Reporting from Washington — The chairman of the Republican National Committee said Saturday he was “shocked and appalled” that one of his potential successors had sent a CD this Christmas featuring a 2007 parody song called “Barack the Magic Negro,” sung to the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon.” Despite RNC Chairman Mike Duncan’s sharply negative reaction, former Tennessee GOP leader Chip Saltsman defended his mailing and said party leaders should too. He earlier had defended the tune as one of several “lighthearted political parodies” that have aired on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.
Saltsman, who managed former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s presidential campaign, is seeking the RNC chairmanship. During the campaign, GOP officials denounced those in the party who criticized or mocked Democratic nominee Barack Obama along racial lines. A spokesman for Obama, now the president-elect, declined to comment.
A sense of humor doesn’t necessarily require common sense.
Considering the source no doubt it was stupid and tastless but Limon makes money playing to that crowd.
The other guy just identified himself.
Why does everyone say Obama is Black? I thought he was of mixed ethnicity (PC Term).
I remember times when some states had a legal definition of the percentage of Negro ancestry that determined if you were black. I thought that stuff was in the past.
All he got to say is, don’t fuck with me, I’ll make sure it will be harder to get guns.
# 5 sargasso said, Crude, demeaning humor just isn’t right.
All humor is demeaning! Humor is all about laughing at the folly of others, no exceptions. You laugh because it’s stupid, it’s a failed effort…
It seems the GOP is doing everything it can to diminish it’s creditability with most people.
The magic negro thing is kinda funny but watching white liberals have an epileptic fit over the word NEGRO is funny as hell!!!!
How about the word HONKY? Am I a racist, intolerant, bigot for typing this word too? What about CRACKER? Is this bad or OK?
Well F&dup==you certainly post just like a CRACKER HONKY so if you are, then no, its not racist for you to look in a mirror and call that malignant image for what you know yourself to be.
But if you were a proud American of African descent, then yes, it would be racist to call a CRACKER HONKY that. Better to say trailer dwelling welfare scum to avoid such connotations.
Keep up the good work, fedup. The Republican party will be wandering in the desert for many years with people like you supporting it. Which will be very good for the country.
the “conservative base” sure haven’t proved themselves intellectually coherent in these comments
Thanks Negro!
#9 – Jay Benson II
>>Long before Rush created the parody, the original
>>piece was written.
Rush didn’t create the parody. And before that dickwad Paul Chancredick came up with the silly song, it had never been written before.
#37 – FuckUp
>>watching white liberals have an epileptic fit over
>>the word NEGRO
No white liberals are having epileptic fits over that, boy. They’re just shaking their heads in dismay over a grownup man finding great humor in a mildly recist parody that would probably not amuse anyone over the age of 8 or 9.
Get over it. The racist party lost and the good guys won. Big time. Rant all you like but it ain’t changing at all in the next two years at least.
And in two years, look for the good guys to win even bigger.
Gee, it is a little funny that Sarah Palin can’t be lampooned by PETA for something she does while it becomes fine to demean Obama, not because of what he does, but because of his race.
Aren’t the right wing nuts living up to their reputation of hypocrisy?
Leaving aside the fact that this moron is a serious candidate for the chair the RNC, it’s not even remotely funny. It’s another lame joke from a Republican named “Chip” – I guess Scooter and Skip were unavailable.
Man, the RNC has boned itself worse than I thought.
That’s very funny! It is funny, political correctness be damned. Some of you lefty Democrat types MIGHT be able to reclaim your souls by laughing at a funny joke like that.
What’s the problem? The only fun most citizens get is to verbally demean, ridicule and attack power mad politicians. If Barack the Magic Negro offends you then don’t listen.
Frankly, as long as politicians insist on slamming us with over-taxation and run away spending they deserve much more in the way of ridicule than this harmless bit of humor.
Rich, just because Rush thinks Chip’s song is funny, doesn’t mean it’s funny. It’s boring.
SNL doing Clinton at McDonald’s – now that’s funny.
my friend who isn’t political at all thinks it simply isn’t funny from an objective point of view. It is just dumb redneck racist shit.
I think some of you have no clue what the word “racism” means.
Clue for bobbo – being black and calling a white guy “honkey” doesn’t make you a racist. Believing you are innately superior to somebody of a different race does.
#49, contempt,
What’s the problem? The only fun most citizens get is to verbally demean, ridicule and attack power mad politicians. If Barack the Magic Negro offends you then don’t listen.
Criticizing someone for something they have done is fine. Go for it.
