I guess if he can be a plumber, pretty much anyone can be a journalist.

The world’s most famous plumber will travel to Israel to report on the fighting.

snielson_theplumberOn the campaign trail he’s known as “Joe the Plumber.” When he heads to the Gaza Strip, he’ll be Joe Wurzelbacher, “War Correspondent.”

“If given the opportunity to do some good however minute it may be, or could be something really good, you gotta take that chance. You have to do it,” says Joe Wurzelbacher.

Wurzelbacher will travel to Israel to report for the conservative website, pjtv.com. He intends to get the, often lost, Israeli reason for the offensive against Hamas.

“It’s tragic, I mean it really is. I don’t say that in any little way. It’s very tragic, but at the same time what are the Israeli people suppose to do,” says Wurzelbacher.
“I get to go over there and let their “Average Joes” share their story, what they think, how they feel, especially with world opinion, maybe get a real story out there,” says Wurzelbacher.

  1. jmsiowa says:

    “I guess if he can be a plumber, pretty much anyone can be a journalist.”

    True…. Also,
    “If anybody can post to a blog, pretty much anyone can be a journalist.”

    I post, therefore, I am.

  2. skunky says:

    the guy’s name isn’t Joe, it’s Samuel.

    And he’s not a plumber either.

    and right-wing blogs wonder why no one takes them seriously


  3. bobbo says:

    I think the “average Palestinian” will slit his throat–absent security that is.

  4. sargasso says:

    A plumber visits a toilet, and becomes a journalist?

  5. Dallas says:

    Is he also dropping out as Palin’s running mate?

    Where will the GOP get their mojo for the 2023 elections?

  6. Malcolm says:

    [violation of posting guidelines]

  7. bobbo says:


    #5–Dallas==you ask: “Where will the GOP get their mojo for the 2023 elections?” /// Probably from a reaction to the nutball fanatical far left who will be upset Obama doesn’t jerk the country as far left as BushtheRetard did off center to the right.

    Politics is overly influenced by the minority fringes on both ends. It is “conflict.” It is newsworthy. It is a corruption–especially when they get hold of an entire party as they did in 2000 and 2004.

  8. Named says:


    Wow. That was the most nonsensical comment I’ve read in a long long time.

    Your 7 was much better. Especially this “Politics is overly influenced by the minority fringes on both ends. It is “conflict.” It is newsworthy. It is a corruption–especially when they get hold of an entire party as they did in 2000 and 2004.”

    Unfortunately, the really describes only the US elections.

  9. bobbo says:

    #8–NT-Jlap==I think the election of Hamas was even worse than our own Repuglican example now ending. Hamas is all terrorists, Repuglicans are just mostly stupid self centered cretins although the difference may be too small to interest a debate.

    So, you think “the average” Palestinian given a chance would not slit the throat of an pro Israeli has the right to bomb Gaza person huh? Tell me again how Hamas won the election?

  10. Dallas says:

    #7 Agree, but I believe the democratic party is much more in tune with ‘the center’ than ever.

    The radical right has imposed social issues as the GOP party platform for years and they are unlikely to yield anytime soon.

    They will continue to pull the GOP in the direction of abortion, gay marriage and social issues that are either obsolete, a losing proposition or a don’t care to the majority of Americans.

    The only way for the GOP to regain strength is with a clown, a pussy and a hoop. Joe the plumber was the clown.

  11. ForTheRecord says:

    If Sean Penn can be a reporter in Iran, what’s wrong with Joe the Plumber in Israel?

  12. bobbo says:

    #10–Dallas==I’m down with you. So, Lieberman is the pussy, and I think it was O’Neal who just bought a house in Georgia right–is he the hoop or is there a Native American dancing hard right now===oh, ok, Tindale (sp?) That is quite a line up.

    But seriously folks, it is a Shakespearean tragedy for any honest person to be a Repuglican these days. Imagine having to satisfy the religious right minority in order to get the nomination. Holy Conundrum. Which would be better–confront them as McCain did in 2000, or kowtow to them as McCain did in 2008?

  13. Named says:


    What, are you drunk? Can you retype your message with proper semantics and language rules?

    Just re-read it and then fix it up. God, dealing with teenagers is just not worth it. Don’t worry. I won’t tell your mommy you’ve found her vermouth.

  14. bobbo says:

    #13–JKNT-Jlap==so, what is your solution to Gaza? One that could actually work as opposed to suggesting Israel should cease to exist as a measure of their good will?

    Mine is==enforce the wall barrier and embargo and return 10 mortar shells for every one sent over. Offer a two state solution when Palestine agrees Israel may exist.


  15. #11 – FTR

    >>If Sean Penn can be a reporter in Iran,
    >>what’s wrong with Joe the Plumber in Israel?

    Sean Penn is an OK actor. “Joe” the “Plumber” is a useless douche bag, an admitted liar/ tax cheat, and a political stooge for the Radical Right.

    Nobody gives a fuck what “Joe” the “Plumber” has to say about anything.

