Donors to President George W. Bush’s presidential library probably will remain a mystery, said the foundation overseeing fundraising.

Mark Langdale, who heads the George W. Bush Presidential Library Foundation, said that’s the way some donors want it. “It’s our decision not to disclose who the donors are,” he said.

The foundation will oversee construction of the library, museum and public policy institute at the Southern Methodist University campus in Dallas. The group had raised less than $3 million when the latest tax reports were filed in August. That’s far short of its $300 million goal, but foundation officials said fundraising will pick up significantly after Bush leaves office Jan. 20.

Bush officials have said the president would not accept foreign donations while in office. Both Clinton and Bush’s father had the same policy but accepted large gifts from foreigners after leaving the White House…

“Clearly, we’re in tough economic headwinds, so it’s going to be a harder climb than it would have been a year ago,” Langdale said.

But he said the foundation expects to meet its fundraising goal by autumn of 2010, the planned groundbreaking date.

Cripes. I think almost anyone would be embarrassed to have it known they kicked in for Bush’s library.

  1. MikeStrong says:

    Bush Library Items:
    1 – big room
    2 – pedastal
    3 – on pedastal, goat book, one each, used on 9/11, upside down, permanently open

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    I’m sure if I donated to the Bush library, I would want to remain anonymous alongside the other donors, Bozo the clown, Pepe LePeu, etc.

  3. Improbus says:

    If you donate now you will get receive complimentary pardon.

  4. pcsmith says:

    Give me the mailing address.

    I’ll send in my two cents.

    And they can even publish my name if they want.

  5. jmers says:

    It’s VERY telling when a person doesn’t have the guts to say they support a politician; especially a president.

    Hmmm.. maybe they’ll have a wax replica you can throw a shoe at for $5 a shoe to help raise money; the line would be out the door.

  6. John Paradox says:

    # 5 jmers said,
    Hmmm.. maybe they’ll have a wax replica you can throw a shoe at for $5 a shoe to help raise money; the line would be out the door.

    Naw, it’ll have to be animatronic, so it can duck (lamely?)


  7. Winston says:

    “Bush library” – what an oxymoron… for a moron.

  8. MikeN says:

    Well given how the left has treated donors to the Prop 8 campaign in California, forcing resignations, I would say anonymity is a good thing.

  9. Nth of the 49th says:

    A question based on ignorance:

    Why do president’s all make a “Library” after they depart?

    Sounds like a method of revising history to me.

  10. Rabble Rouser says:

    How much money could he need for his “library?”
    I understand he isn’t finished coloring in the second book for it. He’s having trouble staying within the lines.

  11. JimB says:

    I predict Bush’s library will contain only one book: “My Pet Goat”. Hopefully the very same copy of the book he continued to read while the 911 attacks were happening

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, rabble,

    Partly correct. He simply hasn’t finished the second book because he broke all his crayons and they just said no to more.

  13. MikeN says:

    “This is now the joke that stupid people laugh at. It’s a joke that any dumb person can laugh at…”

    Christopher Hitchens to Bill Maher

  14. bobbo says:

    #9–Nth of the 49th==Presidential Lie-buries are NON-TAXED institutions providing a slush fund of kickback money for ex-Presidents to play with. Additionally, all their official papers go to these libraries allowing greater restriction on them ever becoming public.

    Its a FRAUD that should be revoked.

  15. bobbo says:

    #13–Mike==interesting video ((others on the link even better)). What does it mean to you?

    Completely Invalid?

    An easy reference to something even more disturbing?

    That higher standards are expected of our National Leaders?

    Or do you just like the bird flying uncaged?

  16. Buzz says:

    Just for the record: I did NOT donate to the Bush Library. But I like the idea of the complementary pardon (#3). Or will that be secret, too?

  17. name says:

    I’ve been calling it the George W Bush Presidential Liebrary for months. I’m sure someone will keep sticking the “e” between the “i” and “b” for many years. We’ll see pics of that on the Web many times. Just my prediction. Now, who’s going to be the first one?

  18. Unbound says:

    I have been to the future site of the Bush presidential library at SMU in Dallas Texas. They have a very nice mockup of the final design.

    To see it, you walk down the hall and to the right, where you will see a door with a drawing of a man on it. Enter the room, and turn again to the right to the third swinging door, enter and have a seat. The seat even gas a fountain under it for tranquility. It is very comfortable. The reading materials (mostly poems) are conveniently etched on the walls, and they even provide convenient note paper.
    Try to ignore the hand that keeps poking out from under the short wall that separates the Bush library from the room next door.

  19. Carcarius says:

    The American taxpayers will never know they were the libraries biggest donors. Did anyone think the bailout would only be used to help the banks? Ha!

  20. BubbaRay says:

    Now I’m going to be forced to lie about where I went to school. First, the SMU death penalty in NCAA football, now this, this, bastion of, of, ah, someone help me out here. Alma Mater my … well, you get the idea. He could’ve just built another trailer and parked it next to Bills.

    Who knew the ’60s would lead to this?

  21. MiniMike says:

    I didn’t know Bush likes to peruse his reading materials upside-down.

  22. Dallas says:

    Unfortunately for me, it is (will be) within 10 minute bicycle ride from my house.

    Here is local news how Bush is extorting the nearby condominium home owners so he can store is comic books and crayons.


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