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In case you’re wondering what that thing is, it’s a Volkswagen. Oh, next to it? That’s just a General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger from an A-10 Thunderbolt II. Like everybody doesn’t know that. Duh!
In case you’re wondering what that thing is, it’s a Volkswagen. Oh, next to it? That’s just a General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger from an A-10 Thunderbolt II. Like everybody doesn’t know that. Duh!
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Anti “B.C.S.D”
You see, the guy who owns the car on the left has a REALLLLLLLLLLY small penis…
#27, though i wonder if the *glass* upgrades will ruin its ability to fly with half its systems shot to hell..
I wondered about that, too, then realized if it is built like all other planes, it still has the mechanical and/or electrical backups. All you need is an airspeed indicator, altimeter, turn/bank indicator, and a watch with a second hand. With that, you can fly just about anywhere as long as you aren’t being shot at.
#33, I forgot the most important one . . . a compass.
Valet Parking Lot at the Gaza Hilton …
Make my day!!!!!!!!!
#33–LL==you say: “All you need is an airspeed indicator, altimeter, turn/bank indicator, and a watch with a second hand.” /// Ummm. No. For instrument flying, you need an artificial horizon. You don’t need anything for good weather.
I do wonder how many people recognize that thing. I did. All of the males in my brother in laws family of any age would. I’d guess at least 50% of adult males?
early car phones, just need to reduce the size of the antenna
I saw an A-10 trainer, up close once. But I didn’t think the entire gun assembly was that large (or the VW, that small). The gun is mounted dead center under the aircraft’s nose (easier to aim) so the front landing gear is off center. Its gun can’t be fired continuously, for more than a second, or the plane’s airspeed will drop to nothing, from all the lead spitting out the barrel. If I remember right, the gun can be removed and a bomb bay rack installed.
#37, Bobbo, it’s possible to fly instruments without an artificial horizon. I’ve done it twice, not recommended. A good ear and/or tach), altimeter, VSI, needle, ball, airspeed and mag compass will do. But it is certainly a pain. Soup is bad enough with a full panel, but T-Storm wxr? Give me the glass cockpit, stormscope, color wxr radar and coupled GPS autopilot. Two engines would be nice.
My other car is a Prius
Walk softly and carry a BIG stick !