I guess if he can be a plumber, pretty much anyone can be a journalist.

The world’s most famous plumber will travel to Israel to report on the fighting.

snielson_theplumberOn the campaign trail he’s known as “Joe the Plumber.” When he heads to the Gaza Strip, he’ll be Joe Wurzelbacher, “War Correspondent.”

“If given the opportunity to do some good however minute it may be, or could be something really good, you gotta take that chance. You have to do it,” says Joe Wurzelbacher.

Wurzelbacher will travel to Israel to report for the conservative website, pjtv.com. He intends to get the, often lost, Israeli reason for the offensive against Hamas.

“It’s tragic, I mean it really is. I don’t say that in any little way. It’s very tragic, but at the same time what are the Israeli people suppose to do,” says Wurzelbacher.
“I get to go over there and let their “Average Joes” share their story, what they think, how they feel, especially with world opinion, maybe get a real story out there,” says Wurzelbacher.

  1. bobbo says:

    #60–Ah Yea–Mozilla won’t let me connect. Backing up on the root, I can only get to the numeric address–can’t link to Disney from there either. I like gifs. Try to collect them too.

    You forced me into an early beer == Tecate–a bit weak but tolerable as a change from the others. Cheaper, especially when it goes on sale.

    I went to their brewery too. I’m afraid to say the Tecate Brewery for obvious reasons. Named will call me a racist if I say Poncho Villa’s Out House.

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    LOL! See you tommorow, after your hang-over!

    Hasta la vista!

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Just out of curiosity, is Samuel Wurzelbacher one of the Chosen People?

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #63 – Bobbolina

    >>Mozilla won’t let me connect.

    Must be more WordPress magic. Chrome connects just fine.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Mustard,

    Hmmm. I’m not sure “We will allow you to exist” is just some stupid thing.

    And so the Israelis continue to treat the Palestinians as second class citizens. See “Ah Yea” in post 32.

    #32, Ah Yea,

    As I have said before, only 2 types of people believe the Palestinians have any rights, the willingly naive or the antisemitic.

    Good comment. That sums up exactly why there is the problem today. The Israelis get all the rights and the Palestinians are dirt.

    #42, Ah Yea,

    Did you have a comment? It is stooopid to just post a link and expect people to read tombs just to get YOUR point. When you have something to say then write it down and back it up with links.

    I notice that you were so enamored with those links you had to repeat them in #50. 🙂

    #58, Mustard,

    Or maybe make Misanthropic Scottie an honorary “Friend of the Blog”

    I am always very cautious to criticize the “free”. This site comes with the unsaid caveat that if I don’t like it, I don’t have to stay or return.

    Having said that though, I feel your pain and aggravation. I am hoping Dvorak will use any donations toward purchasing new software / equipment.

    #62, Ah Yea,

    (Not to be specifically picking on you, but, …)

    To elaborate, it’s about the power of mostly Ex-European Jews having the power to not be exterminated vs. the Husseini clan’s fight to retain power, at any cost.

    I am so tired of the Israelis bringing up what happened over 60 years ago as an excuse of their atrocities today. They are not the first and I shudder to say, they weren’t the last group to be slaughtered because of their race or ethnicity. BUT, having experienced the ordeal themselves, they should be more sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians instead of the begrudged second class status given them.

  6. MikeN says:

    Well if they are their own state, why should they be treated as citizens at all?

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    Fusion, Duh, duh, duh, dumb!

    I’m sure the Israelis would be more sympathetic if the Palestinians weren’t out to KILL THEM!

    Didn’t you read ANY of the links? If you had, you would be a little closer to understanding.

  8. Named says:


    That’s rich. You talking about reading links. You are a racist. That’s it. No need to try and rationalize it. Just make sure your press Bobbos white sheets as well…

  9. #67 – Fusion

    >>This site comes with the unsaid caveat that
    >>if I don’t like it, I don’t have to stay or

    Yeah, I know. And if I were considering a lawsuit, I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

    But come one. This isn’t some 4th grade kid putting up a blog for the neighborhood kids. This is the Prodigious Prognosticator of All Things Tech, showing His Stuff on an international stage.

    I’d expect a little more than spotty connectivity and lame technical glitches like botched URLs and spurious Hi-liting of every instance of the word Dvorak.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #69, Ah Yea,

    I’m sure the Israelis would be more sympathetic if the Palestinians weren’t out to KILL THEM!

    And the Palestinians wouldn’t be so hostile if they weren’t:

    1) an occupied people,

    2) forced to pass countless Israeli “check points” to visit their relatives,

    3) forced to travel 10s of miles out of their way to get to a hospital because the Israelis decided no Palestinians could use a specific road,

    4) become so much collateral damage because the Israelis didn’t like someone that lives in the same building,

    5) see the Israelis sitting in their houses on Palestinian land, shooting at Palestinians,

    6) act generally like the same Nazis they use as an excuse to kill all the Palestinians.


    No, I did not follow your links. A link is only to back up a point of view or argument. They are not to make the argument. If you have something to say, then say it. Then use a citation as a factual reference. I don’t want to read some bigot’s personal opinion just because you (in the general sense) can’t express yourself.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, Mustard,

    This is the Prodigious Prognosticator

    True and that is a good point. I, however, was brought up to appreciate gifts.

    You have to admit though, highlighting his own name is a great way to publicize himself. Especially when someone can use it as a bar graph to illustrate the general intelligence levels of segments of society.


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