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Democrat Al Franken will be declared the winner of the tight U.S. Senate contest in Minnesota, emerging from a ballot recount with a slim margin over Republican Norm Coleman…

At the moment, Franken has a 225-vote lead,” after the weekend counting of what were deemed the last uncounted absentee ballots, said Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, a Democrat who oversaw the process.

Ritchie said unless the supreme court acts on Coleman’s request and orders more ballots to be counted, he will reconvene the state’s Canvassing Board on Monday to certify Franken as the winner of the November 4 contest.

Even so, Coleman’s campaign said it will likely challenge the result, which would require the state supreme court’s chief justice to appoint three judges to investigate its claims…

The recount of some 2.4 million votes cast for the pair has swung back and forth over several weeks. Coleman initially held the edge, but his narrow victory margin necessitated the recount under state law.

“The recount has been done so precisely, and so transparently,” it would be difficult to envision a challenge succeeding, Ritchie said.

If that’s the case, do you think that will keep the Republicans from dragging it out?

  1. R.O.P. says:

    I know both Coleman and Franken. Trust me Franken is the guy you want!!!

  2. contempt says:

    #34 Mr. Fusion

    Why is the line of defense is, “It does not appear that there was any ballot-tampering.” NOT that there was no ballot tampering.

    Why were they all votes for Franken? Highly suspect no matter the official (cover-up) explanation.

  3. #38 – ‘tempt

    >>Why is the line of defense is, “It does not
    >>appear that there was any ballot-tampering.”
    >>NOT that there was no ballot tampering

    That wasn’t the “line of defense”. That’s what Fritz Knaak, the lawyer for Coleman said, instead of “Woops, my bad, I was full of shit and so was Sean Hannity and so was the WSF and so was Brit Hume”, after it was revealed to be yet another Repuglican hoax.

    Do those mofo’s EVER tell the truth?

  4. contempt says:

    #39 Mister Mustard
    >>Do those mofo’s EVER tell the truth?

    The media, lawyers or politicians? What happen may be a hoax or it may be a cover-up. You or I have no real way of knowing, but one thing for sure is Minnesota is getting exactly what it deserves.

    I can hardly wait to see the first outrageous act Franken pulls in the Senate. The entertainment value will be priceless given his need to be the center of attention.

  5. jim h says:

    ‘contempt’, the “ballots in the car” story turned out to be phony.

    The recount has been done fairly and it would be nice if Coleman would gracefully concede. However, that isn’t what the Republican party wants to do; and as I said previously, Coleman really wants the job (for which I don’t blame him).

    At this point, it’s about the next election. The losing party wants to at least start tarnishing the name of the winning candidate. The Democrats would be doing the same thing if the situation were reversed.

  6. #40 – ‘tempt

    >>but one thing for sure is Minnesota is
    >>getting exactly what it deserves.

    You’re right. An honest, intelligent Senator, who will do what’s right.

    And just admit it, will you? The whole “Dem Flunkie Finds Suspicious ‘lost’ Ballots in Car” thing was a hoax. A sham. A Swift-Boat escapade gone bad. There was absolutely nothing to it. And even when Normie’s lawyer admits as much (to the extent that Normie’s lawyer could ever tell the truth), the die-hard neocons still want to snigger and allude to some kind of imaginary “cover-up”. Christ.

    The recount was done fairly, and in a timely manner. No last-minute Supreme Court decisions giving Normie the seat. If Coleman had won, I’d say “darn, oh well. better luck in 6 years”, not try the sleazy Repug tactic of flinging shit and hoping some of it sticks.


  7. #43 – ‘dro

    In this case, the truth doesn’t hurt, it tickles.

    Too bad for you and your butt buddy Kuzco.

  8. bobbo says:

    #40–contempt for the truth===you say: “What happen may be a hoax or it may be a cover-up. You or I have no real way of knowing, but one thing for sure is Minnesota is getting exactly what it deserves.”

    Just WTF does that mean? Hoax or coverup result in different people/different ideologies taking office. How can Minnesota “deserve” either in a pair of opposites?

    More bumper sticker nonsense passing as insight.

  9. contempt says:

    #42 Mister Mustard
    >>An honest, intelligent Senator

    The only problem with your theory is the fact that there have been more votes counted than eligible voters. Proven acts of double counting in pro-Franken precincts.

    The truth is the election is being stolen though corruption.

  10. #46 – ‘tempt

    >>The only problem with your theory is the fact
    >>that there have been more votes counted than
    >>eligible voters.

