
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — A veteran who has been out of the military for 15 years and recently received his AARP card was stunned when he received notice he will be deployed to Iraq. The last time Paul Bandel, 50, saw combat was in the early 1990s during the Gulf War. “(I was) kind of shocked, not understanding what I was getting into,” said Bandel.

In 1993, Bandel took the option of leaving the Army without retirement and never thought he would be called back to action. “Here he’s 50 years old, getting his AARP card, and here he’s being redeployed with all these 18-year-olds,” said Paul’s wife, Linda Bandel. “I can understand, say, ‘Here, we have this assignment for you stateside. Go do your training,'” said Paul Bandel. “But, ‘Hey, here’s a gun, go back to the desert.'” Involuntary recall allows the military, regardless of age or how long someone has been out of service, to order vets back into active duty. “Anger’s not the word. I was more concerned about the financial impact it’s going to do. My pay’s probably cut in half,” said Paul Bandel.

“Right now, I’m just in disbelief because it’s like the disbelief that this could be happening 15 years after being out of the military. It’s like a dream or a nightmare,” said Linda Bandel. The veteran is dusting off his old uniforms and torn between his duty to his country and obligations as a grandfather. “I certainly never thought I’d be going back there at this point in my life,” said Paul Bandel. The last missile system the veteran was trained to operate is no longer used by the military. Calls to the Army and the Pentagon about how many men and women in their 50s are being called back to duty were not returned Wednesday.

Holy Smokes….That’s only a couple years from my age, I better check my enlistment contract, and get my attorney on the phone.

  1. Winston says:

    What they fail to mention for some dumb reason is that this guy is an officer who has not, apparently, resigned his commission. Until he does, he IS on the hook for life.

  2. Rich says:

    # 8 gquaglia said,
    on January 2nd, 2009 at 4:13 pm

    “…Without the military you would be speaking German now, that is unless you are Jewish.”

    And if Israel and the Zionists have their way, those American service personnel still alive will be speaking Hebrew!

  3. Bud says:

    #29 There were no checks coming in for this person, assuming this statement is correct. “In 1993, Bandel took the option of leaving the Army without retirement…” I’m assuming that what they meant to say is that he separated from the Army before he made 20 years.

    He’s certainly not the first person to be involuntarily recalled. And its important to note that this recall is *not* limited to those who are drawing military retirement pay.

  4. maddmaxx says:

    MisterMustard is right on about the draft. Let evryone serve regardless of monetary or social status. I served during Viet Nam although not in the war zone. Not everyone in the military are combat soldiers you know although they know which end of the weapon is the business end. I think it would do the little snowflakes good to get away from Mom and Dad’s basement. Poor things.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 31 Winston said, “What they fail to mention for some dumb reason is that this guy is an officer who has not, apparently, resigned his commission.”

    Come on! You want truthful reporting?

  6. jrick says:

    Come on, folks! Look at the picture. This really can’t be a 50 yr old guy…wearing a WWl helmet? It’s just a way to rile folks up.

    The gov, despite what many would like to have you believe, just doesn’t call up people for military service who have no commitment to such service.

    It’s my bet this guy hasn’t been “out” of the military for 15 years. Rather, he’s probably been, as someone suggested, drawing a reserve check, making a few meetings, and expecting to draw retirement when he gets enough points without having to go through what those who do their time on active duty have to go through.

    He made a bet (that he would never get called up) and he lost. Seems to be his problem.

    This is a non-issue.

  7. Les Baer says:

    # 31 Winston said, on January 3rd, 2009 at 7:42 am

    What they fail to mention for some dumb reason is that this guy is an officer who has not, apparently, resigned his commission. Until he does, he IS on the hook for life.

    I don’t think you are incorrect. If he isn’t on active or reserve duty, or retired, but once held a commission, then he resigned his commission. You don’t roll off active/reserve status (without retiring) without resigning; otherwise, they’d just issue you new orders.

    As I recall (from dim memory), if you have ever held a regular commission, you are (technically, I think it’s in title 10 U.S.C. somewhere) subject to recall at ANY time, “subject to the pleasure of the President.”

    I don’t want to hear from some civilian, bed-wetting sissies, but if any JAG’s out there can shed light on this issue, I’d like their read.

  8. Tatsinda says:

    So a 50yr old is allegedly recalled to duty.
    While that age seems ancient to some of you it is younger than I am and I still work.Lol.

    If the US Military is stupid enough to send “military unfit” personnel to war zones then they need to be told to stop by you their people.
    It is not for those they recall I ask this but for those who serve.
    Regular trained soldiers deserve someone who can truly “watch their back” not someone they would know is a liability through no fault of their own.

    What is clear to me from this discussion is that if we were on different sides of the fence in a war zone which of us would lay down our arms and offer to end the War/difference of opinion.
    You tell me……

  9. Deep-Thought says:

    Better him then anyone’s kids.

  10. NunyoBidnez says:

    To everyone that is quick to call everyone coward and that there should be a draft let me ask you something. Where are you at right now? That’s right…in front of your computer being the typical armchair quarterback that you probably have always been your entire life.
    Put your money where your fat, running mouth is. Go find your local office and enlist yourself along with any kids that you may currently have. And while you are at it take your spouse as well. You can make it a family affair since you are so quick to expect everyone else to go themselves. When you are done with that then come back and post something.

  11. Hal says:

    If they call me Ill tell them to go to hell! Besides I can fail the physical, its easy to do.


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