Resources Command’s Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Center in Alexandria, Virginia. The center has issued a formal apology.
Ain’t outsourcing grand?
“Ain’t outsourcing grand?”
That’s, of course, assuming the army could have done any better.
Just more incompetent government from an incompetent leadership. It’s actually all quite routine by now.
This will all begin to improve with our new more responsible administration.
You can’t blame Democrats for this kind of mess, the Army has always been a conservative institution.
“Dear John Doe” we apologize.
#4 LOL Good one
#1, Ah Yea,
That’s, of course, assuming the army could have done any better.
As I recall, the Army did quite well when they were tasked with this job.
BTW, the Army would probably still be doing this if they didn’t have to send all the clerks to Iraq due to the need for warm bodies.
Heck of a job, Contractors. With track a record like this debacle and “our” mercenaries fighting the war in Iraq, why should anyone hesitate to outsource Social Security to the Bush Administration’s Wall Street pajama pals?
Everybody wants their asses kissed.
# 7 Mr. Fusion said, “BTW, the Army would probably still be doing this if they didn’t have to send all the clerks to Iraq due to the need for warm bodies.”
Exactly, and now that we are on the verge of pulling out some idiot wants make the same mistake in Afghanistan.
#10, Cow-Paddy,
There was a reason for us to go into Afghanistan. There wasn’t a reason to attack Iraq. Thus why so many NATO countries are also in Afghanistan and everyone else has left Iraq.
I remember a story about a condolence letter written by Abraham Lincoln. Sure, he didnt write all the letters. But at least all the letters were written by people who had business writing such letters.
At least it didn’t say ‘Dear Joe Plumber’….
# 11 Mr. Fusion said, “There was a reason for us to go into Afghanistan.”
Actually not. There was a reason to get rid of the gov’t, which was accomplished with almost no troops on the ground. Any further commitment is another Vietnam, as you can plainly see by the results.
Fools NEVER learn from history.
#15, idiot Cow-Paddy,
I seriously wonder if you are really that stupid or just troll to get a raise out of people.
You are such a fucking asshole.