    Besides, Sean Penn was never a “reporter in Iran”. He took out an ad in the newspaper asking Dumbya to “end the cycle of violence” in the Middle East, and later on he visited Tehran for a few days. No “reporting” involved.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: “Offer a two state solution when Palestine agrees Israel may exist.”

    Yeah, like that will ever happen.

  17. bobbo says:

    #16–Uncle Dave==good link. Thanks. I wasn’t aware of the Dreyfus connection. I also think Palestine has to do more than “say” Israel can exist.

    I disagree that Israel has been too defensive==in fact, they have failed to take enough blood from their enemies==leaving them to think they are winning or still have a chance.

    No, I think disproportionate response (aka, the Powell Doctrine) is what is needed here. This will lead to an interim solution of two states. This will last a short while then the Palestinian government while declaring Israels right to exist will sponsor covert terrorism against Israel. This will lead to Palestine and its people being wiped from the earth. The other outcome would be for Israel to cease to exist. Which is more likely?

    More convinced than ever that Israel will take out Iran. Better an impossible Mess than Iran with nukes.

    All brought to us by Religion. Thanks god.

  18. Named says:


    Two state solution? Right here.

  19. bobbo says:

    #18–JKNT-Jlap==so your solution is one that has been rejected without exception throughout history huh?

    Right of Return? A right to leave a country and turn around to fight and kill the legal (yea, I know) co-occupiers for the purpose of wiping them off the face of the earth and when you lose, you get to go back as if none of that had ever happened?

    Just Keep Not Thinking-Just lie a palestinian.

    Dream On. No–I said “a solution that would work.”

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Uncle Dave,

    From your link.

    The poverty and the death and the despair among the Palestinians in Gaza moves me to tears. How can it not? Who can see pictures of children in a war zone or a slum street and not be angry and bewildered and driven to protest? And what is so appalling is that it is so unnecessary. For there can be peace and prosperity at the smallest of prices. The Palestinians need only say that they will allow Israel to exist in peace. They need only say this tiny thing, and mean it, and there is pretty much nothing they cannot have.

    So while they continue to be pummeled by the bully, it is their fault just because they won’t say some stupid thing. While Israel continues to harass, kill with impunity, deny basic rights, imprison without cause, beat Palestinians without reason, and continually destroy the Palestinian infrastructure it is the Palestinian’s fault simply because they won’t bow down to the bully?

    That not only sums it up, it is pretty sick.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t give a shit what Joe the Plumber does or where he goes. He’s an asshole and only fellow assholes will be reading what he writes anyway.

  22. Named says:


    What the hell is wrong with you? You asked a question. I gave you an answer. I didn’t comment on your puerile and ridiculous “solution”. You can’t even think logically. All you look for is a fight. Even this “Just Keep Not Thinking-Just lie a palestinian”. It’s not even proper English or intelligible!

    Bobbo… you are illogical, childish and angry. You’re probably angry because everyone in high-school keeps beating you up cause your mommy doesn’t buy you clothes that fit and you wouldn’t even know what to do with a pocket full of cash to buy your own clothes. So, as you pick yourself off the playground, again and again, you vow you will get even with everyone you hate on the Internet! It’s the only place where you can safely talk shit and then put your hand down your pants as you surf for mommy porn.

    One thing I do know… since you’ve been a Christian all your life, changing into a “Western Atheist” was the scariest thing you did… Sure, you still go to church with your mommy, but you swear to God that you don’t believe in him. Really swear! Cross your heart swear. Keep at it though. Maybe God will give you the strength to succeed.

    And, as to my solution. Gush Shalom has done one billion things more for Israel and Palestine than you have done for your mommy at home. They live there. The fight there. They KNOW what the solution is.

    You just know what you talk… shit.

  23. bobbo says:

    #20–Fusion==only because it is related to JKNT-Jlap==is that your understanding of “all that Palestine has to “say”–or what it actually has to “do?” Big difference. Say is nonsense, do is not likely.

    #21–JKNT-Jlap==again==I expressly said a solution that “could actually work as opposed to suggesting Israel should cease to exist as a measure of their good will.” Your solution is NONSENSE directly violating the stated condition.

    I’ll wait while you pony up any single example of “right to return.”

    I’ll wait, but I won’t hold my breath.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    #20 – Mr. Fusion

    >>it is their fault just because they won’t
    >>say some stupid thing.

    Hmmm. I’m not sure “We will allow you to exist” is just some stupid thing.

  25. Named says:


    Has the two-state solution that Gush Shalom proposed been implemented at any time in history? No. Therefore, you don’t know what COULD work. You only know what YOU personally think COULD work. Judging by your overall lack of understanding and basic idiocy, you don’t know a lot. And if you believe your own moronic “solution” would work, you are even stupider than I fear.

    Again. You have 0 practical understanding of the conflict there. What you DO know is that you watch a lot of TV and sometimes you get relevant information… mostly from me. But, you don’t like relevant information from me because you are an idiot.

    So, tell your mommy you’re going to be up late learning about comprehension and synthesis. It’s going to be a VERY long night for you.

  26. ForTheRecord says:


    “Actor Sean Penn, covering the presidential election in Iran as a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, had his camera confiscated briefly Sunday.

