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Democrat Al Franken will be declared the winner of the tight U.S. Senate contest in Minnesota, emerging from a ballot recount with a slim margin over Republican Norm Coleman…

At the moment, Franken has a 225-vote lead,” after the weekend counting of what were deemed the last uncounted absentee ballots, said Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, a Democrat who oversaw the process.

Ritchie said unless the supreme court acts on Coleman’s request and orders more ballots to be counted, he will reconvene the state’s Canvassing Board on Monday to certify Franken as the winner of the November 4 contest.

Even so, Coleman’s campaign said it will likely challenge the result, which would require the state supreme court’s chief justice to appoint three judges to investigate its claims…

The recount of some 2.4 million votes cast for the pair has swung back and forth over several weeks. Coleman initially held the edge, but his narrow victory margin necessitated the recount under state law.

“The recount has been done so precisely, and so transparently,” it would be difficult to envision a challenge succeeding, Ritchie said.

If that’s the case, do you think that will keep the Republicans from dragging it out?

  1. Paddy-O says:

    Eideard asked, “Do you think that will keep the Republicans from dragging it out?”

    No, they will follow past examples set by Dems…

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    w00t! w00t!! Finally, rid of Junior’s ass-kissing lapdog. Now Coleman can do what he does best, help his wife design lingerie for those soft-core pr0n photo spreads she so loves to do.

    Good riddance.

  3. GF says:

    Minnesota must be proud.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #1 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>No, they will follow past examples set by Dems…

    Yeah, too bad Normie doesn’t have the Supreme Court in his daddy’s pocket, huh? They could keep recounting, and if he ever pulled ahead, shut down the counting and declare him the winner.

    Hurts, when you have to do it the honest way, doesn’t it?

  5. Mister Justin says:


    I demand a link.

  6. braeken says:

    2 months to do a re-count….

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #6 – Mister Justin

    >>I demand a link.

    OK. Look at the fourth picture down:

    You also might want to read the rest of the City Pages article, to note how Norm uses the magic of digital imagery to maintain a “Family Values” image, in spite of the fact that the Little Woman is off in LA takin’ it off for the camera. Haw!

  8. BigBoyBC says:

    What’s the big deal? I’m not suprised that Minnesota would elect Franken. Remeber these are the same people who elected Jesse “The Body” Ventura as their Governor. Go figure…

  9. Mister Justin says:


    Thank you. I did enjoy that.

    As an aside, I basically figure that any time a republican is “for” some hot ticket issue, their private life is as deep as possible in the “against” side of it… Foley was a prime candidate… and Wide Stance Craig.

  10. #10 – Mister Justin

    Yeah, his wife is pretty hot, especially for a Republican. Most of those gals are dried-up wrinkly prunes.

    And Norm has a reputation for “banging cocktail waitresses two at a time”, to quote the late, great Mo Greene of Las Vegas.

    The Repubs should count their blessings though; at least he hasn’t been caught in the boys’ room with some guy’s boner in his mouth.

  11. #13 – ‘dro

    >>Yeap. God forbid electing someone with even a
    >>highschool degree.

    Maybe once YOU achieve that milestone, ‘dro, you will know that Reagan graduated from Eureka College, and Schwarzeneggar graduated from the University of Wisconsin.

    What have I been telling you now….?

  12. Dallas says:

    I’m excited at the wonderful news. Franken is smart and will help bring some common sense to Congress.

    I expected Bill O’Reilly to kill himself. It’s the only honorable thing for him to do.

  13. Traaxx says:

    No, the republicans should do exactly what the Demoncrats did, when Franklin lost – fight. The demoncrats are so used to stealing elections that when they can they go absolutely nuts. Should be fun to watch like Florida when the demoncrats were stopped from stealing that election, although the cheated and cheated.

  14. qsabe says:


    I love the part about the dems stealing elections. What rock have you been hiding under?

  15. #17 – ‘dro

    >>I didn’t know you were repugblican. What a

    I’m not. However, in the true Democratic tradition, I believe in honesty. I’m not going to try and make Reagan and Arnold appear to be less educated than they really are.

    Come on, now. That’s a REPUGLICAN trick.

  16. #16 – Traxxx

    >>No, the republicans should do exactly what
    >>the Demoncrats did, when Franklin lost –

    They fought. And they lost. More people voted for Franken than for Normie.

    >>The demoncrats are so used to stealing

    Are you on crack? Name a few elections the Dems have “stolen”.