    Oh, for Christ’s sake. Who told you that, Bill O’LoofahPad? Do you think that by just repeating bullshit garbage over and over again, actual people are going to believe some of it?

    There are 3,199,134 registered voters in MN, according to the MN Secretary of State:

    And there have been about 2,800,000 votes cast in the MN 2008 election (including those for Franken, Coleman, and the Independence, Libertarian, Constitution parties and write-ins).

    That leaves about 400,000 registered voters who did not vote.

    Have you no shame?

    Give it up. You lost. Dumbya lost, Normie lost, Repugs are like poison after 8 years of hell with the Pumkinhead In Chief driving everything American into the shitter.

  11. contempt says:

    #47 Mistard Mustard

    I was just wondering how a pro-Franken precinct that has a total of 9,578 registered voters can produce a total of 9,724 votes. Perhaps you can see why I might question the numbers.

  12. #48 – ‘tempt

    I might question the numbers too. I might question the source of those numbers. In fact, those numbers might trigger a red flag for anyone. Why don’t you post a link to the numbers, so we can all evaluate the numbers from an informed standpoint?

    Please tell me you didn’t hear about it from Bill O’LoofahPad.

  13. #48 – ‘tempt

    Here, ‘temptie, ‘temptie ‘temptie, ‘temptie….where ARE you, ‘temptie?

    Whither hast thou gone, ‘temptie?

    I’m still waiting for a link to support your contention that a Franken precinct with 9,578 registered voters logged 9724 votes.

    The link. Provide it. Or I call bullshit. And you never live down the reputation of a bullshitter.

  14. web says:

    I think the count of votes for Al came from Howdy Doody Franken’s graduate students. They have done his dirty work before. Just another Democrap lie to put another simpering whimp at the public trough.

  15. #53 – Webfoot

    Blah. Blah. Your momma wear army boots.

    That has got to be one of the most useless comments I’ve ever had the misfortune to read on dvorak dot org slash blog, and I’ve read a lot of useless comments.

    I’d rather read ‘dro’s puerile mewling than your drek.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #49, ‘temptress

    Mustard asked nicely. Then he asked again. Can you give us a link to:

    1) The ballot in the car IS true,

    2) One precinct had more votes than were cast,

    We all look forward to your posting some evidence.

  17. #56 – ‘dro

    >>Most of them on your screen before clicking

    Haw! Gawrsh! ya really got me, ‘dro!

    That’s funny…so funny I forgot to laugh!

    I’m rubber, you’re glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!

    Who’s the boss, applesauce??

    Don’t get wise, bubble eyes, I’ll knock you down to peanut size!

    Now that we have that out of the way, why don’t you call your pajama pal ‘tempt out of the bedroom, and pony up the deets on where those alleged election return numbers came from.

    Or are you part of the cover-up too?

  18. You solved your own dilemma, ‘dro.


  19. contempt says:

    #52 Mister Mustard

    If you are really interested in discovering election fraud then a good place to begin is to look at the shenanigans going on in Ramsey County.

    One decent article spelling out how election fraud in Minnesota is occurring can be found at this link.

    Have a nice day.

  20. #61 – ‘tempt

    Nice try, but not NEARLY good enough.

    I asked where you got the numbers of 9,578 registered voters and 9,724 votes cast. That was your only “proof” that there were any irregularities in the ballot recount.

    Rather than answer that simple question (you didn’t just make the numbers up out of whole cloth, did you??), you direct me to the web site of discredited toe-sucking Dick Morris, where a Repug hack posts a fact-free diatribe, listing claims by a nameless “Democratic election official” and some unfounded mumbo jumbo about them Nigra activists at ACORN.

    There isn’t a single fact (other than that the Executive Director of the Republican National Lawyers Association wants donations) in the entire article. More of the usual huffing and puffing about “outrage” and “stolen votes”, with absolutely no evidence for even a single vote being “stolen”.

    I’m going to ask you one more time: Where did you get the alleged numbers of 9,578 registered voters and 9,724 votes cast in a “Franken precinct”??

    Answer now, or you will be forever branded a bullshitter. If you’d like to ‘fess up, now would be the time.


  21. #61 – ‘tempt

    >>the shenanigans going on in Ramsey County.

    btw, there isn’t a single mention of Ramsey county in the link you provided. Nor of any other county in Minnesota. Not a single alleged fact that could be verified or debunked.

    Now provide the specifics, retract your claim, or be branded a bullshitter for all eternity.

  22. contempt says:

    #62 Mister Mustard

    Dick Morris was good enough for Clinton and you in the past. Just because he disagrees with your preconceived beliefs doesn’t make his report untrue.

