
PETA received a call from governor Sarah Palin’s office this week and Palin’s spokeman Bill McAllister wasn’t in the mood for laughs.

Yesterday morning, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk took a call from someone in Sarah Palin’s office, demanding that we pull down a new online game that involves pelting the Governor with snowballs. When she asked for his name, he yelled into the phone, “Just take the game down or you’ll read my name on the lawsuit.”

Within a few hours of our posting information about the call on our Web site, the Governor’s communication director, Bill McAllister, emailed (he must have been monitoring to see if the call would have the desired effect), and our President had an interesting follow-up exchange with him.  I think the threat, exchange, and game would make an interesting item (note just how rude Mr. McAllister becomes).

Sarah Palin is a bully who never saw an animal she didn’t want to kill, so it’s not surprising that her staff would try to intimidate us anonymously and then backtrack when called out. Our game represents a fun way to focus attention on a very serious subject—cruelty to animals supported by Sarah Palin and the other targets of the game—and we have no intention of taking it down in response to these pathetic attempts at intimidation.

Here’s a link to the website for those who would like to lob a few snowballs at her.

  1. Special Ed says:

    I’m willing to take one for the team here and offer up my services to sleep with her. You know, in an effort to try and make things right.

  2. floyd says:

    I should point out that both the Palin clique within the Republican party and PETA are apparently totally wacko. Put them in all in a mosh pit without an exit and let ’em fight. Darwinian selection will improve the overall IQ of the human species.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Bah! this game is nowhere near as fun as their Thanksgiving game.

  4. billabong says:

    A great game I like my animals well done.Happy New Year to all the crankheads and chuckleheads out there.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    I’m a fairly consistent liberal but I think PETA are nuts.

    I know they are trying to go legit but they haven’t convinced me, yet.

  6. Special Ed says:

    #28 – Angel said. “The only reason the militant women in that organization are volunteering for a sterilization is because them bitches are afraid that pregnancy will show them what the real priorities are.”

    This is exactly the reason I would ONLY stick it in their butt.

  7. gooddebate says:

    Once again, the only reason for even posting this is to simply create a red hearing debate that makes a specific person look bad. It’s like answering the do you still beat your wife question, it’s designed to be damaging. It’s not reporting, it’s not asking an interesting question worthy of debate, it’s nothing but a platform to damage someone. It’s worthless MAC.

    Here’s the irony of the post headline: What organization actually destroys most of the dogs that it takes into it’s shelters instead of adopting them out? Ok, it’s PETA.

  8. Malcolm says:

    Snowballs? Fun, yes….
    Hell, give me a shotgun!

    Palin is a has-been.
    I am still amazed they found someone who makes Dan Quayle look smart!

  9. ECA says:

    and WHOM will remember in 8-12-16 years from now when she RUNS for president..?
    Who remembers what Bush’s Granddad TRIED to do??
    (look it up)

    ITS THE SAME PEOPLE, over YEARS and PILES of crap.. They just change positions as time changes..

  10. Angel H. Wong says:


    Don’t forget to flush their holes first.

  11. Mojo Yugen says:

    You mean I have to picks sides between Palin and PETA?

  12. Flu-Bird says:

    People are suckered into donating to PETA thinking their going to save the animals but instead PETA uses the money to stage stupid protests print nasty comics like YOUR MOMMY KILLS ANIMALS,YOUR DADDY KILLS ANIMALS or to kill 95% of the animals they have adopted and get a bunch of hollywood knownothing idiots like ALEC BALDWIN and PAMELA ANDERSON to do stupid ads for them


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