
Like davidminzer, I’m Jewish and descendant of holocaust survivors. Moreover, I’ve been a Zionist all of my life. I went to a Zionist school, I was active in Zionist youth groups. I’ve always been a fervent supporter of Israel as a refuge for Jews around the world who seek a place to exercise their traditions and embrace their identity in peace. I sang the Israeli anthem in the train rails of Aushwitz-Birkenau and I pledged to fight every day of my life to make sure the savage crimes that had taken place there would never happen again. Every year I pledged: Never Again. Remember and Never forget.

Well, I haven’t forgotten. And so to honor that pledge, to honor the memory of my family members who died in those death camps and because “there comes a time when silence is betrayal,” today I finally and publicly end my support for the state of Israel.

ENOUGH. I’m done justifying crimes against humanity by a country that claims to be an illuminated western democracy. I’m done defending a country that is unwilling to grant self-determination to a neighboring people because it won’t let go of a few settlements and divide a city. I’m done tolerating the slaughtering of innocent kids, the murderous and barbaric occupation of an impoverished people, the utter disregard for human life.
Fuck them.

If they think their daily peace of mind is worth the lives of hundreds of innocent people, Fuck them. If they think the best way to go right now would be to vote for Natanyahu (who is so far winning in the polls), Fuck them.

If they won’t bat an eye before keeping millions without electricity or water, before bombing civilian neighborhoods at exactly the time when kids are leaving schools, before breaking every standard of international law or moral decency, Fuck them.

It’s time for every true progressive in this country and around the world to do the only thing that our consciences should allow us to do, the only thing that can keep us consistent with our supposed beliefs that human life is precious and that unnecessary violence is always criminal, barbarous and unacceptable. We must demand that Israel stop violence and immediately put an end to its colonialist military occupation of Palestine. And until they do so, we must organize and do everything we can to make sure our money is not financing mass murder and oppression.

Thanks to Ian Warner

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    #124 Jim W.

    Now that’s a good link. Worth everyone’s time to read.

  2. ... says:

    Jopa, if you are so knowledgeable how about saying something insightful instead of calling everyone ignorant or take your own advice STFU. It’s not hard to say you’re from Israel online.

    I wouldn’t support either of them, both are despicable and unworthy of support.

  3. HMeyers says:

    The real question isn’t whether or not you like Israel.

    The bigger question is why did the morans move to Middle East to found a Jewish state in the first place.

    It’s like moving to the shit part of town.

    100 years later … surprise! The primitives are still terrorizing you and not accepting you.

    The Jewish people should have collectively hoarded up some cash and bought a nice, big phat island but instead they just HAD to have the “Holy Land” and have been fighting non-stop with the local primitives ever since they moved there.


  4. Chris Mac says:

    gonna have to copy/paste those urls’s.. i’ll try to learn wordpress later

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Hey Chris! You’ll love this video also!


  6. Jopa says:

    #120, I suggest you come live in sderot for a year. Then we will talk again. Very easy to talk when you are safe behind your computer, thousands of miles away.

    #126, oh now I am not really from Israel?! lol, that’s funny. If you have nothing smart to say STFU.

  7. Zybch says:

    # 106 – “I think she took down the post about niggers, niggers stomping niggers (Barbara Streisand parody tune I just made up for the DittoHeads) from her blog. That was a little nasty, even for a she-bitch like Z-bitch.”

    Never saw that one, certainly never posted anything like that. I think you might have seen it elsewhere.
    I’ve maintained many times that everyone should be treated equally, and that includes being mocked and ridiculed if you make stupid comments or do stupid things no matter what the color of your skin or how better you think your god is than that of your neighbors.
    Anyway, I don’t delete any threads from my ***FORUM*** (its not a blog you ignorant git) unless they violate the rules of the hosting service which basically go ‘no porn and don’t be an evil terrorist’, you know, like Israel has been ever since they were given the majority of the good land in Palestine by the impotent, corrupt and not-worth-a-fuck-anymore UN. Add up the number of attacks from each side that were designed SOLELY to terrorize (rather than to go after real targets) and I think you’ll find the enormous majority of the civilian casualties have been caused by Israel with the constant and mindlessly ignorant public backing of the US and its sheep-like citizens.

  8. RTaylor says:

    These comments demonstrates why there will be no resolution to this problem.

  9. A person says:

    I find this totally amusing.
    Poeple acting like little children or a tough guy.
    While some are correct, some are just racially motivated.
    I hate wars.
    This twisted world has turned Israel from the small country that consist of Nazi vistims into a country that are acting like Nazi’s.
    This wouldn’t happen if Israel had a freaking brain and think if they didn’t attack first, they wouldn’t be attacked.
    If anyone sane has watched National Geographics lately, they would see the truth about Israel’s discrimination against the Palestinians.
    Mind me, the show was “Don’t Tell My Mother I’m In”.
    Just don’t be an ass by telling how you hate something, be human.
    If you are a racist, continue on.
    Wars erupt because of you people.
    If this continues on, a bigger war would just wager on.

