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Gak! He said “you know”!! Talking about peach cobbler! The unqualified buffoon!
I demand impeachment!!
Peach cobbler – im-peach-ment. That’s funny!
Good find. Obama is SO impressive as a speaker and such a joy to listen to.
Imagine after 8 years of a buffoon, to now have a president that completes a sentence and knows what he’s talking about. A role model for the young.
Wow, what a shocker to the system.
Dallas, Knute Gingrich is a great speaker, too. Also very intelligent. I’m guessing you woukd just as soon not see him as president.
#4 – BillM
>>Knute Gingrich is a great speaker, too.
Gingrich’s name is spelled “Newt”. You know, like the semi-aquatic salamander? Perhaps you were thinking of George “The Gipper” Gipp, from the film “Knute Rockne”, All American”, although that’s generally associated with Ronald Reagan.
Gingrich would be no good. People kind of soured on him when it was revealed he was fucking some other woman while his wife was having cancer surgery. And those 84 ethics charges against him in the House didn’t do him any good, nor did the perjury he committed in trying to cover up his ethical blunders, or the allegations tax fraud perpetrated during the teaching of his “Renewing American Civilization” courses.
Nope. I’d say Newt doesn’t have the remotest shot at the Oval Office.
As for being a “great speaker”, maybe him talk real good, but as Speaker of the House, he sucked donkey dick.
Maybe someday they’ll look into his history at Columbia or as a member of the New Party, or his work with William Ayers on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge…
You know, Knute didn’t look right to me but it’s getting late and I didn’t feel like looking it up. I stand corrected.
So, I didn’t know the Libs cared about the sex BS. I mean we had 8 years of it with your hero WJC. And the rest….charges, allegations, rumors…..Wow, if those were important, 70% of the pols on both sides would have to pack and leave.
Everybody is so excited that BO is such a great speaker. Seems like there should be more qualifications for POTUS than giving a kick-ass speech and being african-american.
#6 – Lyin’ Mike
>>Maybe some day they’ll look into..blah blah
Lyin’ Mike, Obama has had a microscope up his ass for the past two years. Every time he farts, somebody analyzes it.
Yet he emerged from the fray unscathed, and was the majority choice of United States voters as the next president of the United States (only TWELVE DAYS LEFT!).
If Obama had any skeletons in his closet worth finding, they would have been found long, long, LONG ago, and some other Democrat would be bustin a move on into the Oval Office.
The only people (besides the wingnuts) who aren’t happy about this are the late night talk show guys. After 8 years of free material, what are they going to do without a laughable nincompoop in the White House?
#7 – Bill M
>>So, I didn’t know the Libs cared about the
>>sex BS. I mean we had 8 years of it with
>>your hero WJC.
Hey hey hey! I never said he was “my hero”. He was a pretty darned good president. Given the nation’s past 20 years, I’d say he was the best in modern history. Perhaps Obama can go on to even greater success.
And it’s one thing to be sticking Cuban cigars in some little fat girl’s punani while your wife is out grinding up other peoples’ balls.
It’s quite another for a FAMILY VALUES politician to be slipping it to some trophy-wife applicant girlfriend while his real wife is fighting for her life against the ravages of cancer. And then while he’s married to Wife #2, to be banging the next Mrs. Newt Gingrich.
The libs are willing to forgive a little indiscretion, but come on, man. There are limits. And Newt crossed them all.
And the libs don’t go around puffing out their faux FAMILY VALUES chests, while philandering, wide-stancing it in the boys’ room, running on meth and man ass, and all that other stuff the FAMILY VALUES guys like so to do on the DL.
Obama has had a microscope up his ass for the past two years.
I can’t agree with that. The investigative press, whats left of it, was so busy enjoying the “tingle in their leg” that he never really got a hard look. Anyone that did was labled “wingnut” or “racist”.
I do hope that he is as good as you guys think. I’m somewhat encouraged by the fact that he has already pissed off Reid, Pelosi and Feinstein.
#7 – BillM
>> Seems like there should be more
>>qualifications for POTUS than giving a kick-
>>ass speech and being african-american.
Oh, there are. Many, many qualifications. And Obama has them all in spades {ahem}. It’s just that many of the GOPers like to focus on the trivial, and Obama kicked their asses there too.
>>he never really got a hard look. Anyone that
>>did was labled “wingnut” or “racist”.
Granted, the people who did the hardest looking were the wingnuts and the racists. But still, if they had found anything credible, you can rest assured that the drive-by MSM would have picked up on it. Or at least we would have heard about it from the wingnuts and the racists.
So far, all they were able to come up with was that he had a cup of coffee with some 60’s radical-turned-college-professor. Although I understand that many McCain supporters still think he’s a Muslim and an Aye-rab.