Criticizing someone because of something NOT a choice, race, nationality, age, sex, size, etc. is not funny. That is bigotry plain and simple. But then you are the kind that would laugh at the CP kid with crutches who fell.
This comes at a time when the Republican party is getting ready to ask itself why they can’t attract more minorities. Many posters here are the reason why the Republican Party will continue to lose. Until the Republican leadership learns that appealing to the redneck crowd will only continue to marginalize them to the Southern, Redneck, Evangelical extreme.
People of this ilk sicken me. Such disingenuous, pompous, and judgemental asshole hypocrite shithead hatemongers.
A criticism, poorly presented or not, based upon behavior and ideology is valid. A criticism based upon personal aspects not under the control of the person involved is not. Get it, fucktards?
Give me one example of Obama denigrating someone because of a personal aspect. Just one. You racist rat bastards use personal characteristics, weight, gender, image, scars, and any other unimportant wedge aspect, often ignoring the character of the person involved entirely. You are intellectually bankrupt, and deserve to be pitied for your ignorance as much as despised for your smug fatuous attitude.
I hope in the new year more people examine their hearts and realize this kind of shit is not only stupid and demeaning to all, it is also pointless.
I think someone came close to defining the issue. Liberals think that a racist is anyone who utters a word they don’t like. Their little brains can’t process the fact that “racisim” is a belief and not a word. I have no belief whatsoever that any race of people is inherently superior to another. Don’t believe that and never had. I think the Barack the Magic Negro ditty sung from the perspective of Al Sharpton is funny. Simple political humor. Just like when Bush was called a little monkey, cowboy, redneck, warmonger, etc, etc. all funny. To all the mental giant liberals who have posted about this being “racist” it’s just to be expected. It must be miserable as hell being a liberal. Having to always go through life offended at something or another and upset all the time. Take a break people and enjoy the Barack the Magic negro song and then you can return to your miserable lives.
Here’s the lyrics:
Barack the Magic Negro lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s not authentic like me.
Yeah, the guy from the L.A. paper
Said he makes guilty whites feel good
They’ll vote for him, and not for me
‘Cause he’s not from the hood.
See, real black men, like Snoop Dog,
Or me, or Farrakhan
Have talked the talk, and walked the walk.
Not come in late and won!
Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically.
Oh, Barack the Magic Negro, lives in D.C.
The L.A. Times, they called him that
‘Cause he’s black, but not authentically.
Some say Barack’s “articulate”
And bright and new and “clean.”
The media sure loves this guy,
A white interloper’s dream!
But, when you vote for president,
Watch out, and don’t be fooled!
Don’t vote the Magic Negro in –
Gosh darn it, what was I thinking? It is hysterical and production values put it over the top. All we need is a banjo to make it better.
#53–SL==takes a lawyer to quibble. OR you could go further than you do and say that “No Black can be Racists because they don’t have the social position/power to do so==ie, white calls a Black the “N” word and it recalls all kinds of hateful history no one today approves of BUT a Black calls a white Honkey because the Black is a Panther thinking himself superior===and the Honkey could care less because he’s not threatened and has no bad associations.
Its not a double standard as the clueless f&cktard Reguglicans and unseaworthy lawyers assume without knowing==its a different history.
Sad, little Honkeys, they know not what they do.
Thanks QB… I agree about the banjo
#56 – FuckUp
>>Just like when Bush was called a little monkey,
>>cowboy, redneck, warmonger, etc, etc. all funny.
The difference is that Bush IS a little monkey, cowboy, redneck, warmonger, and pretty much everything else he has been called.
This “song” just isn’t funny. If you listen to it without any preconcieved notions about Obama, liberalism, neocons, etc., it’s just not very clever. And if you think about it in the context of other guys who have been referred to as “Magic Negroes” (e.e., Will Smith, Sidney Poitier, Morgan Freeman), it’s STILL not funny.
The only humor neocons derive from the song is the Beavis-and-Butthead-like realization that Paul Chancredick uses the word “negro”. Hehehehehe. He said “negro”! Hehehe.
That’s okay for developmentally arrested “grownups” who think “did you tits hang low, do they dangle to and fro?” is hilarious, but the President of the RNC? Come on. Is the guy 11 years old, or what?
…”Barack the Magic Negro…hmmmm…hmmmmm….hmmmm”….gotta love it
#56–F&dup==ok, I’ll accept you at face value. You aren’t an evil racist bigoted Reguglican trolling for the joy of it–you’re just stupid, uniformed, and not empathetic enough to appreciate what anyone other than yourself has experienced in life.
#62 He’s trolling. He also secretly dreams of smoking cigars but his wife won’t let him. 😉