MSNBC– Defying U.S. Senate leaders and his own state’s lawmakers, Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Tuesday appointed former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to replace President-elect Barack Obama in the U.S. Senate. Blagojevich, accused of trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder, praised the 71-year-old Burris’ integrity and asked that the corruption allegations not “taint this good and honest man.”

“The people of Illinois are entitled to have two United States senators represent them in Washington D.C.,” Blagojevich said. “As governor I am required to make this appointment.” Burris, standing at the governor’s side, said he’s eager to get to work in Washington. He said he has no connection to the charges against Blagojevich, who was arrested on Dec. 9 and accused of trying to profit from appointing Obama’s replacement.

The Democratic governor can announce Burris as his pick, but it may be an empty gesture. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, who must certify the appointment, said Tuesday he will not do so. And U.S. Senate leaders reiterated that they won’t accept anyone appointed by Blagojevich, who was arrested Dec. 9 on federal corruption charges.

If I were Burris, I wouldn’t start redecorating the office yet.

  1. Buzz says:

    Vitch, forced into doing the right thing, caved.

  2. deowll says:

    No doubt he selected the most shining example of a person with a clean record he could find and played the race card.

    I’d say the guy made a smart move.

    I’m sure this man was nowhere on his list before the scandel broke.

  3. Digby says:

    What, no Chinese women in Illinois?

  4. smartalix says:

    Too bad, Burris is a great choice otherwise.

  5. gquaglia says:

    You can’t trust this appointment. Was it paid for? Some are also trying to make this a racial issue.

    Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois told reporters that Senate Democrats should not “hang and lynch the appointee as you try to castigate the appointer.”

    Hang or lynch? Talk about a racially charged statement.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    Deft maneuver by the Gov.

  7. bill says:

    The Gov. was right… and he looks like a good pick.

  8. Montanaguy says:

    This guy reminds me of Hitler, madly planning to save the fatherland from the inevitable up to the last days.

  9. contempt says:

    No Republican in sight to lay blame. Accusations of lynchings if Burris is not accepted.

    The entertainment value is priceless when Democrats are forced to deal with problems they themselves have created.

  10. GigG says:

    #10 That’s what I love about the Dems. They usually will sooner or later eat their own.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 10 contempt said, “No Republican in sight to lay blame.”

    Not true. Repubs ended black slavery in this country and thus enabled Obama to have the senate seat. Obama helped this gov get power & it is HIS seat that all the noise is about.

    So, it is the Repubs fault. 😉

  12. ECA says:

    Can i ASK,,
    WHAT EVER happened to RETIREMENT AGE??

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, so Blagojevich has proven himself to be not entirely stupid.

    This was a good move. Put a truly good and competent guy in the senate seat and then play the race game to keep him there.

    So, assuming that Blagojevich is simply corrupt and greedy, but not stupid, then why is he trying so hard to keep Burris in this seat?

    Blagojevich has some end game planned for this move which keeps him out of jail and in the money, and in some way Burris plays into this.

    It should be interesting to see where this all goes!

  14. contempt says:

    #12 Paddy-O

    >>Obama helped this gov get power & it is HIS seat that all the noise is about.

    We are talking Chicago so if the dead are allowed to vote and remained counted, how difficult would it be for Obama to appoint his successor without those pesky voters getting in the way.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, contempt,

    Enjoy it. The right wing loonies will remain on the outside looking in for quite a while.

  16. contempt says:

    #16 Mr Fusion

    The left is so use to attacking, it should be great fun watching them drown try to defend the monumental amount of screw-ups on the Obama horizon.

    Should be great fun, at least until the vise tightens on us all.

  17. Special Ed says:

    I’m not sure but I think this guy is a knee grow too!

  18. Jetfire says:

    #14 “Put a truly good and competent guy in the senate seat and then play the race game to keep him there.”

    If he was such a Good and Competent guy. He would have stopped lobbing for the senate seat after Blagojevich arrest and turned the offer down. Instead he lobbied harder for the spot after the arrest. The man deserves no respect.

  19. Delphi@yahoo.com says:

    I think the Senators should be just like the anchorpersons we all have to put up with. With this in mind, the new Senator from Illinois should be a beautiful Asian babe, with long, shiny black hair, gorgeous come hither eyes, and a willowy figure. What’s with this aging black-hack? Give us what we REALLY want….How about Elliot Spitzer’s whore?

  20. CountSmackula says:

    Race? Who’d bring race into the issue? Certainly not Illinois Rep Bobby Rush!

    “This is a matter of national importance,” Rush said. “There are no African-Americans in the Senate, and I don’t think that anyone, any U.S. senator who’s sitting in the Senate right now wants to go on record to deny one African-American for being seated in the U.S. Senate. … And so I intend to take that argument to the Congressional Black Caucus.”


  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, contempt,

    The left is so use to attacking, it should be great fun watching them drown try to defend the monumental amount of screw-ups on the Obama horizon.

    Not quite. The “left” is so used to coming after a Republican administration and repairing the damage. Both Carter and Clinton had to do it, now the current President Elect has the worst mess of all.

    I fully expect the Obama Administration to make some mistakes. No matter though, by 2012 this country will be much better off than it is today.

