CheatNeutral — Cripes.

What is Cheat Offsetting? When you cheat on your partner you add to the heartbreak, pain and jealousy in the atmosphere.

Cheatneutral offsets your cheating by funding someone else to be faithful and NOT cheat. This neutralises the pain and unhappy emotion and leaves you with a clear conscience.

Can I offset all my cheating?

First you should look at ways of reducing your cheating. Once you’ve done this you can use CheatNeutral to offset the remaining, unavoidable cheating

  1. John Paradox says:

    Get paid to stay single? I’m halfway there


  2. noname says:

    I agree since carbon trading works this too can be a solution to foreclosures and bankruptcies.

    I am going to start Please send me 5 dollars if you are in Bankruptcy or Foreclosure and I will invest in some who pays their bills on time.

  3. roastedpeanuts says:

    Pay cheat neutral in carbon credits. Now that is how you save the world.

  4. Jim says:

    Hmmm all three of us are in an open relationship — I guess we’re cheating ^ 3 to these folks.

    Too bad society has this thing against accepting people loving accepting people, regardless of number in the relationships.

    Of course, cheating in my context would be playing around and lying about it, not just jumping in the sack with some fella. If you can’t be truthful to those you love, then give it up and move on.

  5. DocColorado says:

    Sounds like something the Liberals invented.

    Can we get more carbon offsets as well?

    How about allowing us to pay for “Cheating” offsets on high energy usage of our Detroit SUVs?

    Does anyone take responsibility nowadays or is good character now doomed to die?

  6. dogday says:

    CheatNeutral is a parody of the idea of carbon credits. Paying someone off does not offset actions already taken!

  7. gmknobl says:

    Hey, pay me to stay faithful. I promise I’ll do it! Just gimme the money!

    Onion strikes again?

    Whoever think liberals invented this needs their brain examined.

  8. #7 – gmknobl

    >>Whoever think liberals invented this needs
    >>their brain examined.

    Neo-cons are not known for their sense of humor. OR for their intelligence, for that matter.


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