Unrest caused by bad economy may require military action, report says – El Paso Times — More and more of these stories keep emerging. Do these folks know something we don’t?
A U.S. Army War College report warns an economic crisis in the United States could lead to massive civil unrest and the need to call on the military to restore order.
Retired Army Lt. Col. Nathan Freir wrote the report “Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development,” which the Army think tank in Carlisle, Pa., recently released.
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities … to defend basic domestic order and human security,” the report said, in case of “unforeseen economic collapse,” “pervasive public health emergencies,” and “catastrophic natural and human disasters,” among other possible crises.
The report also suggests the new (Barack Obama) administration could face a “strategic shock” within the first eight months in office.
Found by Scott Diaz.
Quote-“More and more of these stories keep emerging. Do these folks know something we don’t?”
In light of the fact they are part of the establishment that created this mess, I would think so.
But in all reality, this is the sort of sh*t that the military/Pentagon think tanks get paid to conjure up, every wild asses scenario you can think of. And as a tax payer, I would hate to think im not getting my moneys worth from these guys, even if it involve violation of Posse Comitatus and oppression.
They may have a little more self control than cops.
Welcome to the party Dvorak!
It’s not going to get bad, it will get very bad.
Gerald Celente on GoldRadio.fm December 23
part 2
The Next Four Years
Celente’s Predictions
* By 2012, American will become the first “Undeveloped” country
* There will be another tax revolution, marked by food riots, rebellion and job marches
* Holidays 2012: Food more important than gifts
They go on to talk about how we are going to go into a depression worst than the “Great Depression”. We are going to take a hit like we have never seen before and no one is prepared for it.
They explain how to prepare:
The government needs to cut back on spending and shrink.
Individuals need to not spend a penny more than they can afford.
Send kids to a community college for a “real” degree that has returns, and not just an Art History degree or Psychology Degree.
Take a unit of reservists, some with PTSD,
Give them a weapon and place them in front of a crowd,
Throw in a few drunks in the crowd.
Results: another Kent State
The first person to say “tin foil hat” please be man enough to provide your address so I can take the hat and personally shove it up your ass.
That’s why I just purchased $3000 worth of stuff which the government won’t be letting you buy in the possibly very near, or probably in the near, future. Use your imagination, gang. The other stuff, there is still time to buy.
MOST governments..
do not understand an OLD adage.
THEY live to the suffrage of those BELOW them.
A gov. is for protection of those they govern. WITHOUT those below government, there would be no FOOD, no Transport, NO electricity, NO services.
You cant ASK your POLICE and Military to FIGHT those they are asked to protect.
In Britain, they have a rule of “NO Confidence”.
The PEOPLe can decline to Accept rule.
It befits such a rule, that IF regulations are Put upon the people, the SAME regulations MUST be put upon those controlling and RULING.
I would suggest a petition/Vote by the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE of the USA. Of NO CONFIDENCE, against our OWN government.
They cant warrant the Goods or protection of IMPORTS from foreign soils.
They have fallen down on promises of locating those responsible for 911.
They cant control the money they are GIVING AWAY to big CORPS, they is only going to THEIR bottom line profits.
In the last 30+ years they have LIED, cheated, Stolen from US/WE the people.. 60-70% of our wages ends up going to TAXES/EXCISE/TARIFF and we see NO improvements, and contracts that ARE NOT being BID, but SOLD to individuals..
#5–Tomain==no tin foil hats huh? All Righty Then, I guess that still leaves us with Chicken Little Running Around Blogging to his fantasies content along with delusional breaks with sanity end of days scenarios.
How many of you doomsayers are also good religious thinkers???? Anti-global warming??? Still support Bush==well maybe not given he wasn’t nuts enough. Again, lack of a tin foil hat.
I regret to inform that any US soldier who willingly threatens to use or uses a gun or tazer or other so-called nonlethal weapon at an American citizen on US soil is in violation of his or her oath to defend the liberty of that citizen, by the terms of the US Constitution, and is therefore a traitor to all American citizens and is at that point onward unfit for service to the public which means US citizens.
Avoid being put into this unfortunate situation servicemen and servicewomen. Do the right thing: Honor your oath to the Constitution of the United States irrespective of unconstitutional and therefore void orders you may or may not receive.
Holding the US Constitution above the men and women who hold temporary offices in the chain of command is REQUIRED.
There are no exclusions, immunities, or waivers available to be granted to any person employed in the public service from the US Constitution, subsuming the contained Preamble and Bill of Rights and articles and amendments.
