Odd how conservatives who rant about America becoming socialistic have no problem signing up for government run SS. What, you didn’t plan for your retirement properly and have to depend on others? Why should I, a hard working, self sufficient person, pay for you?

The Social Security Administration, bracing for the coming eligibility of 80 million baby boomers, is introducing an online application that will allow people to apply for retirement benefits in as little as 15 minutes.

Social Security Commissioner Michael J. Astrue said in an interview the agency was completely overhauling its electronic services in recognition of the greater computer skills of future Social Security recipients and the need to more efficiently process the coming flood of applications.

“We just don’t have the infrastructure to handle that workload in the traditional fashion,” he said.

Astrue said a person who now goes to a Social Security office to apply spends about 45 minutes consulting with a field officer.

The agency says that over the next 20 years some 10,000 people a day will become eligible for retirement.
Those wanting to use the new program can go to http://socialsecurity.gov and click on “Filing Online for Retirement Benefits.”

[Suggestion: Unlike some commenters, before making an embarrassing rant that I am wrong and your lifetime of payments into SS pay for your benefits, please do some research. — UD]

  1. ECA says:

    1/3 of the USA does not ADD to the SS funds.
    They have PRIVATE securities as retirement.
    Those private securities, are worth NOTHING NOW, with all the buy outs..
    GUESS WHO gets to pay?

    80million due for retirement?? PROVE IT. SHOW me that 1/2 the population from 1950 are still alive.

    Population from 1950-2008 HASNT doubled??

    congress OWES SS 60-80 trillion dollars in BORROWING money for the general fund.

    Those in our congress and reps have GREAT WAGES..so to MANY of the BIG MUCKS, such as the head of Veterans affairs.. TIMe for a WAGE CUT from the TOP..

    Wage from Reps and congress in the 50’s was about 10 times the MIN WAGE.. MAYBE we should go BACK abit.

    Cutting OFF workers from Mexico and S. america?? WHY? BRINg them in..TAX them. Without citizien ship they DONT GET ANYTHING…

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    I’m using Vista with IE and Bobbo’s link works just fine.

    Perhaps the problem that some of you are having with the link, Vista or IE, is a very common problem that resides between the keyboard and the chair.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #96 – Little One

    >>I’m using Vista with IE and Bobbo’s
    >>link works just fine.

    The URL works just fine. The LINK does not work fine (you know, what happens when you click on the little words?)

    It does not work using Vista Firefox/ IE/ Chrome, it does not work with XP Firefox/ IE/ Chrome, and it does not work with OS X Firefox/ Safari.

    I’d say that means it doesn’t work.


  4. Someone says:

    “Bismark introducted SS”. No, actually Herr Hitler introduced the SS.

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    Mustard, the “LINK” in post #82 does work, I click on the “little words”, and I go right to the correct site.

    Bobbo says it works for him, I’ve said it works for me. Just checked it again by clicking on the “little words”.

    The proper conclusion is that problem has to be something at your end.

    You sanctimonious putz!

  6. LibertyLover says:

    94, Poison

    >>They get raided by paramilitary police and
    >>everybody goes to jail.

    Oh poo. If you really think that way, no wonder you’re so scared of the government. Your statement is similar to saying “if you don’t put a quarter in the parking meeter, a paramilitary force takes you to jail”. Pffft.

    That’s BS and you know it.

    According to 26 U.S.C. § 7202, those who knowingly fail to pay FICA or excise taxes are subject to a maximum $10,000 fine and/or no more than 5 years in jail.

    What if you decide not to show up at court? What if you decide not to pay the fine?

    This system you refer to assumes voluntary compliance and that you walk peacefully into their courtroom. If you don’t cooperate, they will send in the troops.

    I doubt if there are many middle-class people for whom the taxes they pay make the difference between $25,000/yr private schools or kindegarten in el barrio.

    I doubt it, too. However, there are plenty of private schools that charge much less. And if there was an incentive for parents to do it (like there NOT being a monopolistic state-run school), then cheaper private schools would pop up.

    >>I have a problem with the federal government
    >>putting their noses in my local district because
    >>they seem to think they know better.

    Me too. They should ensure that basic elements of education are included in the requirements for graduation.

    That’s not the fed gov’s job.That’s not the fed gov’s job.That’s not the fed gov’s job.That’s not the fed gov’s job.That’s not the fed gov’s job.That’s not the fed gov’s job.

    >>I have a question for you —

    I don’t have the answer to that question. I agree that our educational system seems to be going to heck in a handbasket. I don’t see any difference between private and public schools in that regard, and I’m not sure that financially starving public schools is going to fix that problem.

    And of course the rich districts get all the money. Them that’s got shall get, them that’s not shall lose, so the Bible says, but it still is news…

    Then why feed the beast?!?!?!?

    Continuing a program because the free market version MIGHT not work is asinine. The free market version MIGHT work and probably will as they are thriving now in spite of the looting. Why not make that system available to everyone instead of just the “rich”?

    So. How much would YOU like to pay in taxes? 0? Half of what you do now? Thirty-three and a third percent?

    I will assume you are referring to income taxes:
    I would like to pay $0. The federal gov has no business taxing CA to fund schools in upstate ME. As a business owner, I would also like to see the tax rate drop substantially — like to 0%.

    A sales tax on everything – a consumption tax – is the only fair way to raise money. Everything else is a sound bite on the evening news.

  7. Paddy-O says:

    # 89 Uncle Dave said, “#81: They are silly because based on some of the comments, there are a number of people who don’t know.”

