Yes, a huge burger served between two donuts topped with bacon and egg. Cripes. Only in America.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. LtSiver says:

    Hey John, why are you surprised? Have you seen the horrible for you crap she makes on her show? Sure, it tastes great, and you’ll love eating it, but if you eat everything she makes you won’t live very long. Everything in moderation!

  2. Rick Cain says:

    Those women can be strapped to a chain and used to knock down buildings with.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    She made it almost 57 seconds before blurting out one of those obnoxious “yaawwwwl” eructations. If she’s ever murdered by a demented stalker, it will be for saying “yaawwwl” more times per minute than can be humanly tolerated.

  4. Alan Ralph says:

    Don’t worry… the UK is fast catching up with the US in terms of the amount of crap that most people stuff into their faces… 🙁

  5. Buzz says:

    John. Time for your diet, too. You need to drop below 180.

  6. hhopper says:

    That would be a terrific last meal.

  7. superchocobear says:

    I saw this on the TV show the Boondocks two or three years ago, though admittedly the boondocks is a animated show. and as @hhopper says, it would be a terrific last meal.

  8. amp1985 says:

    if cows are being taxed for farts ,she should be charged for hearts.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    She’s the worse of “White Trash” cooking. I came across a clip the other day she was breading and deep-frying leftover Mac & Cheese.

  10. onomontapeia says:

    Not only is it unhealthy and unappealing but unsanitary. Did you see her lick her fingers and then hand the woman the sandwich to bite? Ewwwww!

  11. Special Ed says:

    That sandwich makes her ass look big!

  12. CountSmackula says:

    It ain’t the sammich Ed.

  13. CountSmackula says:

    If knew she was gonna use donuts, she should’ve make a big sausage patty instead of beef.

    Oh, and added cheese to that bad boy!

    Mmmmm… better than an EggMcMuffin.

  14. Ryan says:

    More disturbing than the food is the incredibly fake interaction between the black chick and Paula.

  15. John Paradox says:

    As seen on The Obesity Network….


  16. Brian says:

    Jim Gaffigan makes a joke about this exact sandwich from his 2005 ‘Beyond the Pale’:

    ‘look out McGriddle here comes the donut ham hamburger!’

    Then says he should be careful because Dunkin’ Donuts would pick it up.

    Ugh. Crap like this is why terrorists really hate us.

  17. Troublemaker says:

    Wow! I just noticed that you guys finally got a decent looking logo…

    About time!

  18. Personality says:

    #17, I think that is why this site was down so often in the past week.

    Sorry DU, but I got to have my DU at work!

  19. eater says:

    that’s just gross! am I the only one that likes my sweet and salty flavors kept separate?

  20. Miss_X2b says:

    That’s got to be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Full stop, BARF!

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    I have seen enough variant tastes that very little fazes me anymore.

    Not what I would order but I’m sure there are people, like my nine y/o, that would gobble this up if they also used ketchup.

  22. QB says:

    Homer: “When you’re in my house you shall do as I do and believe who I believe in. So Bart: butter your bacon!”

    Bart: “Yes, sir”

    Homer: “Bacon your sausage!”

    Bart: “But dad, my heart hurts…”

  23. i think she’s hot

  24. /T. says:

    Was anyone else waiting for her to claw at her chest and drop ???

    Funny #2, the next recipe is for fruit & yogurt.

    Peace & Happiness to All in ’09 !!

  25. hhopper says:

    Personally, I like a cheeseburger like this:

    Cripes, I think I dislocated my jaw!

  26. Ron Larson says:

    The Australian Burger King (called Hungry Jack’s over there) sometimes sells a similar heart-attack sandwich. No doughnuts, but pretty close. Bacon, egg, hamburger, beetroot, cheese, etc.

  27. sargasso says:

    I don’t see this as a bad thing. Weird, yes, but it is a symbol of America’s true pride in it’s abundance and in it’s generosity. It is a sociological phenomena.

  28. Gasbag says:

    God I had a heart attack just watching that!

  29. brm says:


    Yeah, In-N-Out!

  30. MikeN says:

    Don’t worry people like Mike Bloomberg have banned food like this.


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