Something terribly wrong about this style

A woman in the area of Aspen and Hermosa NE told police Friday she was walking a friend to his car when she saw a suspicious person standing by a neighbor’s truck. The person then ran to a different vehicle, got in, and sped away. She thought it strange, and took down the vehicle’s license number.

The woman then turned around to check her Jeep and was surprised to find a man, later identified as George C. Sandoval, 27, of Albuquerque, inside, according to a criminal complaint filed in Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court. Sandoval ran, and the woman’s male friend gave chase.

“(The friend) ran after him and detained him after (Sandoval’s) pants fell to the ground, causing him to trip and fall,” the complaint states.

Sandoval told police he intended to steal items he could sell for drugs. He said the Jeep was unlocked. He opened it and began rummaging though it.

“He found a cookie on the passenger’s seat and began eating it,” the complaint reads.

“That was when he noticed (the woman and her friend) watching him, and he got out and started running.”

We truly specialize in dumb crooks in New Mexico.

  1. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Judging from the photo, I think the burglar is really Joe the Plumber.

  2. woody says:

    Would the story below about the IRS, would that be an example of smart crooks?

  3. BubbaRay says:

    I wonder if NM has the market cornered on dumb crooks. Seems like the kid that broke my car window and stole my radar detector, then tried to sell it back to me, is up there somewhere in the top 10.

    I think that’s his picture…

  4. hhopper says:

    Hey, are you advertising crack Eideard?

  5. Steve says:

    Awesome plan! I might just add a bag of cookies to my cars security system. Anything to slow a crook with the munchies. The trick is finding balance such that the cookies are not the cause of the break-in.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Finding food in some else’s car and eating it? Sheet, NM has some weird ass thieves.

  7. billabong says:

    I asked my wife what is the difference between a butt crack and cleavage they both look the same.Her response”I don’t fart out of my tits”.

  8. OvenMaster says:

    Just say “no” to crack!


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