  10. ECA says:

    I find that MOST TIMES…
    If someone THROWS something at you and you THROW A BOLDER BACK…he will QUIT…and shut up..
    Problem comes with Hamas..

    HOW do you get FLEAS out of your hair?
    dont read the instructions, Just USE THE BOTTLE..

    Im sorry,
    Its ALL IGNORANT Bastards…

    SCREW them all and let them goto WAR…

  11. #91 – Carcarius,

    For those complaining of anti-semitism, you must realize that the whole point of being jewish is to be God’s chosen people and thus are people on a higher plane of existence than gentiles. This sort of “i’m better than you” attitude causes anti-semitism.

    Ironically, to be any different would be to dilute what it means to be jewish. It is an interesting dynamic to say the least.

    And do you really think that this is so different than Christians who claim to be “saved” while all others are “damned”? Do you really believe that any one sub-sect of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion is so much better than all the others?

    The problem is that the text of every flavor of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion advocates murder and genocide, explicitly again and again.

    Islam is currently the most virulent strain of the disease, but was not always so. Think of crusades and inquisitions. Think of Joshua at Jericho, which may be fiction but is still an admonition for truly horrific genocide.

    Even that long-haired, commie pinko, lefty-liberal, hippie freak of the new testament advocated genocide. First, he reaffirmed the entire old testament and all of its violence. Then, in my favorite passage of the new testament, Luke 19:27, said “Now as for those enemies of mine who did not want me as their king, bring them here and slay them before me.”

    Of course, getting rid of this scourge on humanity will not be easy with half the world’s population believing in this xenophobic genocidal desert war god. And, it will not be made easier by the fact that it must be done without violence, else we have really just replaced one genocidal ideology with another.

    I am not hopeful for humanity.

    However, if you really want better ideals, ditch your antisemitism at the door and replace it with antitheism. And, remember, hate the religion, not the religious.

  12. bobbo says:

    #107–Bahram==if you generated a “long list” of errors I made, posting the first one, two, or three should be very easy, yet you chose not to. GO AHEAD and do it.

    As to your insight into my mindset–heh, heh. Who YOU trying to KID?? YOU and the rest of the Anti-Israeli’s posting here======I don’t support Israel or Palestine or the USA or any other country, BUT I do accept reality. Countries are formed and maintained when some group of people kills, enslaves, absorbs and ejects their nearest neighbors and they spread out arithmetically until they meet an opposing force doing the same thing.

    You dumb-ass Arabs want to wipe Israel from the face of the map?===FINE, GO AHEAD AND DO IT. Ohh!–you tried that 5 times now and lost? Well, you have met your opposing force doing the same thing. Any notion of “justice” is the mewing of those who have lost. History is written and enjoyed by the winners.

    Any notion of justice for the Palestinians makes as much sense as justice for Indians in America. Justice won’t be restored until the English return to the original 3-4 colonies that were initially acceptable to the Indians.

    What the Israeli’s need to do is learn from America===wipe the enemy out until their numbers are irrelevant, call it manifest destiny, and get on with it. Half measures leave nothing but festering wounds. Homelands, reserves, reservations, protectorates are all EXTREMELY defective concepts. You don’t give your enemy any safe haven. You kill them, interbreed with them, or get killed yourself===because people everywhere are the same.

    I had a dog once. It attacked every other dog it came across. Bigger dogs would kick its ass and he would whimper with its tail between its legs and he would cower. First time he did that I thought “Wow, look at that behavior.” What blew my mind was when the Bigger Dog accepted victory and turned to walk away, my stupid dog attacked him again!!! and got his ass kicked again. This happened once more before I dragged my dog away. After this incident, I changed my dog’s name to Palestine.

    The alternative is to cut your own throat in the name of justice.

    The Palestinian people ELECTED HAMAS in a free and fair election. The stated and repeated goal of Hamas is to destroy Israel. A few days ago, Palestine lobbed a few rockets into Israel. If the entire population of Gaza were killed or displaced to Egypt or drowned in the Mediterranean, they would only be receiving the fruit of their own efforts.

    Bahram==your links are singularly irrelevant leading nowhere with nothing to say. I’m not being argumentative, the links are just not good–or am I supposed to buy a subscription to read whatever you can’t capture in a 1-2-3 sentence characterization?

  13. #92 Origen,

    That really does just about say it, doesn’t it. Well done.

  14. bobbo says:

    #114–Fusion==with your expertise in History, I would love to engage you (and you did make some interesting points) but as I have told you, your responses indicate you can’t handle being disagreed with, and I only want Justice for you, so I will not respond.—or, with full realization I may, like Israel, be fooled twice, affirmatively state you will stick with the issues at hand, avoid the purely ad hominem, and we can agree and disagree with one another as the issues warrant.