    No, they are silly because they only “make sense” to the drug addled.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    #100 – LiLo

    >>This system you refer to assumes voluntary
    >>compliance and that you walk peacefully into
    >>their courtroom. If you don’t cooperate,
    >>they will send in the troops.

    The same goes for any law, not just taxes. I don’t see your point – is it that the armed paramilitary forces (police) should not exist?

    >>And if there was an incentive for parents to
    >>do it (like there NOT being a monopolistic
    >>state-run school), then cheaper private
    >>schools would pop up.

    So you think all schools should be private schools? No community infrastructure at all?

    >>The free market version MIGHT work and
    >>probably will as they are thriving now in
    >>spite of the looting.

    Yep, the “free market” has worked out pretty well on Wall St., in the banking industry, and in Detroit, eh? We should try it with the schools to. If we’re lucky, we’d get a nation full of FLDS “individualists”.

    >>A sales tax on everything – a consumption
    >>tax – is the only fair way to raise money.

    Well, I wouldn’t argue against that. But who’s going to collect it and spend it?

  9. Named says:




    Germany became the first nation in the world to adopt an old-age social insurance program in 1889, designed by Germany’s Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck. The idea was first put forward, at Bismarck’s behest, in 1881 by Germany’s Emperor, William the First, in a ground-breaking letter to the German Parliament. William wrote: “. . .those who are disabled from work by age and invalidity have a well-grounded claim to care from the state.”

    I hope the facts didn’t get in the way of your belief though…

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #92, Loser,

    How is it that Americans who lived hard scrabble lives 150 years ago could read, write, do math problems and quote at length from Shakespeare and the Bible, while today, in spite of “Sesame Street,” pre-school, Operation Head Start, computers and mind-numbing hours of homework, millions of youngsters entering college can do none of those things?

    To ask that question is akin to asking why if they could move people across the continent in 1850 using only oxen and wagons, they can’t do that today.

    Sesame Street and Head Start is geared to very young children. 150 years ago it would have been rare to find 6 yr/o to quote Shakespeare and the bible as well as do math problems. Many more are capable of writing though.

    As for college entrance, schools are teaching much more relevant information. A student graduating high school today know much more than a similar student 150 years ago. Most of the technical subjects taught today in basic gr. 9 were engineering courses then. What has been dropped, at the insistence of business, are the “liberal arts”, which include Shakespeare and the bible.

    Because very few children attended advanced schooling 150 years ago, most of them could not quote Shakespeare or the bible at length. Farmers did not need to know their Latin and laborers did not need to know their Greek.

    But then facts never seem to impress those so hell bent on their agenda they confuse the trees with the maples, ash, and elms.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    To all the idiots out there.

    WE are the government. This saying they don’t do what we, the people want, is bullshit. We just recently had an election and those who had not listened to WE, the people, were voted out.

    WE, the people, want Social Security. No, it is not a scam. No, your money is not being stolen. No, the money has not bee stolen by Congress. No, we are not some anarchist society where those with the biggest and most guns rules. No the government is not a business, is not run like a business, or is owned like a business.

    If the simple rules of a democratic society don’t appeal to you, you could always move to some other anarchist society such as Somalia.

  12. LibertyLover says:



    >>This system you refer to assumes voluntary
    >>compliance and that you walk peacefully into
    >>their courtroom. If you don’t cooperate,
    >>they will send in the troops.

    The same goes for any law, not just taxes. I don’t see your point – is it that the armed paramilitary forces (police) should not exist?

    The point is, is that if the government says, “give me money” and you don’t, not a fine, not for violating someone else’s rights, but simply because they want it to spread it around, they will get physical if you refuse to play by their rules. What is the difference between a “protection racket” and the government social services?

    >>And if there was an incentive for parents to
    >>do it (like there NOT being a monopolistic
    >>state-run school), then cheaper private
    >>schools would pop up.

    So you think all schools should be private schools? No community infrastructure at all?

    Not necessarily. However, if a parent wants to send their child to private school, they should not have to pay the portion of taxes demanded by the government to support the public system. And the federal gov should not be involved at all.

    Yep, the “free market” has worked out pretty well on Wall St., in the banking industry, and in Detroit, eh? We should try it with the schools to. If we’re lucky, we’d get a nation full of FLDS “individualists”.

    That is not the free market. That is government sponsored capitalism.

    Capitalism is defined as an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market. (i.e., using a Free Market to make free money via interest).

    Also: Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights.

    Note the individual rights? When you take money from people you are violating their rights.

    >>A sales tax on everything – a consumption
    >>tax – is the only fair way to raise money.

    Well, I wouldn’t argue against that. But who’s going to collect it and spend it?

    Collect: A substantially reduced IRS.
    Spend: Who spends it now? At least with the corruption, everybody is corrupted equally.

  13. LibertyLover says:

    #105, See the letter in #72.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #107 – LibLos

    >>105, See the letter in #72.

    Yeah man, I saw that letter on gunbroker.com too!


    I hope your all stocked up with rifles and canned tuna. Those are going to come in darned handy when The Government attacks!!

  15. bobbo says:

    #103–named==If you assume other people are as intelligent as yourself, why would someone post an obvious error? Surely, every obviously wrong post is either made by a party hack with blinders on, a religious nutbag with blinders on, or they are making a funny. Run this approach by Post #98 and you’ll see he made a funny about the Schutzstaffel or the Protective Service for Adolf Hitler.

    #105–Fusion. The USA has a Republican Representative form of government. We the people are at least one step removed from the Direct Democracy form of government you reference. I assume you just weren’t thinking for a moment.


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