Reporting from Washington — The chairman of the Republican National Committee said Saturday he was “shocked and appalled” that one of his potential successors had sent a CD this Christmas featuring a 2007 parody song called “Barack the Magic Negro,” sung to the tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon.” Despite RNC Chairman Mike Duncan’s sharply negative reaction, former Tennessee GOP leader Chip Saltsman defended his mailing and said party leaders should too. He earlier had defended the tune as one of several “lighthearted political parodies” that have aired on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.
Saltsman, who managed former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee’s presidential campaign, is seeking the RNC chairmanship. During the campaign, GOP officials denounced those in the party who criticized or mocked Democratic nominee Barack Obama along racial lines. A spokesman for Obama, now the president-elect, declined to comment.
A sense of humor doesn’t necessarily require common sense.
#60–Mustard==very insightful. Anyone know of a word that would identify this Beavis and Butthead immaturity==laughing at the mere presence of a word?
If not, there should be, it comes up often enough.
#63 – Cubie
FuckUp doesn’t have a wife. His mom won’t even let him go out with girls, and he CERTAINLY couldn’t have one in her basement.
And you’ll note that for all the hilarity he derives from the song, he doesn’t even know the frigging lyrics! HAW! “Barack the magic Negro …hmmmm…hmmmmm….hmmmm”. HAW HAW! “…hmmmm…hmmmmm….hmmmm”” Once you get past the “Barack .. Negro” part, he doesn’t care WHAT it says.
You liberals are my own personal little jesters….I love fucking with your minds. BOO…Negro…..
#66–F&dup. Legend in your own mind huh?
Hah, hah. What a dope.
Maybe you don’t realize it, but you are one of the reasons the Republicans lost. You are the reason why the Republicans will continue to lose. Because the world doesn’t like bigots who spew hate for the sheer joy of seeing their words on their computer monitor.
The Republican Party will continue to diminish in importance as long as they allow things like this to happen. Yes, several well placed Republicans have denounced this act. But it is those who endorse it that are the millstone around the Party’s neck.
#68–fusion, for others==its just a little bit worse than that. Its the fact that the majority of Repuglicans are proud, I say again: PROUD, just as F&dup, Cheney, Bush, Rove, Chris, Chip, Scooter, Coulter, Rush, Hannity===the whole cabal==they are PROUD of their accomplishments and these attitudes.
Then they plan the lies for the next election cycle to try and get fools to vote them into office.
F&dup, and his ilk, fall for it every time.
Silly Hoomans.
I can pull your strings at will. I can make you say bigot, hater, intolerance, republican, anytime I like… Dance for me little liberal jesters, dance…. Oh what a miserable little lot you all are. I should becareful though, one of you might commit suicide over this….Oh well…NEGRO, PEPPERBELLY, SLANT EYE, HONKY, CRACKER… haaaa… I can just picture all of you running around in circles screaming right now…oh the humanity of it…..look, a bigot, a BIGOT!!!!!!!! Ok, now lets see you dance for me!
Republicans as racists? I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you.
Ok, it just came to me. Jimy Heel is trying to post under a pseudonym !!! I admit, you fooled me there but your idiocy came through in the end.
No wonder you are such a f*ckedup asswipe.
Oh how beautifully my little liberal jesters dance. You especially mr mustard.
#73 – FuckUp
The delicious irony here is that it’s you who are dancing. Just as predicted.
I think Mr mustard must have shot himself by now. Boy I hope not. I would miss my little liberal jester….