Middle aged man, covered in lubricant, tries to slide over several Japanese women dressed in bikinis, wackiness ensues.

  1. Steve Jibs says:

    I don’t see anything strange here, for Japan at least.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Why the subtitles?

  3. Billy Bob says:

    This is better than any current NBC prime-tie programming. They should pick it up.

  4. 10-22 says:

    This is the only thing worth watching on TV. I am sure all the men and many of the women reading the blog would be happy to be part of the show.

  5. Rich says:

    Well, you have women oiled up. We were *just* this close to oiled wrestling, so this thing caught a glancing blow to my interest, though I would vote for fewer man-tackle shots. BTW, can I take a guess the subtitles were not in Japanese?

  6. The0ne says:

    Their own way of portraying sex on TV, and they have the audience for it. Nothing really new or surprising if you’ve seen other shows.

  7. amodedoma says:

    It’s like a dream come true, dozens of oily young japanese women in bikini. Now that’s what I call culture! Maybe I should’ve emmigrated there…

  8. Dnumtrod says:

    Hahahaha!!! Freaking hilarious!

    Those bikini clad girls are cute, and that old man is one lucky bastard! I envy you dude, I truly do!

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    These kind of games would never happen in the USA. The 350+ lbs man would crush the 300+ lbs women.

  10. gquaglia says:

    You tube removed it.

  11. Rich says:

    I downloaded it! I could post it someplace like DivShare if anyone is interested.

  12. Rayk2 says:

    # 11 Rich said, on January 6th, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    I downloaded it! I could post it someplace like DivShare if anyone is interested.

    Yes I would be interested!
    where can I download the video?

  13. Paul says:

    Terms of Use Violation: if they look like kids, then they probably are.

  14. Manny says:

    You can view the video here:

  15. Miguel Correia says:

    Cool! I’m moving to Japan! 🙂


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