This site is running Wordpress 2.7. Wordpress is looking for new ideas and suggestions. Here’s my idea. Feel free to add your own. And feel free to vote up my idea.

  1. Greensaab says:

    How about make it work. Since this site went to 2.7 is has been down alot.

  2. RDH says:

    This is your issue and has no place in this blog.

  3. Marc Perkel says:

    This is a WordPress blog. WordPress ideas help make it better.

  4. Greensaab says:

    @#2 John said the site has been having problems with the 2.7 update. It is not just a problem on my end.

  5. CountSmackula says:

    What Greensaab said. Maybe a rollback to an earlier version is in order.

    p.s. I agree w/ RDH.

  6. MyChupacabra says:

    #2 RDH – you haven’t read the EULA, have you?

  7. Cursor_ says:

    My suggestion is for users to abandon it and start learning to actually code a site from the ground up and quit using the Web 2.0 version of Geocities and Tripod?

    That might be nice.

    I grow weary of cookie-cutter web work.


  8. Marc Perkel says:

    Actually there’s nothing wrong with 2.7. The problem is other sites on this server that run Movable Type. MT is seriously broken and trying to get all of them moved over to WordPress.

  9. Brian says:

    I would like to see it quit crashing Firefox. This is only site I regulary go to that crashes it. I now use IE tab.

    “The editors at Dvorak Uncensored all use the Firefox Browser. You should too. “

  10. QB says:

    Brian, what version and OS are you running? Just curious.

  11. RBG says:

    Get it to work properly with MS Explorer 6.

    Actually, this DU known glitch works even better than 7 in that all the ads and other bumf are only to be found far below the blog entries.



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