    Several hundred women had participated in a sit-in outside the entrance to Tehran University, demanding rights they lost following the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

    Chants and taunts grew louder and police surrounded the demonstrators and pushed people who were trying to join the group. In addition, authorities cut off cell phone service in the area and challenged reporters observing the protest.

    Authorities briefly seized the video camera of Penn, reported Editor & Publisher.

    Meanwhile, Iran saw one of its most violent days in more than a decade, with five bombs killing at least nine and wounding dozens in the center of Tehran.

    Copyright 2005 by United Press International.”

  27. MikeN says:

    Does he have a license?

  28. bobbo says:

    #25–named. You admit “right of return” has never been tried. Congrats, I didn’t think it was in you.

    So, we have 7000 years of history (don’t fall for it) showing “NO right of return” works, as it does, and you suggest to give it a try because I don’t know it couldn’t work?? For the fourth time, you make a big point out of something that cuts against or flatly contradicts your own position.

    Lets put this to a scientific test: Lets both go out and get 15 rattlesnakes, 13 scorpions, 4 millipededs, and 16 funnel spiders. I will put my new fellow occupants into cages. You let them loose to roam as they will.

    Check back in a few years and let me know how it works out. You know it definately “could” work out.

    How come you aren’t stupid when its your own interest at stake???????

  29. Named says:


    You’re idiocy has failed you again.
    Quoting some fool here…
    “So, we have 7000 years of history (don’t fall for it) showing “NO right of return” works”
    You know a Jew has “right of return” don’t you? No, I suppose you don’t.
    Well, since, in your infinite wisdom, know that it doesn’t work, and for 7000 years (I didn’t fall for it) hasn’t worked, you should be at the front lines in Israel, and any country for that matter, demanding the expulsion of any migrant people from, say, Europe or America, to leave the Middle East, or any country, immediately.

    Now… as I said before. Comprehension and synthesis. Tell mommy you’re busy. Hell, go to the library and take out books some books. I suggest, at your intellectual level to start with The Very Hungry Caterpillar. When you’re done with that, and, this is very important, UNDERSTAND IT, let me know. I’ll recommend the next book for you.

    As for your “scientific” test… “Lets put this to a scientific test: Lets both go out and get 15 rattlesnakes, 13 scorpions, 4 millipededs, and 16 funnel spiders. I will put my new fellow occupants into cages. You let them loose to roam as they will.” I’ll top you on that. Let’s put some HUMAN BEINGS in a country, and give ALL OF THEM the chance to BE human beings, with opportunity and peace and FREEDOM, and we’ll check back in a couple of generations. What do you think will happen? I’ll tell you what one of the anomalies will be… Another bobbo will be born. Don’t blame the intelligent ones. Sometimes a defect shows up and survives.

    You keep working with your cynical insects. Which of the insects or arachnids are you? I’m guessing…. meal worm. You’re pure fodder.

    I can sense your blood pressure building. It’s hard to fight intelligence. Now, go and snuggle up to mommy. Maybe even ask her to suckle at her teat for comfort.

  30. bobbo says:

    #20–named==the Fifth Time you have argued against what you YOURSELF LINK TO as proof of your position. Do you know what “supportive evidence” is? It means it is CONSISTENT with what you want to achieve–not AGAINST IT.

    You post Jews have a right of return and that it works (Yes, we agree). Your wiki Link shows other countries that have decided to give a Right of Return (RoR) to “their people” who are now in foreign lands. Note: The Country in Question decides who gets to return==not any group outside the country. Logically, this really should be called a “Grant of Return” rather than a Right so that certain good folks don’t get confused.

    But, as with every link you have provided on every argument, here is the Killer: “Most Israelis virtually equate the Right of Return with Israel’s destruction.”===and guess what? Israel has not given the Palestinians a “Grant to Return.”

    I don’t follow your point that I should be on the front lines arguing for expulsion for anyone else. I am for Nation States having secure borders and that illegal immigrants should be removed from the USA==pretty close to what you are saying. The Russians, the Spanish, t he Vikings, the French, the English have NO RoR to my Homeland. My ancestors conquered it fair and square. If the indians wanted to keep it, they should have fought harder. Same with the Palestinians–the same as it is for EVERYONE else.

    As to the scientific experiment, I tried to make it easy on you. Bugs can’t talk. Humans do. Palestinians say they want to kill all the Jews and wipe them from the face of the earth. Why would I invite them into my house? At least with a poisonous bug, you have a chance.

    There is no opportunity for peace with a muslim fanatic who wants to kill you. Silly on your part. The “Big Lie” does not get a hearing in Israel. Do you believe, or not like many Palestinians, that there was a holocaust? You see, Israeli’s have been lied to before by the likes of Hamas.

    Heres an interim move of good faith: Let the surrounding Arab countries allow the Christian and Jewish faiths to be followed as the Muslim faith is allowed in Israel and the West. How about that before the poisonous lying insects are invited into the house?

    Insects aren’t cynical. Thinking anyone is dumb/naive enough to set them loose in a house is pretty cynical though.

    JKHT-Jlap. A treasure trove of faulty logic, contradicting links, and Freudian Desperation.


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