
The nation’s top selling conservative author has been banned from appearing on NBC, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT. “We are just not going to have her on any more, it’s over,” a top network source explains. But a second top suit strongly denies there is any “Coulter ban”. “Look for a re-invite, as soon as Wednesday,” said the news executive, who asked not to be named. NBC’s TODAY show abruptly cut Ann Coulter from its planned Tuesday broadcast, claiming the schedule was overbooked.

Executives at NBC TODAY replaced Coulter with showbiz reporter Perez Hilton, who recently offered $1,000 to anyone who would throw a pie at Ann Coulter. Hilton is also launching a new book this week, RED CARPET SUICIDE. Coulter was set to unveil her new book, GUILTY. One network insider claims it was the book’s theme — a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era — that got executives to dis-invite the controversialist. “We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now,” a TODAY insider reveals. “It’s such a downer. It’s just not the time, and it’s not what our audience wants, either.” Others inside the peacock network strongly deny the book’s theme is at issue. For the book, Coulter reportedly received the most-lucrative advance ever paid to a conservative author.

Coulter was also to appear on the TODAY’s fourth hour. A host even teased the segment saying the ‘conservative pit bull and bestselling author’ would be a guest. NBC’s cable outlet, MSNBC, will also become a Coulter-free zone, insiders explain. Morning host Joe Scarborough is said to be concerned with the new ban. “He’s working to overrule it,” tips a source.

Its too bad, I will miss his witty repartee.

  1. MikeN says:

    Let’s see Kerry had a lower IQ than Bush, McCain lower than Obama, probably Bush higher than Gore, Clinton over Bush and Dole, Reagan over Carter, don’t know about Mondale, not seeing much of a trend. Take it further back and you Eisenhower over Stevenson(despite the public image), Nixon over Humphrey JFK(maybe) and McGovern, Carter over Ford,

  2. Ah, Lyin’ Mike

    We’re not talking about the Best and the Brightest of the political parties (that’s pretty much the luck of the draw); we’re talking about the slobbering, gibbering masses who line up for McBush rallies bellowing “Kill Hussein the Aye-rab!!” and who believed Dumbyas lethal prevarication that Iraq played a role in 9/11.

    You know….Repuglicans like YOU! 😉

  3. Animby says:

    #56 – Ahhhh, Miss Sherri. Possibly the stimulus for my first wet dream. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. MikeN says:

    Let’s see if I remember from 2000 and beyond, it’s the Democrats who claim their voters are too dumb to fill out ballots.

  5. #67 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>Let’s see if I remember from 2000 and beyond,
    >>it’s the Democrats who claim their voters are
    >>too dumb to fill out ballots.

    Au contraire. Once again, you’re lyin’, Mike. The claim was that the Repugs are too stupid (or too corrupt) to design a ballot properly. Have you ever seen the Florida ballot, Lyin’ Mike? It was the worst form design I have ever seen. And, just by happenstance, mind you (since the Repugs designed the ballot), it caused people to vote for Pat Robertson when they thought they were voting for Gore.

    In any case, the mean Repug IQ is a skewed statistic; there are a very few barons of industry that have high IQs, and belong to the Repugnican party because it’s economically advantageous. The rest of them are snaggle-toothed, knuckle-dragging sister-marryers, like the cretins attending the McBush rallys shouting “Death to the Nigra Aye-rab!!”.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    # 68 Mister Mustard said, “It was the worst form design I have ever seen. And, just by happenstance, mind you (since the Repugs designed the ballot), ”

    Umm, no. The ballot was designed by Theresa LePore, a Democrat and approved by both parties.

    You would have known that (the same with Clinton & the budget) if you had an education that exceeded the 3rd grade.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #69 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Theresa LePore

    Ha. Heh heh. A Democrat, hmmm? I guess it was just coincidence that she USED to be a Repugnican, then switched over, then after she cluster-fucked the 2000 Florida elections, left the party? HAW! You really ARE a dimwit, Paddy-RAMBO! You don’t just play one on dvorak dot or slash blog!!!

    “Back in November, we all wondered how the butterfly ballot, which just seemed intentionally fixed to throw the race to the GOP, could have been designed by a Democrat! We were confused [and] a bit suspicious. Now the other shoe has dropped! Ballot designer Theresa LePore has come out of the closet and officially declared herself a Republican! She belonged to the party in the 70s, then switched to Independent, then to Dem in 1996 just when the GOP really started playing dirty. She says she switched back to the GOP because the Dems were mean to her. Well, Theresa, maybe it’s because nobody likes a double agent!

    As to Clinton and the budget, I was wondering if you’re a liar, or just stupid. Or maybe a stupid liar. After reading your comments on the FL elections, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. You’re just stupid.

    Clinton had a huge budget surplus. The Repugs have historically spent like drunken sailors, and cut off their sources of revenue, leading to an “economy” like we’re trying to dig our way out of now.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 70 Mister Mustard said, “Ha. Heh heh. A Democrat, hmmm? I guess it was just coincidence that she USED to be a Repugnican,”

    Ha. Heh heh. Just like it is a coincidence that Hillary used to be a Republican & President of the Young Republicans…

    Your lack of education & intelligence has been exposed.

  9. ted says:

    I just read this great blog on the humor site about Al Franken versus Ann Coulter.

    At one time they were head-to-head political rivals, now Franken has got his place in Senate and Ann Coulter is banned from NBC. You should see the Coulter videos of her lowest moments.

    Check it out here:

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #71, Cow-Paddy, Ignorant Shit Talking Sociopath and retired Mall Rent-A-Cop,

    Ha, ha, ha, shown up again !!! So what do you do??? You throw another twist out there. Why not keep playing the Coulture “stupid” game a while longer. When you aren’t making up bullshit, you’re ignoring the truth.

  11. #71 – Paddy-RAMBO

    >>Ha. Heh heh. Just like it is a coincidence
    >>that Hillary used to be a Republican &
    >>President of the Young Republicans…

    WTF does that have to do with anything, RAMBO? Lot’s of people make mistakes when they’re young, and realize it as they mature.

    It’s not like Hillary was a Repug at heart, joined the Dems as a Trojan Filly, fucked things up for the Dembs big-time, then went back to the Repugs.

    That’s what LePore did. That’s what Repugs do. Dishonest.

  12. bobbo says:

    Here is Ann taking on the liberal bias: I think she is more correct than wrong here


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