  15. bobbo says:

    #119–daveg==interesting post. Israeli has blockaded Gaza. What would you recommend as an alternative?

    I do kinda wonder WHY the USA does support Israel so much. Its been a lot of money for nothing in return that I personally value. I suppose, regardless of original or continuing intent, that Israel acts as bait for all the otherwise anti-American/Western impluses that exist in the middle East, and/or that USA is trusting Israel to act as proxy for things we don’t want to do directly==like bomb Iraq’s Nuclear Facility as it did 20 years ago to the outrage of the world including the USA. Then 20 years later, we invade the whole country to do the same thing. Using Israel is so much cheaper.

    Can anyone doubt we are in fact waiting for Israel to take on Iran?

    Mew, mew, mew.

  16. Chris Mac says:

    I equate the hamas to my cats litterbox

  17. bobbo says:

    #120–Brett==you ask: “I don’t support Hamas firing rockets into surrounding Israel but what would you do if you were supressed over the year so much? /// I would agree not to seek the death of someone who could squash me for the bug I was anytime he decided to do so. I would accept peace on the best terms I could secure and then work politically for increased advantage. I would hide my intent to kill my victor for a 1000 years before revealing my own inherent weakness.

    Hamas/the Palestinians actually DESERVE to be killed they are acting so self-destructively. Death by Cop. Death by Israel. Some people simply don’t want to live.

  18. bobbo says:

    #126–nothing said==”I wouldn’t support either of them, both are despicable and unworthy of support.” /// Equating both sides of a dispute is to highlight your own lack of understanding/knowledge/interest. Recognize what a dullard this makes you. HAVE AN OPINION BASED ON FACTS OR PHILOSOPHY—not the equivalence of ignorance.

  19. bobbo says:

    #135–person==very much like nothing said. The life of Palestinians within Israel is head and shoulders above the life of those living under the Hamas Terrorists. No concentration camps, no liquidation based on racial theories. Killing people who are trying to kill you is indeed what the Nazi’s did. Its what everyone does. Now try to identify some overriding DIFFERENCES between Nazi’s and most of the rest.

    Silly to post what you did.

  20. bobbo says:

    #142–Pedro==your attention span may be that limiting but even a “fool” would know this thread beyond its initial spark has nothing to do with the kos posting. You can do better.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    >> ECA said, on December 30th, 2008 at 4:14 am
    >> I find that MOST TIMES…
    If someone THROWS something at you and you THROW A BOLDER BACK…he will QUIT…and shut up..

    If that worked as a military strategy, Palestine should be the most peaceful place on earth.

    In reality, violence just breeds more violence.

  22. orangetiki says:

    Violence Begets More Violence. Build a wall or something

  23. Greg Allen says:

    #113, Greg Allen
    >> Yes, atheism was the sole cause of their ruthless, power hungry, paranoid ways. Not.
    >> There is not a single shred of evidence to suggest that they would have acted any differently if they were religious.

    Here is the bottome line for me: Atheists like to keep claiming that if only THEY ran a society, everthing would be better.

    Well, it’s been tried and was more horrible than ever.

  24. bobbo says:

    #150–Greg==what is it about Stalin being a COMMUNIST escaped your attention? Blaming atheism is like blaming left handedness. An irrelevant true fact is still irrelevant.

    #!51–Pedro==well, I guess you are for going off on a tangent and for not having anything relevant to say on topic.

    Richard Engle of NBC news just reporting that Egypt and Jordan gave Israel the “greenlight” to attack Hamas. Seems those Arab Countries recognize Hamas as proxies for Iran and Syria.

    The link provided by #124–Jim really is worth the read. Slightly on the other side of the issue, but not crazy, is: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/daniel-levy/what-next-on-gazaisrael-a_b_153743.html

    which is defective in basing its solution on proposals that have been and currently are being rejected by the parties in contention.

    I think a wall is the only way to go until the Palestinians will agree to a recognition of Israel’s ability to exist.

  25. Skippy says:

    #150 – Greg Allen, that’s funny, there are a number of countries that are largely atheist, and they have a high quality of life, generally higher than the US. Oh yeah, and they’re not run by communists, unlike your two examples.

    Religion is the most divisive and hateful force in the world.

  26. jehosaphat says:

    To everyone decrying the disparity in the capabilities of the two sides in this war, don’t feel sorry for Hamas for bringing a knife to a gun-fight.

  27. tsbardella says:

    @Molly as a girl you have nothing to say about the right to retaliate against missiles. Missiles are for men and women should just shut their cake holes or keep them stuffed with something useful.

  28. Angel H. Wong says:


    “thats not a very deep “analysis” or do you in your unique way over emphasize “anal?””

    I’m simplifying things, that’s all. Besides, it’s always a good thing to find others who will either do some corrections or add more info that will fill in the gaps.


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