Absolutely horrible predictions. Most are not predictions at all!!
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Absolutely horrible predictions. Most are not predictions at all!!
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Feliz Año Nuevo de España!
urr, that was painful to hear, because its so scattered.
on a little different note, I thought “One Microsoft Way’s top 10 of 2008” was pretty good.
I predict:
Florida will be hit with a hurricane.
California will have wild fires.
Kansas will have tornadoes.
Political scandals will surface in Washington DC.
Taxes will go up.
Several famous people will die.
Violence will erupt in the middle east.
Computers will get cheaper and be more powerful.
Fedora 11 will be released and will be positively reviewed by Linux magazines.
Many people will be unprepared when TV goes digital.
The stock market will end higher than where it started.
The price of gas will rise above $2.00 a gallon.
Some big retailers will go bankrupt.
I think that more bridges will be built in 09. Maybe, not sure though.
John, I would rather hear your predictions, than, you going over someone elses lists.
also, we need to keep a eye on Marc Perkel, did you read his predictions? Pretty scarry if you ask me…
Happy new year!
It would be neat to have a predictions thread with moderators deleting all not predictive thead posts then come back and see how we did.
#5, Marc,
Nothing to say about that glut of brussels sprouts?
Please, no more. That was brutal.