    >>Should be fun to watch like Florida when the
    >>demoncrats were stopped from stealing that
    >>election, although the cheated and cheated.

    Again, are you on crack? No allegations of cheating were made against the Dems. The Repugs, on the other hand, cheated all the way from the Registrar’s office to the Supreme Court.

  17. QB says:

    It still has to go through the courts and legislature review (~5 days). Whatever happens, this will create bad blood in Minnesota for a long time.

  18. #21 – Cubie

    >>Whatever happens, this will create bad blood
    >>in Minnesota for a long time.

    Why should it create any worse blood than Coleman snatching the Senate seat away in 2002? If Paul Wellstone hadn’t died in that mysterious plane crash shortly before the election, he’d be the senator now. And Wellstone’s last-minute replacement (Fritz Mondale) almost beat Normie, even though he was viewed by most as being somewhat past his prime (he was first elected MN senator in 1964).

  19. #22 – ‘dro

    Na-nee na-nee boo boo.

  20. jim h says:

    The bottom line for Norm Coleman is, he needs the money. The word locally is that he got in way too deep on a major renovation of a house that was too expensive to begin with. He probably still has a big war chest of money that was contributed just to finance recount challenges. So yes, I think he’ll sue and hope for a miracle.

  21. pcsmith says:

    Let’s face it, times are tough and the recount employs quite a few people, many of them lawyers.

    Long live the recount.

  22. Alpha_Cluster says:

    I’m from Minnesota and to say the least I’m embarised to think that this has even come to happen.If there was a revote (and you will see this next election here) Franken would lose by a land slide. The man is a joke. All he has ever done is offend people. I think he just will make Minnesota look bad if he gets in.

  23. #27 – Alpha_Cluster

    >>The man is a joke. All he has ever done is
    >>offend people.

    Gee, he never offended me. Although if I were a tight-assed Republican puritan, I might have been offended by his wife’s sexually provocative pictures.

    On the other hand, I AM offended by Coleman’s scandal (which the drive-by media seems to ignore), where the FBI is investigating him for into allegations made before Election Day that his pajama pal Nasser Kazeminy was trying to funnel money to Coleman through his wife’s business.

    Coleman is a laughingstock. He’s an unabashed pussy hound, his wife is posing for naughty pictures, and now he’s being investigated for fraud by the FBI. Not to mention that clothing from Neiman-Marcus that his Special Friend got for him and the little lady…

    It’s true what they say about the right wing: scratch that sanctimonious Family Values veneer, and you find an evil sinner as bad as any.


  24. contempt says:

    Minnesota should thank the poll worker who found those hundreds of ballets in her car after the election. Funny how they were all for Franken.

    The travesty is not that Franken may eventually win. Considering Franken’s psychotic views, he is what you might call extreme justice for the people of Minnesota.

    The travesty is that political corruption is the winner and the citizens are the losers… again.

  25. #29 – ‘tempt

    >>Funny how they were all for Franken.

    Hey, that explains it all! A die-hard Dem FrankenFile realized that he was trailing in the polls, and went home and doctored up a few hundred ballots on her home computer, then pretended that she “found” them in her car.

    And the forgery was so good, it got by not only the corrupt and feckless Democratic judges, but the hypercritical and always-alert Republican ones too!

    #30 – ‘dro

    Only you would be enough of a dimwit to take a scenario like this seriously.

    Honest to golly, compadre, you really SHOULD take my advice and STFU. You’re embarassing yourself more deeply with each post.

  26. contempt says:

    #31 Mister Mustard

    This was an actual event reported by the media. The poll worker was an Obama supporter who had access to blank ballots and voter lists. She had motive and opportunity so to label it hypercritical is a bit much even for you.

  27. RonD says:

    #20 said:
    Are you on crack? Name a few elections the Dems have “stolen”.

    Here’s one – the 2004 Washington State Governor election

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #33, contempt,

    The “Ballots in the car” lie was started by one of Coleman’s lawyers. It was quickly squelched as untrue by Minneapolis Elections Director Cindy Reichert.

    You are correct, it was reported by the media, but the story was wrong. Most media outlets corrected the error.

    If it is an actual event, why wouldn’t you post a link?

    You just have to love the right wing nuts and their habit of making up bullshit.

  29. stopher says:

    Contempt, stop passing on lies. Those ballots were never lost or left in a car overnight. It just didn’t happen.

  30. Buzz says:

    Franken should be installed as Senator until (and probably beyond) all challenges are finished.


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