

There is the prospect of a third member of the Bush family perhaps occupying the White House one day. Former President George H.W. Bush said on “Fox News Sunday” he would like to see his second son, Jeb Bush, become President.

The former President admitted right now would probably be a bad time” for another Bush in the White House, given the low public opinion rankings for the current President Bush.

The elder Bush said in spite of that, he wants to encourage his son Jeb’s political aspirations to “serve the greatest country in the world.”

The public elected Obama, a man with limited political experience. Could his presidency and cabinet be so bad as to swing the pendulum back to another Bush?

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Yup, I agree, won’t happen.


    Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Rent-A-Cop,

    Why not heed Mustard and STFU. You are an embarrassment to civil discourse.

    BTW, I am still waiting for you to point out where in the Constitution it forbids Congress from regulating CEO’s wages. I guess there are quite a few other pieces of bullshit you’ve tossed out you can’t back up too.

  2. Pmitchell says:

    Mr Mustard
    Rick Perry makes President Bush look like Einstein that man is nothing but a fancy hair do and an empty suit and a supposed closet butt dart champion. He would be the ruin of the republican party if the fools at the top make another mistake of running a non conservative like they did Mc Cain.
    I am a Texan and I did not and will not ever vote for that piece fecal matter

  3. Stephanie says:

    If another Bush can run for office and win in my lifetime, I will renounce my American citizenship.

  4. hhopper says:

    Oh please nooooo… I’m already Bushed!

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 32 Stephanie said, “If another Bush can run for office and win in my lifetime, I will renounce my American citizenship.”

    About as likely as another Clinton winning…

  6. #34 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>About as likely as another Clinton winning…

    Yeah, but that would be a GOOD thing.

    Get back to us in 2016, and we can talk about whether or not Secretary of State Clinton chooses to run for President.

  7. bobbo says:

    I like this “non-think” by association.

    Daddy Bush was “ok” mostly overtaken by a bad economy. He tried to respond, raised taxes, and lost.

    Bushieboy should never have gained re-election===BUT HE DID!!!! Who’s fault was that. Even the brain dead could see his incompetency by the end of his first term. He should have been impeached by the Dem’s regaining majority===BUT HE WASN’T.

    Jeb Bush. Don’t know him, would not tar and feather him with the same brush I would use on Bush the Retard.

    But, stupid Americans elected Bush twice, stupid American will guilt by association Jeb Bush.

    I doubt he could beat a “fresh name.”


  8. ForTheRecord says:


    I could waste time doing a “cut n’ paste” of all Clinton’s vetoes like you, but that wouldn’t have anymore relevancy to my point, than your “cut n’ paste” job did for yours.

    Whenever the opposition party to the Presidency is in the majority without sufficient numbers the minority party has the “control”.

    I stand by what I said in my original post, and the congressional record (present and historical) backs it up.

    Next subject…

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 35 Mister Mustard said, “Yeah, but that would be a GOOD thing.”

    Could be. Bill & Newt running things was a good combo. Don’t think we’ll see a combo like that again for a log time…

    I don’t have enough hard data on how well, or poorly Jeb did in Florida.

  10. bobbo says:

    #37–FTR==Mustard’s posting of the actual subjects of his veto was MOST ILLUMINATING. Stupid to post otherwise.

  11. #37 – FTR

    >>blah blah blah

    My post was in response to Paddy-RAMBO’s assertion that the Repugs in Congress had not bollixed up the Dems’ “control”.

    They have. And that’s probably a strong contributing factor to the public’s disdain for Congress at this point. They’re hog-tied into following Dumbya’s “lead”.

  12. deowll says:

    Everybody has to run on their own track record and beliefs. On the other had the name of Bush now reeks!

    Obama has four years to make his name shine or not. I’d say it’s really up to Obama to walk the walk. We all know he can talk the talk.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    OMG. Just heard that Omama has picked Leon Panetta to head up CIA.

    People in CA shutter.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Rent-A-Cop,

    Hurrah !!! Another great pick by the soon to be President. Sheet, I can hear the cheering coming in from the West Coast still.

    The CIA is very lucky to have a leader with Panetta’s caliber.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, F*ckTheRecord,

    The discussion is about Jeb Bush running for President. The typical right wing nut response is always to change the subject to whatever some Democrat President has done. It ain’t working.

