I guess if he can be a plumber, pretty much anyone can be a journalist.

The world’s most famous plumber will travel to Israel to report on the fighting.

snielson_theplumberOn the campaign trail he’s known as “Joe the Plumber.” When he heads to the Gaza Strip, he’ll be Joe Wurzelbacher, “War Correspondent.”

“If given the opportunity to do some good however minute it may be, or could be something really good, you gotta take that chance. You have to do it,” says Joe Wurzelbacher.

Wurzelbacher will travel to Israel to report for the conservative website, pjtv.com. He intends to get the, often lost, Israeli reason for the offensive against Hamas.

“It’s tragic, I mean it really is. I don’t say that in any little way. It’s very tragic, but at the same time what are the Israeli people suppose to do,” says Wurzelbacher.
“I get to go over there and let their “Average Joes” share their story, what they think, how they feel, especially with world opinion, maybe get a real story out there,” says Wurzelbacher.

  1. Named says:


    Bobbo… you are ALL over the place.

    I’m just going to focus on one aspect of it. Because it clearly shows your bias, and dare I say, your racism…

    But, as with every link you have provided on every argument, here is the Killer: “Most Israelis virtually equate the Right of Return with Israel’s destruction.”===and guess what? Israel has not given the Palestinians a “Grant to Return.”

    Yes. Let’s have ONE group of people with privilege and another without. I guess in your twisted view the Africans shipped to America were slaves because they didn’t fight hard enough. So, therefore, you should have some African slaves at home right now washing your mommys underwear. But, dammit, something called human rights got in the way, and your mommy has been walking around in filthy underwear since then.

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Read it. Its just about at your level… Ages 2-3. In fact, I bet on first blush, you’ll imagine that the Caterpillar is the strongest, bestest, most pure of God’s creatures… since he ate so many fruits and sausages… and they were powerless against his supremacy!

    You are such a fool.

    But, you know, I’m glad you’re just a harmless troll. Otherwise, you might do something really stupid. A little McVeigh stupid in fact….

  2. Ah-Yea says:

    #16 Uncle Dave. An excellent post. Explains things as they are very well.

    As I have said before, only 2 types of people believe the Palestinians have any rights, the willingly naive or the antisemitic.

    Bobbo is correct in every assertion he has put forward. The Palestinians have lost all rights to a homeland due to what they have done. (And if you don’t know what that is, be forewarned this is one of my famous traps. Myself and Bobbo do know if you are stupid enough, named, to fall into this trap then you are definitely the Willing Ignorant).

    Named, I find it comical that you post a link to the Palestinian Right to Return to support your argument when that very link outlines quite well one of the many reasons they are in such difficult circumstances. Taken with Uncle Dave’s link above, we have this:

    “The non-binding UN General Assembly Resolution 194 was passed on December 11, 1948 which recommended that the Palestinian and Jewish refugees should be permitted to return if they are willing to live in peace with their neighbors”.

    “willing to live in peace with their neighbors”, that’s from your link, named.

    “The Arab states originally rejected this resolution”. Your link again, named. REJECTED THIS RESOLUTION. PERIOD.

    “At the 2000 negotiation at Camp David between Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, for instance, the right of return was one issue on which the talks broke down. Barak was willing to accept a Palestinian state taking in the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank, plus co-sovereignty over Jerusalem, but would not accept a Palestinian right of return to Israel. Arafat for his part would not accept any settlement that did not contain at least some provisions on this issue.”

    Israel went the distance again and again to have peace but the Arabs would not, instead choosing war and suffering, Why?

    “The Palestinians need only say that they will allow Israel to exist in peace. They need only say this tiny thing, and mean it, and there is pretty much nothing they cannot have.

    Yet they will not say it. And they will not mean it. For they do not want the Jews. Again and again – again and again – the Palestinians have been offered a nation state in a divided Palestine. And again and again they have turned the offer down, for it has always been more important to drive out the Jews than to have a Palestinian state. It is difficult sometimes to avoid the feeling that Hamas and Hezbollah don’t want to kill Jews because they hate Israel. They hate Israel because they want to kill Jews.”


