Jeez, now I know why I wake up like a Bear!!!

  1. Peter_m says:

    Cat lovers deserve what they get!

    I’m a dog person 🙂

  2. Esteban says:

    He looks (and acts) just like my cat Murray.

  3. Floyd says:

    This is why we have a lockable door on our bedroom. Close the door, and the cats can’t get in.

    One of our adult children had a similar problem with their rather large dog, who liked to sleep on the bed when she was trying to sleep. A dog cage did the job.

  4. lock_down says:

    That was funny.

    My cat does exactly the same.

    Especially when you wake up and disturb them and they just stand there staring at you.


  5. AdmFubar says:

    wow, mine gets up every hour to check her food dish, when she returns and hops back on the bed she annouces herself in a kind of bellowing that resembles what lions do…. she is rather old, and cant hear or see well and had a thyroid problem… she volcalizes rather loudly… she was just meown at my feet a few moments ago as she wanst me to go upstairs and feeder, plus go to bed…

    i’ll leave you with this link to give you more to ponder about your feline friend..

    sleep well

  6. emhodew says:

    I feel sorry for the poor cat. It tried to snuggle up to him, he kept moving every time the cat got comfortable. Then when the cat got tied and wanted out, he couldn’t be woken up.

  7. Dallas says:

    This is SO funny and true about cats. Our cat used to tuck is in every night (pat down the bed sheets) and then sit and stare 1 inch from our face at 5AM every morning to get fed.

  8. comhcinc says:

    everyone knows cats steal the breath from sleeping babies. this one was just shooting higher.

  9. orangetiki says:

    So this is why cats sleep all day

  10. Personality says:

    Mine sleeps most of the night. At least I though she did.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    When your cat brings her favorite toy to bed at 03:00 and drops it on your face, then starts “mashing” your arm to throw it and play “fetch”, you know who’s the boss of you.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    #11 Bubba

    You’re lucky your cat brings her favourite toys. Other cats LOVE to bring agonizing animals to their owners.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    #12, Angel,

    That’s why I *always* look carefully before opening the back door. I don’t need live birds or squirrels in the house. Once for each is enough. Don’t even ask about the snake.


  14. sargasso says:

    Cats are nocturnal. Leave a radio on, on very low volume, and they’ll leave you alone.

  15. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Cats are yummy.

  16. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    my dog was sleeping on top of me, when I move him it bit my hand, I didn’t know, I went back to sleep and woke up in blood bath.

  17. slappy says:

    the clear solution is more pussy, less cat.

  18. noname says:

    Ted Nugent’s Cat Scratch Fever is my favorite album from him.

  19. catowned says:

    I started with an 18 year old cat that insists I sleep facing her–preferably with my arm out so she can sleep with her paws on it. If I do try to turn over, she meows loudly until I turn over again–at least she did this for 5 years. Now, she climbs over me and sits staring and/or patting at my face on the other side until I put an arm out to pet her and then leave it for her to lie on. I recently was left a young cat which sleeps well until I move. Then she joins the older cat as they both sit and stare at me and then paw delicately at my face. Even sheathed, claws stick out enough to get my attention. Occasionally, I have to sleep somewhere else to feel I have gotten a good night’s sleep. Yes, it is no wonder cats sleep all day!!!


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