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Lets assume that politicians that have served through a number of election cycles are “qualified” and that one time elected or just appointed politicians are not qualified by whatever basket of qualities previously denoted.
Who has done more harm to the USA? Who therefore is better to elect?
A few years later, and few pounds more, I dare Al to wear the same outfit for a day at work in the Senate…
I still want ‘tempt to reveal to us the source of his claim that a “Franken precinct” in Minnesota logged 9,724 votes when there were only 9578 registered voters.
That Franken performance was worth more than everything Normie Coleman did for Minnesota in his entire time in office. And he’d never sing “Under My Thumb”, in any case. He prides himself on banging cocktail waitresses two at a time in spite of his wife Lingerie Laurie’s disapproving looks. He’s not under ANYONE’S thumb, and the cocktail waitress thing deflects allegations that he’s a closet poof.
Orange and white outfit with a microphone stand in hand…
Freddie Mercury?
Has this man ever made anyone laugh? ever?
#5 – Jeebers
>>Has this man ever made anyone laugh? ever?
Sure. When he won the election over LapDog Coleman, everyone in Minnesota with an IQ over 75 LOL’d with glee that finally they would have somebody as a senator whose lips weren’t planted to Dumbya’s ass.
Gaiety and joy was abounding. Can you blame them?
Two words: deuche bag.
Good rendition.
Franken will be one of the more intelligent people in a chamber with quite a few smart people. The people of Minnesota should be proud to have elected him and all Americans will benefit from his intellect.
Sorry to all those who can’t accept that the Bush Winter is over and a new age is dawning.
#5 >>Has this man ever made anyone laugh? ever?
He sure has! I laughed all the way through “Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot”… didn’t you??
#8 – DJ
>>I laughed all the way through “Rush Limbaugh
>>is a Big Fat Idiot”
“Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right” was very good too. Come to think of it, all the books by Franken were pretty good.
On the other hand, try reading a book, any book, by Ann “Two Dollar Whore” Coulter. I dare you. I double-dog dare you. It’s worse than listening to fingernails on a chalkboard. Three hundred pages’ worth of chalk. I tried, but God bless my mortal soul, I just coudldn’t finish.
So if we were to see an Obama – McCain rematch in 2012, you would go with McCain?
#10 – GL
>>So if we were to see an Obama – McCain
>>rematch in 2012, you would go with McCain?
Don’t take Bobo too seriously. He’s just stomping his foot like a petulant child, because he doesn’t like who’s in there now.
Who does?
But if Obama turns out to be the great president we think he will be, Bobo will be the first one on K Street lobbying to abolish term limits to keep him in there until he’s older than George Burns.
#10–GL==what not “incumbent” about McCains 26 years in the Senate?
The details===vote all incumbents out of office “unless” they have truly impressed you as working for the people. I assume it would take 3-4 election cycles. I am very impressed with Obama so far, still would be a 50/50 proposition for him to make it past a dem challenger by my way of “vote them out” way of thinking. ((Not that Obama would ever have a nomination challenger mind you.””
But, your other issue is much like stupid Palestinians voting for “we want to blow you up” Hamas. Why would anyone sane vote for a party that promises their government won’t work? I know, you are barred from answering that question==but I’ll give you a waiver from the restriction.
Minnesota, home of Garrison Keillor, out there, on the edge of the prairie.
I’m in Minneapolis right now. It’s currently the land of the ice and snow and 6 degrees F. That’s not as cold as last winter, which got down to 15-20 below at one point.
Having seen and talked to him briefly at a caucus last year, Al is no longer a skinny guy (but then neither am I). He does still seem to have his sense of humor though.
#14 – Floyd
>>It’s currently the land of the ice and snow
>>and 6 degrees F.
If it’s too cold for ya, why not head on over to Nye’s (the polka band side, not the Polonaise Room side with Sweet Lou Snyder tickling the ivories) and hoist a few hot buttered rums with your fellow Minneapolitans toasting the victory of your new Senator? I there’s some gal playing there on Wednesday nights now, and she looks a lot cuter than Ruth Adams. w00t!
There’s something to celebrate in Minnesota right now!
OMG! Marilyn McCoo? Solid Gold? Deja vu!
That was in interesting stunt, but I liked Franken’s “Me decade” bit better…
Hopefully he’ll be a better senator than an impersonator!
Actually, I’m pretty optimistic about Al Franken as a senator. I listened to his radio show A LOT and was impressed with how smart and fair-minded he was.
If he can perform in the senate as well as he performs his Mic impersonation I think we’ll have a winner.
“I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!” – Daily Affirmations With Stuart Smalley.
Congratulations Al.
Can I have my 3 minutes and ten seconds back. I may need it later to file for SS online.
So Al Franken wasn’t always an ossified, cynical fart? See, YouTube teaches us things.
If Obama doesn’t work miracles, and it’s likely he won’t then vote him out. The country is ossified and stagnant, 90% of the legislature is brain dead and/or puppets for large corporations or oligarchies, the seniority system guarantees ideas are automatically suspect, the campaign finance system ensures that money runs the Congress. Franken as a junior senator from a small state will be entertaining but I’ve been voting for a long time and Congresspeeps from this district have been uniformly and completely corrupted by their tenure inside the beltway. The system is broken. The inevitable decline of the USA is locked in. Just sit back and enjoy the ride downhill. Or, sputter and spew misspelled epithets on some blog (subscription ones are much less active).
On the other hand, try reading a book, any book, by Ann “Two Dollar Whore” Coulter. I dare you. I double-dog dare you
Due to lack of demand, they put it on sale. She is now a “buck fifty whore”.
#24 Mr Fusion (and MM)
I’d still do her. I’m hard of hearing in my left ear and turning my head to the right serves a dual purpose at that point.
#23 – Cyn Nick
>> Congresspeeps from this district have been
>>uniformly and completely corrupted by their
>>tenure inside the beltway.
How so? I don’t recall Eugene McCarthy or Hubert (or Muriel) Humphrey or Mark Dayton or Amy Klobuchar having been corrupted by their tenure in the Senate. Or Keith Ellison, Martin Sabo, or Betty McCollum being corrupted by their tenure in the House.
Sure, Michelle Bachmann Turner Overdrive and Normie Coleman are corrupt, but that happened long before they got to the Beltway.