    After careful consideration, named, it is obvious that you are either:
    A) Too “uninformed” to talk on this subject, or
    B) Flaming antisemitic, or
    C) Both.

    I’m voting for C.

  3. Named says:


    You can’t get your English correct, nor your numbering…

    Anyhoo, I never said this.
    You post Jews have a right of return and that it works (Yes, we agree).

    I said they HAVE the right. That is all. I know that it is hard for you to take objectivity, but it is something you’ll have to learn before your mommy can get you a pet cat.

  4. Named says:


    So, I was thinking about something… and you said this:
    So, we have 7000 years of history (don’t fall for it) showing “NO right of return” works,

    Let me phrase something for you.. NO right of return works. Your words. NO RIGHT OF RETURN WORKS. Your words. So, how do you suddenly figure it works for Jews?

  5. bobbo says:

    Named==racist? What I say applies to all people everywhere over time. Not favorable to any one group except as they may find themselves currently situated. Racism==the cry of someone with no stones to throw.

    1. I guess in your twisted view the Africans shipped to America were slaves because they didn’t fight hard enough. /// Correct. A complete tautology–or add they weren’t smart enough, or they were just unlucky. Speaking of racism: No AFRICAN country other than Israel offers a RoR. Interesting huh? So, the Palestians, in ass-backward manner, are demanding a RoR that is not recognized by any Arab State either. Smooth Move Ex lax seems an appropriate summation.

    2. I don’t know how your formulation results in my owning slaves. All people everywhere should be free. Free to decide and free to suffer the consequences of their decisions. When you decide to fight a war and lose==you lose your land. Thats true for EVERYBODY==JEW, ARAB, WHITE, BLACK etc.

    I do tend to call people stupid for the ideas/lack of knowledge/incoherent logic they use, or a small acronym. It acts more as a summary of the discussion. You sure spend a lot of time in mindless ad hominem attack. Silly.

  6. Ah-Yea says:

    I can’t resist. Toying with you, named, is too much easy fun.

    So, let me give you a question, the answer to which is very easy to find.

    Why doesn’t Jordan take in the Palestinians?
    Why does Egypt have close borders with Gaza?

    Hint: The Palestinians did have a homeland in Jordan and Egypt and were driven out, and it had nothing to do with Israel or the UN. Now teach yourself.

    (This conversation reminds me of a somewhat unkind joke I would play on little children. I would give a 2 year old some double-sided sticky tape and watch as the poor kid would try to get it off his hands.)

    named, you are this 2 year old.

  7. Named says:


    As I have said before, only 2 types of people believe the Palestinians have any rights, the willingly naive or the antisemitic.

    Really? Is that it? Do you even know what a Semite is? I suppose not…

    You’re obviously a racist.

    As for your belief in all of Bobbos crap, you really don’t get it either, do you. I never said Jews don’t have a right to live there in peace. I never said they should die. I never supported Hamas.

    What you fail to understand, perhaps you are just illiterate, is that bobbo said in his post “NO right of return” works. But, it does for foreign Jews? I don’t know. Maybe his fragmented and horrible English makes sense to you, which is sad, but it seems awfully conflicting to me.

    Bobbo asked me what I suggest would work in Israel. I showed him this.

    He went off on a tangent about how snakes and scorpions and funnel spiders live with his mommiess underwear and he can’t get enough suckle time while he rails against God as he pretends to be western Atheist. I suggest you don’t encourage him, since he is just a child.

    And then you go off and call me C. Rich. But, I guess when you don’t have logic or understanding or intelligence the only recourse you have is slander. Meh. Not impressed.

  8. Named says:

    No AFRICAN country other than Israel…

    Israel is now in Africa? How about that! And you wonder why the rest of your arguments are specious?

  9. Ah-Yea says:

    Oh, Bobbo. I never congratulated you on picking what I believe to be one of the best Usernames I’ve come across.

    I know enough Spanish to get around, so I know what your Username means. After having talked and debated with you on various occasions, I know you are just the opposite.

    Your self-deprivating humor always gives me a chuckle!