    Burris should be accepted and seated. Everyone opposing his taking his seat is doing an injustice to the Constitution. In their zeal to appear righteous, the Senate Democrats will only end up playing the Republican game. They are better than that.

  22. Greg Allen says:

    If this guy didn’t pay “Blago”, the Senate should seat him.

    Fist check with Patrick Fitzgerald, of course, but this is a perfectly legal appointment and the Senate has a lot of work to do.

    The recalcitrant GOP obstructionists would LOVE to see the Senate waste Obama’s honeymoon on a huge legal fight.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 24 Greg Allen said, “The recalcitrant GOP obstructionists …”

    Actually, it is Dem obstructionists who are slowing things down. The Repubs have no part or say in this situation…

    Nice try but can’t pin this on Repubs. It is purely a Dem meltdown.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    >> Paddy-O said, on January 1st, 2009 at 9:40 am
    >> Actually, it is Dem obstructionists who are slowing things down. The Repubs have no part or say in this situation…

    I was talking about the last two years, when the GOP’s only strategy was to block EVERY attempt at progress or problem-solving in the Senate.

  25. bobbo says:

    #25–Paddy==I was all set to condemn Greg for acting like a mindless Repuglican shill, but his post #24 does not claim the recalcitrant GOP obstructionists ARE CURRENTLY doing their anti-USA game, merely that those who are and do would love to see the turmoil. Too bad, you almost got a point to start off 2009. Instead, its a fail.

  26. doug says:

    Burris should not be seated. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that Blago does is tainted by his absolute and utter corruption. The Illinois Legislature should impeach Blago post-haste and then Quinn can appoint someone.

    It is absolutely disgraceful the way both Rush and Burris have played the race card in this situation, especially since Obama has said that Burris should not be seated.

  27. MikeN says:

    Why do you all say Burris is qualified?

    This guy already lost various races before, and has been described in local media as a typical Chicago political hack.

    Plus the real disqualifier is that this guy has literally built a monument to himself.

  28. contempt says:

    #23 Mr Fusion

    >>Burris should be accepted and seated.
    >>Everyone opposing his taking his seat is doing an injustice to the Constitution.

    Why? Just because Blagojevich appointed him?

    The real injustice to the Constitution is to bypass the voters and allow a corrupt Chicago Governor to appoint a Senator.

  29. soundwash says:

    first off…for those blinded by “federal government is for the people”

    Blago claims innocence on the senate seat sale if only because this is how politics is done in all *51* states.. what do you think lobbyists
    and campaign donations are used for? -just advertising? -do you think Obama, *a complete unknown* -got $700m-$1bn in donations without strings attached? –

    you people do remember that he ran against NO ONE to get his senate seat.. how do you think this was accomplished? payola.

    (just look at the ted kennedy obama endorsement and the resulting caroline kennedy fiasco here in NY in regards to hillary’s senate seat. how does someone with ZERO official public service get fast tracked to the top contender to fill a senate seat? payola.

    to think Blago is guilty of anything other than business as usual is extremely naive.
    -and divisive.

    i guess the hopes of years of democrat infighting ending is still a wet dream at most..

    me thinks one of the reasons blago is still sitting in the gov’s seat is because he probably has a crapload of dirt he can unleash at the drop of hat on the majority chicago politicos.. -and they’re all still trying to figure out how unseat him without him exposing the whole lot of’em.

    i still say this started because on Dec 5th, Chicago based Republic Windows and Door had to close it’s doors because Bank of America closed
    it’s credit line with them.

    -this resulted in some 15 or so city council members along with Blago stating they’d boycott
    BoA (cutting all financial ties with the slimebank) until BoA used some of that fat TARP money it got from The Fed for it’s intended purpose…to get get credit flowing again..

    low and behold, Dec 9th, the following tuesday,
    the Blago senate seat scandal emerges out of the blue…effectively wiping the boycott off the map..

    Think about it..as corrupt as US politics is, (not to mention chicago’s stellar reputation in the corruption business) -this was a simple case of David vs Golaiath…the little guy (chicago) going up against the behemoth that is The Banking Industry. (and it’s federal
    govenment stooges)

    (for all you simple-minded out there..go rent “it’s an Ant’s Life” for wonderfully simple prime example)

    -had Blago and his council members succeeded in
    gaining nationwide press on this issue..how long do you think it would take other states that are hemorrhaging debt rise up and take up the same cause..? -not to mention the millions of muted Americans (80%+) who already have voiced extreme
    opposition to the bank bailout to begin with.

    The Banks (plus the media & congress) *had* to stifle Blago & Chicago et al asap, or risk being exposed for tresonous slime that they all are.

    Chicago could have been the catalyst for the first real, highly warranted united American uprising in decades.

    it’s too bad, for a moment, there was a glimmer of hope the dummed down masses that is today’s America could have proven the world wrong..

    alas, the powers-that-be prevailed and we’re back to left-right petty bickering over who’s slimeball is more worthy.. -just the way they like it.

    it was a nice country while it lasted.


  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 26 Greg Allen said, “I was talking about the last two years, when the GOP’s only strategy was to block EVERY attempt at progress or problem-solving in the Senate.”

    You are a couple of years behind the times. Dems have been in control for a couple of years now. Add to this come Jan 20, the Executive. No excuses.


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