Du Hebing, of Xi’an, told Huashang Daily that he shot this picture by chance.

“After visiting Qinling Wild Animal Park, on the way home I saw a group of sheep walking along the road with a man holding a picture following behind them,” he said.

Du said he burst out laughing when he realised it was a picture of a wolf.

The man was using the wolf picture to scare the sheep and drive them ahead – it was a really funny scene,” he said.

“Maybe he was just trying to save some money by not buying a sheepdog – but he is obviously a talented shepherd.”

Works for me.

Incidentally, this is the least likely to be bogus of the several versions floating around the web. Though a few reference the name Du Hebing as the photographer – or the farmer driving the sheep – or a zoo worker, only this version notes a newspaper source in China. Which I have not been able to track down in English.

  1. keaneo says:

    Still a neat, goofy photo.

  2. Leading The Sheep says:

    This can also be done with a picture of Al Gore.

  3. god says:

    Oh, did Gore vote twice for Bush?

    Lambs love to volunteer for a chance to slaughter furriners. See Gaza. Or Iraq. Or VietNam.

  4. moss says:

    Don’t be grumpy on top of cranky, #3. If the nation is lucky, the sheepies inside the Republikan Party will stay in line for another four years. True Believers and Voodoo Economists will give even a mediocre Dem administration time to sort out (somewhat) our national debt and dismal economy.

    Who knows? If the Greedy Old Pricks stay out of power long enough, we may even have a chance to recover the peace dividend the PNAC brigade has squandered.

  5. Miguel says:

    Here in Portugal we say if you don’t have a dog you hunt with a cat. Maybe it could also apply to sheep herding?

  6. Steve S says:

    For some reason when I stare at this picture for a minute I see:
    The man is our current administration.
    The picture is of Bin Ladin.
    And the sheep… Well you know.
    Must be a bad dream…

  7. DCI Gene Hunt says:

    I can’t imagine it’d be worth it … its not that hard to herd sheep without a dog … they will walk away form people as much as they will dogs… the nice thing about dogs is that they run back and forth stop and keep them in a nice tight group and not stray off ….

  8. Rich says:

    Steve S Is correct. The pic could be a killer superheated cloud, or Osama bin Laden, or a weapon of mass destruction disguised as a milk jug, etc.

  9. soundwash says:

    as i have always said, -never underestimate
    the power of suggestion


  10. denacron says:

    Too funny!

    This reminds me of the ‘Masked sheep’ found on Youtube.

  11. hhopper says:

    My cats learned pretty quickly that photos of other cats are not real… also their images in the mirror. They work on smell. If it doesn’t smell like another cat, it’s not.

  12. goflockyourself says:

    This might work. Sheep are amazingly stupid.
    I saw on TV how a dog will control the flock.
    Every time the dog crouches , they get frightened and group closer. Every time the
    dog stands they completely ignore him. And
    this is repeated thousands of times. They
    never “get it” , that it’s the same animal.


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