  10. Named says:



    Why doesn’t Jordan take in the Palestinians? Because most of the Arab countries are treating the Palestinians as pawns in a regional struggle. But that doesn’t make the Palestinians any less human and deserving of their land. The British partitioned the Mandate for two states… Israel and Palestine in 1917. You might not get that. Begin and his gang bombed the British out of the country and then started expanding. Pretty standard fare in fact. Unfortunately, they got a bit of a head start with the whole partition thing though… There was once this one guy, Einstein was his name I think. He signed some letter about the regional politics, and particularly about Begin… the letter is here.
    Here’s a choice quote…
    In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin’s efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.

    Why does Egypt have close borders with Gaza?
    Because Israel and Egypt agreed to a US brokered ceasefire which ensure that both nations received a yearly stipend from the US. And Egypt is NOT going to let that money go. Oh, and they are using the Palestinians as a pawn in a regional power struggle… possibly.

    So, Socrates, did I pass the sticky tape test?

  11. bobbo says:

    #38–named. You got me there. See?==When you are right, I agree. Egypt is in Africa but indeed that is just the nose of the camel–the hump lies in Asia–or the Middle East if you prefer.

    Post anything else that I can agree with, I beg you.

    I also want to apologize for using analogies to demonstrate the logic (sic) of your position. I’ve tried addressing it directly, by analogy, and pointing out your own proof speaks against your position. Nothing seems to work.

    You know what this means??????


    But when its over, I want the RoR==if I lose. If I win, you don’t get it.

    The way of the world.

  12. Named says:


    WAR? What the hell are you talking about? This is a BLOG on the INTERNET. Pathetic.

    Oh, and you didn’t agree with anything. Your idiocy caught you in a non-negotiable way. I’m sure you thought for a few minutes about how you could frame the region as “African” but gave up on it once you looked at the UEFA tournament and saw that Israel plays in Europe. Then you got all screwed up and said “Shit! I have NO CLUE WHATS GOING ON!” So you cut your losses and said some crap about going to WAR!!!!!!!!!!! on the Internet.

    Weird stuff. Truly weird.

    After that last outbreak, I’m going to do a little bobboesque move…
    BBIMCV = Bobbo is McVeigh.

  13. bobbo says:

    #9–Ah Yea, thanks. My French is better than my Italian. I thought Bobbo meant “Prince of Aristotelian Logic” but Mustard tells me I can’t punctuate, and now named is telling me I don’t have a clue. I visited the Guinness Brewery in Ireland and bought one of their pseudonymous black sweaters. It wasn’t until a few months later my wife told me it didn’t say “Genius.” Some days, getting the peanut gallery to laugh, just doesn’t seem worthwhile.

    #40–named–is that the same Menachem Begin who signed the peace treaty with Sadat because Egypt declared Israel had a right to exist?

    It was?????

    And then who killed Sadat?

    It was?????

    Lots of people are assholes in their youth. Some do it the other way around. Whats your point?

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    #39 – Ah-Yea

    >>I know enough Spanish to get around

    Not to get around in Bobbo-town, you don’t. There’s no such Spanish word as “Bobbo”. In fact, I can’t even think of a Spanish word that has two of the same consonants together, other than words like “llamón” or “lloriquear”, but “ll” is more like its own letter.

    Although both of THOSE words might apply to Bobbo, you’re giving him way too many irony credits in his name selection. In the irony department, si Bobbo quisiera decir “Bobo”, es estúpido de verdad.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    #43 – Bobo/ Bobbo

    >> I visited the Guinness Brewery in Ireland

    Then you should know it’s called the St. James’s Gate Brewery. They just make Guinness there.

  16. bobbo says:

    I took the nick from the Peter Sellers movie of the same name:


    but added a corruption of my own real nickname for the added zest. All art is personal.

  17. Named says:


    Yep. The same Begin who was a terrorist that became a statesmen. Funny that.

    As for Sadat, I guess the next Israeli that looks for peace might expect a little Yitzhak Rabin treatment…

  18. bobbo says:

    #45–Mustard==excellent. I don’t remember that at all. I said I wasn’t a genius–at least by implication. Sharp memory there mustard. Admirable.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    I wish him the best of luck — he’ll need it. And who knows, he may just stumble onto something worth watching or writing about — though I doubt his new employers will want to air/publish it if so…

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #48 – Bobbo

    >>I don’t remember that at all.