#10==BillM==the press climbed all over Obama, and being he is relatively new to the scene, indeed there was not a long history of fraudulent dealings, kickbacks, marital affairs, and bathroom rendeveous==so they had nothing but guilt by association with Rev Wright and Ayers, and Rezco==all reviewed, nothing there.
Its not just that Obama thinks in sentences and holds to his own ideals, its also what he says in those complete sentences. We “might” get an energy policy out of Obama. It might be Green. Oil Man Bush Regpuglicans did nothing but lie and line their own pockets.
And yes, almost dreamy how he is making the Dem Leadership irrelevant. They so deserve it.
BTW–I saw Repuglican Beinert on the phone with Bush discussing some bailout and he said to Bush: “You’re the Boss.” He, and all other like minded “party-members” should be expelled for cause by the Congress. He is an ass as is all others who put party before the US Constitution.
You’re right….the party line stuff can’t end fast enough. I actually thought Carter was going to be a breath of fresh air after Nixon but that didn’t work out so well.
I hope he can pull it off. Time will tell.
The only people (besides the wingnuts) who aren’t happy about this are the late night talk show guys.
Another thing…..if the political cartoonists and comedians don’t jump all over BO’s ears, then we will know they are in the tank for him.
Now I’m hungry
Oh to have a president that completes a sentence and knows what he’s talking about.
I’m with Dallas on this one.
Your name says it all.
#15 – BillM
>>Another thing…..if the political cartoonists
>>and comedians don’t jump all over BO’s ears,
>>then we will know they are in the tank for
Well, at least we know that the ones who lampooned him as being Curious George gibbering with a mouthful of banana are not in the tank for him.
Kind of depressing for the wing nuts, when the most laughable thing about their new president is that he has oversize ears.
#18 Mustard
Hey, lots can happen in 4 (or 8, ouch) years. If he makes it without something substantial to lampoon him over then God bless him.
Sorry….I used the “G” word on this blog.
Now I’m done for.
#19 – BillM
8 lampoon-free years would be great. You never know, though, when he might blurt out another “you know”, or have a picture taken of him where his ears look bigger than they actually are.
As long as he doesn’t become an ignorant, dangerous, incoherent, demented fucktard that spends 8 years trying his darndest to ruin the essence of America, we’re going to be better off than we are now.
I was just listening to a npr onpoint podcast interview musta been recorded at least 1 1/2 years ago and Chris Mathews said Obama could not win cause he didn’t fight back when other candidates attacked him. I give Obama a lot of credit for taking the high road and letting other pols hang themselves. Look at Edwards,Blagojevich and Richardson for example.
People said the wanted to have a beer with Dubya, now that’s a qualification for POTUS!
My wife and I just watched this video and looked at each other amazed. Why amazed? Because he was the same person in 2001 as the man who ran for president. How many times can you say that about past presidents?
“Yes – it appears he did exist before 2004!”
Yep, he was a restaurant critic.
Seriously, I hope Reid & Pelosi don’t hamper him too much.
Now I don’t agree with everything Obama does, but its a relief to have someone in the office that can think for themselves. The past eight years we’ve had a President that had the people who put him in office do most of the thinking for him. I’ve actually heard of some small things he did that were probably not influenced by these people and I actually thought they were pretty great. Unfortunately, he completely sold out his integrity.
I voted for Obama because I felt he was the candidate most likely to not sell his integrity for political influence. As pretty much everybody has said, though, “time will tell”…
#23 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>Yep, he was a restaurant critic.
Woah. Your really slammed him there, RAMBO! At least he was honest about how he liked the food, and he could speak in an intelligent way about the menu.
Pretty funny, when you compare him with Dumbya, who was a draft dodger, a serial failed “businessman”, a cocaine addict, an alcoholic, and a spoiled-rotten trust fund baby, and an all-around ne’er do well.
I guess people really DON’T change, hm?
#23, Cow Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Rent-A-Cop,
Seriously, I hope Reid & Pelosi don’t hamper him too much.
What??? Your inside sources haven’t told you that both are on their way out? Holy Shit !!!
# 26 Mr. Fusion said, “What??? Your inside sources haven’t told you that both are on their way out? ”
They are, but it’ll be at least two before they are removed. Sucks doesn’t it?
#27, Cow Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Rent-A-Cop,
Once again you’re been shown for the fool you are.
The only ones calling for their removal are the neo-cons.
# 28 Mr. Fusion said, “The only ones calling for their removal are the neo-cons.”
I see you only have the corp controlled news media to get your info from.
#29 – Paddy-RAMBO
>>I see you only have the corp controlled news
>>media to get your info from.
Go easy on us, Paddy-RAMBO. Not everyone has had the privilege of rearranging desk ornaments for the Secretary of State and have secret inside connections at the highest levels of national government.
On the other hand, Faux Spews, WND, JNR, and “Pajama TV” aren’t corp controlled (or at least, if they’re corp controlled, it’s your radical right corp that’s doing the controlling) and they haven’t mentioned it either.