  16. Groundscore says:

    No More Bush-Inc
    What is happening in Florida? Is anyone paying any attention down there? I just read that on Fox News Sunday that past President, George H. Bush, thinks that it would be good for all Americans if his other son, the former Governor of Florida, was President of the United States one day. Do any of you people get out? Florida, let me stir your kettle-of-fish with the femur-bone of reality.
    “W” just successfully closed the longest-running, most-expensive frat party in the history of the world. It was so messy afterwards that they had to hire a janitor, Barac Obama, to clean up afterwards. Now the younger Bush-brother, not to be out-done, wants to book the Whitehouse for his frat pals in eight-years.
    Florida, this is where you need to pay close attention. The Senate Seat that will be vacated by the Republican, Mel Martinez, is no accident. It’s a void-of-convenience for Bush, Inc. Mel is leaving it because he has been paid handsomely to step aside so Jeb can do Florida a favor. Jeb, won’t do Florida any favors.
    Jeb has already used Florida as a doormat to acquire untold wealth and get his brother elected. After his term as Governor was up, he took his vastly accumulated wealth from Florida’s development lobbyist back to Texas in a tractor-trailer. These same lobbyists are the ones that are responsible for turning the “Rainbow Rivera,” a once flourishing, proud south Florida community, into the “Repo Riviera.” Now, Jeb plans to use Florida as a condom to commit rape on Lady Liberty. Do the Bushes have no shame? Is anyone in Florida using his/her top three inches?
    Florida has always considered itself a “politically progressive state.” To that point, I have a progressive idea. Let’s “out-source” the soon to be vacant Senate Seat of Mel Martinez. “What do I mean by out-source?” you ask. If you haven’t been paying attention, let me fill you in on a frightening trend here in America. It’s called out-sourcing and politicians think it’s the best thing since no-term-limits. Let’s do unto them what they have been doing to the working class for decades. Let’s find someone over in India, Pakistan, or maybe even Mexico to sit in a “Virtual-Senate-Seat.” This Virtual-Senator couldn’t possibly be any more corrupt than an actual Senator. We can save millions by just letting the “Senator” telecommunicate from whatever country he’s in. Just think of the overhead we could save on perks alone. As a bonus, we could lease out the office space in the capital building and make enough money to pay the Senator’s salary, costing the people of Florida nothing out-of-pocket. When you consider that our Representatives only work 72-days-a-year, we may even clear a profit. Now, that’s what I call progressive political thinking and an idea whose time has come. While we’re on the subject of out-sourcing, let’s start a new political party, a grassroots movement if you will. We’ll call it the “Out-Source Party.”

  17. Stephanie says:

    Well Paddy, I would consider giving up citizenship if a Clinton were to run and win again too. Oh snap, does that hurt you in your little head that I can’t claim the right or the left???

    Independence from labels is a great thing.

  18. Paddy-O says:

    # 47 Stephanie said, “Well Paddy, I would consider giving up citizenship if a Clinton were to run and win again too. Oh snap, does that hurt you in your little head that I can’t claim the right or the left??? ”

    I haven’t a clue what you are babbling about. I’m commenting on probabilities. What are you ranting about?

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Hmmm. Let’s see. Neal Bush ran Colorado S&L into the ground. And then got away with it. (He’s not been any more successful with other ventures since, so he’s the black sheep of the family). And now one could say brother George Bush ran America into the ground. And he’ll probably get away with that. What makes pappy Bush even remotely think the voters want to see what one more Bush brother can do to US? He’ll have to wait at least eight more years before enough US voters’ amnesia kicks in. But by then, more old Republican diehard voters will have kick off too. So it’s a tie, whether he’d make it in 2016. And is the GOP that desparate for candidates, they’d try running a 3rd Bush? They only picked McCain, because they really didn’t want to win. And have to face this economic mess to clean up. They always let the Democrats win, when there’s mess to clean up. Maybe while Obama’s in office, cleaning up, they’ll get Neal’s act cleaned up too. So he’ll at least appear smart enough to run for high office.

  20. An opinion says:

    most people in america have been “trained” to hate bush, by the main stream media, but the congress and senate is also at blame isnt it? so bush was bad on the economy, but was the best on security, compared to clinton anyway, the democrats followed and even put up unpopular self serving policies… that said, hussein obama will be the last minority candidate, he will destroy any chances for any, and that includes the louisiana republican gov. from having a chance at the white house for generations, hussein is the worse mistake america could of made, the expectations promoted by the left to name him the messiah, which he actually beleives he is, is to high, you go into the past to the depression and one sees the same type of policies that will be implimented, which turn a deep recession into a depression. I say, that this inexperienced joke, “hussein” will not even finish his first term, he will be removed or forced to resign. let alone have a secong term…hussein pelosie ried frank, do not represent what america is, and they are the worse of america. the way hussein campained and the way he has set himself up now, are 2 different people, in other words, he was bought and payed for by the elite…and thats a fact.


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