    Check it out:


    You’ll find it in the Wiki, you’ll find it in the Wiki, you’ll find it in the Wiki so you’ll know .. it’s … true.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    #50 – Mustard


    Even without the “www”, this blog software STILL fucks up the URL. This “upgrade” must be like the XP->Vista transition. Take something tha works, and break it.

  22. bobbo says:

    #52–Mustard, that doesn’t help at all. I found some info here:


    and then googled Guinness and got the same at wiki and elsewhere. Not expressly clear to me if St James Gateway is the name of the owner, or the location of one of the Guinness Breweries or “if it is both.”

    Whatever, you might be technically correct (as you specialize in) but miss the popular usage totally (as you tend to do).

    In any case, it makes me thirsty, and all I have is Heineken, Sierra Nevada (local brew pub beer), and some mexican beer in a can.

    I have to say, even in Ireland, I enjoyed Guinness mixed with an ale. I like the more complex mix without the heavier coating the pure Guinness gives. Lucky, the local brew pub has a Guinness knock off and 10 other brews to mix with it.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #51 – Uncle Patso

    >>though I doubt his new employers will want
    >>to air/publish it if so…

    Hoo boy. Ain’t THAT the truth. Calling pjtv.com (aka “pajamas TV”) a “conservative web site” is like calling Bush a brainiac. In addition to the heavy-duty pimping they do of “Joe” the “Plumber”, they have their very own page on “Media Bias”, describing the left-wing commie pinko fags of the MSM.

    Overview of Media Bias

    The Pajamas TV Media Bias show will focus on exposing both bias and deception by the typically liberal Main Stream Media as well as bias and deception by groups exploiting the media.

    If I didn’t know better, I’d think this must be one a them thar Onion things.

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    53 Mister Mustard.

    Oh, man that’s exactly right!

    I was just thinking that for a blog run by “tech guys”, it sure sucks!

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #54 – Bobbo

    >>Mustard, that doesn’t help at all.

    You have to cut and paste the URL; the blog software fucked up the link. It de-links the last part of the URL, and just brings you to a general wiki entry for St. James.

    What it says at the real link is:

    St. James’s Gate Brewery is a brewery in Dublin Ireland, the home of Guinness.

    Leased for 9,000 years in 1759 by Arthur Guinness at £45 per year, St. James’s Gate has been the home of Guinness ever since. It became the largest brewery in Ireland in 1838, and was the largest in the world in 1914. Although no longer the largest brewery in the world, it is still the largest brewer of stout in the world. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, the brewery owned most of the buildings in the surrounding area, including many streets of housing for brewery employees, and offices associated with the brewery. The brewery also made all of its own power using its own power plant.

    There is an attached exhibition on the 250-year-old history of Guinness, called the Guinness Storehouse.

    In other words, they brew Guiness at the St. James’s Gate Brewery.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #56 – Ah-Yea

    Lame, huh?

    Maybe with the PayPal donations, they can fix the software or hire a programmer or something. Or maybe make Misanthropic Scottie an honorary “Friend of the Blog” for the secret of how HIS blog


    works. I don’t see this kind of shit happening there, and he seems to use WordPress.

  27. bobbo says:

    #50–Ah Yea—I read them quickly. Other than Jordan voting 100% that Jews were not admired (you know what 100% anything is, right?) I came away thinking that all aspects of “the history” is contested.

    Further, if Israel did mystically disappear overnight, the arab tribes would be fighting with each other overnight if not against Iran, or with Iran too. Those tribes are at least a camel short of a full herd!

    Can we all agree land is held as a function of power and moral/legal/historical/cultural/biblical claims have nothing to do with it besides providing some “call to arms” for those inspired by such things?

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    Hey Bobbo, I wouldn’t drink
    that mexican beer!

  29. Ah_Yea says:

    Yes, I agree. It’s about power.

  30. Ah_Yea says:

    To elaborate, it’s about the power of mostly Ex-European Jews having the power to not be exterminated vs. the Husseini clan’s fight to retain power, at any cost.

    This is the primary basis of the entire Middle-East conflict, which becomes obvious when one looks into it.


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