#6 – Digby
>>That’s why I just purchased $3000 worth of stuff
>>which the government won’t be letting you buy in the
>>possibly very near, or probably in the near, future.
>>Use your imagination, gang.
Whoa! A dangerous mofo! Crikey!!
Martial Law, eh? Did these whack jobs forget that Bush’s Administration is over come January? Nothing but a bunch of fear-mongoring idiots. The only thing that could possibly cause that kind of civil unrest in any place other than, say, Detroit, would be a nuclear holocaust. But then at that point, who’d care?
Troop deployment within the U.S. for these very reasons in violation of posse comitatus already mentioned Sepember 30, 2008.
There were some problems during the great depression. McArthur used excessive force on vets asking for benifits.
I wonder if BUSH got his Martial law Vote passed?
Where in, there is NO CHANGE in government during SUCH..
That the PRES can call for it, AT ANY TIME..
A ten trillion national debt. More Opec countries switch away from the dollar, even Iraq if we ever leave.
We could end up with Zimbabwe style inflation if china dumps the dollar. Obongo is going to spend i.e. print another Trillion for “economic stimulus”. i.e. Inflation. Homer Doh!
To all those holding that the Posse Comitatus Act prevents Federal troops from enforcing the law, guess again. The PCA has largely been supplemented by other laws over the years and no longer has any effect.
Recent examples include Hoover (a Republican) sending MacArthur to remove protesting American War Veterans from Washington in 1931 and Eisenhower (another Republican) sending in the Army to force school integration in Arkansas in 1957.
In 1962, Kennedy (a Democrat)used Nationalized Alabama Guard units to assist US Marshals in order to allow James Meredeth to attend school. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy asked the President to Nationalize the Guard before the Governor could call them up against the US Marshals.
The PCA did not apply to National Guard troops acting under the authority of the Governor, such as what happened at Kent State and in Louisiana during Katrina.
# 12 OvenMaster said, “Troop deployment within the U.S. for these very reasons in violation of posse comitatus already mentioned Sepember 30, 2008.”
No, that was supposedly (according to lib nuts) so Bush could declare martial law and remain in power forever.
I guess this is so Omama can remain in power forever?
#9: Just to support you, the oath of enlistment follows:
“I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
Note that the Constitution comes first, and trumps orders by the President and officers. There are regs in the UCMJ about unlawful orders.
Sorry Stars & Bars, Gerald Celente is a total fraud
One look at the guy’s picture and you can tell he’s making it up
The El Paso Times article is a bit weak. Some selected quotes:
1. “A U.S. Army War College report warns an economic crisis in the United States could lead to massive civil unrest and the need to call on the military to restore order.”
COULD–yes, it COULD happen. In addition, a black hole COULD rip apart the earth at any moment! Yeah, COULD happen. So what…
Sounds like the War College is simply looking for more work for the troops, just in case the Iraq war actually ends in the next few years.
2. The El Paso Times called up a bunch of military and police spokespeople to ask them about this…their response: not really much to this.
3. The scariest thing in the article whole is:
“Earlier this year, Pentagon officials said as many as 20,000 soldiers under the U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) will be trained within the next three years to work with civilian law enforcement in homeland security”
Seems a little freaky to freedom-loving folk, but
Let’s see if this dumb idea survives under Obama
Also, up to 20,000…ok, could be 500, could be 1,000, who knows
4. “Charles Boehmer, political science professor at the University of Texas at El Paso, was skeptical about the Army War College report.
‘The military was not called out during the Great Depression, and I don’t think our economic problems are as bad as they were then,’
I’m glad he’s skeptical about this…I am too
(also scared–IF it really starts to happen)
However, @16 Mr. Fusion points out above that Hoover called out the troops in 1931, so maybe Boehmer is wrong about that point…
Second, “as many as 20,000″…means it could be as few as 50, or say, 5,000. Anyway, if people still killing each other in the streets, it won’t matter if the troops have been “trained” to deal with it, they will be employed.
Things will have to get probably worse then the Great Depression before “Widespread civil violence” becomes a reality
Overall, poorly written article
Excellent post for Dvorak Blog as usual: Got alot of attention for a sensationalist, attention-getting piece, that when you look closely “may” have a little bit of truth, but ultimately is questionable
Keep up the good work
Is what Biden was getting at when he claimed Obama would face a crisis?
Was this overthrow planned months back?
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