• MacWorld begins, CES awaits.
  • Hacker messes up MacWorld keynote.
  • Copy protection removed from iTunes?
  • Twitter hacker found out.
  • PS3 sales up in North America.
  • Motorola to offer phone made from recycled plastic bottles.
  • BestBuy selling refurbished phone.
  • HP new Netbook runs 8-hours.
  • MSFT names new President.
  • Athlon Neo to be released.
  • Cisco doing home networking? Yes, watch 802.11n take off with Cisco behind it.

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  1. Floyd says:

    Hmmm–Cisco’s been supplying boxes for home networking for several years, under the Linksys name. I have a Linksys cable modem and wireless on my network right now.

    Next question: are the Cisco home networking boxes using the final released version of 802.11N, or is this still the “beta N”?

  2. GregA says:

    I was really hoping apple would offer some color on their laptops… or laser etching some design in it. That boring flat gray color is getting really boring to look at, and causing me to lose my fascination with the new design.

    Can you imagine how the industrial design blog nerds would pan a HP laptop is they release a boring flat gray model???

    Hmm maybe there is a business oportunity there. A service to take peoples new Macs and buff the experior to a high aluminum shine.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    #2 Greg.

    But the thing is, if you start beautifying those aluminum laptops how long until Apple starts adding tactile sensors on the surface of their laptops to prevent any non authorized individual to customize it and thus brick that machine? I can’t wait also to hear from designer nerds recieving Cease and desist letters from Apple’s Lawyers too.

  4. RBG says:

    Last year at the Lost Wages NAB, Apple stunned the video world by taking a pass on their usual massive (and massively expensive) front door “booth.” This had a domino effect as Avid then went and did the same thing.

    Apple used the same excuse that there were better ways to market their products. But as someone who is not in the Apple mainstream but never-the-less almost ready to buy big – I haven’t otherwise heard a peep from them.


  5. joaoPT says:

    Apple’s moto is “less is nore”.
    Jobs is a design Nazi, well engrained into the bauhaus/modernism stream of minimalism.

    Ever wondered how every keynote mimics and reflects Apple’s own 1984 commercial?

    Jobs IS the big brother.

  6. jobs says:

    #4 “Haven’t hear a peep” Do you live under a rock. You telling me you never heard of iphone, ipod, itunes, OS X, Mac vs. PC adds. Just read any blog even this one, almost daily some losser complains that apple gets to much press. If Steve even sneezes it’s front page news.

  7. RBG says:

    Your list seems to be missing one of their biggest products – a Final Cut Pro HD edit system – as formerly seen at NAB where there are no iphones or ipods or itunes. How many ads have you seen for that?


  8. jobs says:

    FCP make almost nothing for Apple other then help sell Mac Pros. I’m sure FCP will get a big performance update with OS X 10.6 is released and the updates to the Mac Pro. But the iphone and Macbooks/Pros are hot now and Macworld is all about the consumer.

  9. Floyd says:

    #9: Exactly.
    #6: I don’t watch ads, though I do have an iPod and iTunes on my PC.

    Mac vs. PC ads: PC for the win, as Vista is far easier to use than Mac OSX. Yes I’ve used my wife’s Mac, but I’m underwhelmed.

  10. RBG says:

    8 Jobs. In ’07 FCP made up 49% of the US professional editing market, with Avid at 22%. What do you think that is worth?

    Consider YouTube. Even though the website, which Google brought for a whopping USD1.65 bn in 2006, gets record number of visitors it has not yet contributed in any significant way to Google’s profits.


  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #10 – Floyd

    >>Mac vs. PC ads: PC for the win, as Vista is
    >>far easier to use than Mac OSX.

    You must be on drugs. I’ve been using Macs and PCs since the first 1981 IBM PC with 16K of RAM (no hard disk) and the first 1984 128K Macintosh. The PC has NEVER been “easier” to use than the Mac, and with OS X and Vista, the difference has become mind-boggling. Not only does Vista have the same kludgy geek interface that’s it’s always had (sugar-coated a little with Vista), but anyone who ever knew how to do anything with XP back through Windows 3.1 had to learn it all over again. Vista doesn’t really do anything that XP doesn’t do, it just changes everything around so you do it differently. With two or three times the hardware that was required for XP.


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