  23. #64 – ‘tempt

    Focus, son. Focus. We’re not talking about me, we’re not talking about Clinton, we’re not talking about Dick Morris and his propensity to suck prostitute toe.

    We are talking about YOU, and your claim that a “Franken precinct” in Minnesota logged 9,724 votes when there were only 9578 registered voters.

    That’s your PROOF that the vote is being “stolen” from Normie.

    Now if you’d like to retract that statement, we can go on to discuss Dick Morris, the flavor of prostitute toes, or whatever you like.

    First things first, though.

    Please provide evidence for the 9724 votes/ 9578 voters allegation.


  24. contempt says:

    #65 Mister Mustard
    >>Please provide evidence for the 9724 votes/ 9578 voters allegation.

    Are you that much of a dim bulb? Ramsey County you moran. Down that hole you will discover many cases of more votes than registered voters.

    I would give you the link but I enjoy tweaking your liberal gray matter. A guys gotta have a hobby and you make it soooo much fun.

  25. #66 – ‘tempt

    >>Are you that much of a dim bulb? Ramsey
    >>County you moran.

    Somebody is a moran here, ‘tempt, and it’s not me. No matter how many times I ask you to back up the specific numbers you gave (9,724 logged votes vs. only 9578 registered voters).

    You come back with vague generalities, attempts to deflect the question, tall tales about votes mysteriously appearing and disappearing, links to a web site soliciting money for the Republican Lawyers Club; everything but the answer.

    Now you tell me to look into Ramsey County. Ramsey county has 316980 registered voters. That’s neither 9578 nor 9724.

    Yet again you’re slogging your way through knee-deep bullshit.

    >>I would give you the link but I enjoy
    >>tweaking your liberal gray matter.

    Riiiiiiiiiiiight. You’d rather look like an evasive weasel, a know-nothing bullshit artist, rather than provide the source of your information. I get it. I wouldn’t want to admit “I heard it on the Bill O’LoofahPad show” as my answer either.

    You’re flagged, dude. Bullshitter. Your credibility is ZIP from here on out.

    You’ve been BUSTED! Haw!!!

  26. contempt says:

    #67 Mister Mustard

    All roads lead to Ramsey County.

    You are such a Drama Queen.

  27. #68 – ‘tempt

    >>All roads lead to Ramsey County.



    I guess, metaphorically speaking, all roads DO lead to Ramsey County, where Franken won fair and square, just as he did state-wide.

    Franken’s well-deserved victory was unanimously certified yesterday by the state Canvassing Board.

    Of course, Coleman just can’t let it go. Rather than concede defeat like a gentleman, his lawyers are going to court. Note what Coleman’s weasel-in-chief says in the Strib about the court debacle:

    No one knows how long that might take, but Coleman attorney Fritz Knaak said their case will pivot in part on constitutional issues, such as the equal protection clause, that typically are decided by the U.S. Supreme Court..

    They’re hoping to pull a Bush 2000 here, and get those judges that Pappy has in his pocket to pull a rabbit out of a hat yet again.

    Note that even Coleman’s weasel-in-chief says NOTHING about any “stolen votes”.

    HAW HAW HAW!!! You’re like FuckUp and his “protein cells”, but he at least had the good sense to STFU and slink away with his tail between his legs when his bullshit was called in public.

    You’re going to keep digging yourself deeper and deeper, until there’s nothing left of you.


  28. Did you give up, ‘tempt?

  29. bobbo says:

    Mustard–good job on demanding links from the likes of comtempt for the truth.

    I googled earlier trying to find contempt for the truth’s source and could not do it.

    Reading your BS Flush once again I thought 9578 registered voters was just too few for a county. So, I looked that up, and low and behold, I was wrong. Still, no county in Minnesota has 9578 registered voters.

    Why do dipshits continually post obvious BS and think they can spin away from it by challenging someone else’s gray matter? hahahahahah.

    Why can’t they just learn from their mistakes and go forward?

    SAY!!!!!!! Mustard, speaking of “such things” when is the last time you made an error? Ever make one????

    In advance: hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!

  30. Peek-a-boo, ‘tempt…I see you. Come on out now, little man, and admit you made up that bullshit about “stolen” votes.

    Franken won fair and square, and Lingerie Man can’t face the facts.

    And neither can you, little man.

    Put on the big boy pants, and admit it. There is no place in the entire state of Minnesota where there were more votes cast than registered voters.

    Figures you’re a Coleman supporter.



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