Like davidminzer, I’m Jewish and descendant of holocaust survivors. Moreover, I’ve been a Zionist all of my life. I went to a Zionist school, I was active in Zionist youth groups. I’ve always been a fervent supporter of Israel as a refuge for Jews around the world who seek a place to exercise their traditions and embrace their identity in peace. I sang the Israeli anthem in the train rails of Aushwitz-Birkenau and I pledged to fight every day of my life to make sure the savage crimes that had taken place there would never happen again. Every year I pledged: Never Again. Remember and Never forget.
Well, I haven’t forgotten. And so to honor that pledge, to honor the memory of my family members who died in those death camps and because “there comes a time when silence is betrayal,” today I finally and publicly end my support for the state of Israel.
ENOUGH. I’m done justifying crimes against humanity by a country that claims to be an illuminated western democracy. I’m done defending a country that is unwilling to grant self-determination to a neighboring people because it won’t let go of a few settlements and divide a city. I’m done tolerating the slaughtering of innocent kids, the murderous and barbaric occupation of an impoverished people, the utter disregard for human life.
Fuck them.If they think their daily peace of mind is worth the lives of hundreds of innocent people, Fuck them. If they think the best way to go right now would be to vote for Natanyahu (who is so far winning in the polls), Fuck them.
If they won’t bat an eye before keeping millions without electricity or water, before bombing civilian neighborhoods at exactly the time when kids are leaving schools, before breaking every standard of international law or moral decency, Fuck them.
It’s time for every true progressive in this country and around the world to do the only thing that our consciences should allow us to do, the only thing that can keep us consistent with our supposed beliefs that human life is precious and that unnecessary violence is always criminal, barbarous and unacceptable. We must demand that Israel stop violence and immediately put an end to its colonialist military occupation of Palestine. And until they do so, we must organize and do everything we can to make sure our money is not financing mass murder and oppression.
Thanks to Ian Warner
i just want to make a quite point. yes want hamas is doing is wrong and israel has the right to defend itself just like anyone else.
now that i have said that can we please try to remember back to the 80s when the westbank was being took over by israeli. anyone remember what happened then?
does kids with rocks fighting tanks ring a bell? those are images that have burned into my mind.
yes what hamas is doing is wrong and yes they should be stop, but anyone who is willing to look at the situation and keep their emotions out of it can see that hamas is just a response.
hitler was able to come to power in germany due to horrid conditions that was imposed on that country at the end of the first world war. the same thing happened with hamas.
what i find amazing is israel has not learned these tragic lessons.
How come Fedup’s venomous, hate filled rants stay but mine are deleted?
[As far as I can tell you have made 3 comments- none deleted – ed.]
#3 “Many who condemn Israel’s retaliation would be the first to cry for action if it was their neighborhood constantly under harassment fire from Hamas.”
Let me fix that statement for you…
Many who condemn Israel’s retaliation would be the first to cry for action if… their neighbors grass went uncut to long.
comhcinc: what you seem to forget is that the palestenianin people are living under self imposed conditions because they refuse to acknowledge Israel’s right to even exist!!! They have vowed to push them into the sea. It’s so amazing that sheepish liberals always fail to mention that the palestinians refuse to acknowledge that Israeli’s even has a right to live on this planet. WTF should they do? They have given them most of Gaza and the rest of the west bank and they still launch rockets that kill innocent israeli’s. FUCK them…
[Comment Deleted see posting guidelines – ed.]
Its becoming a theme, but once again, this thread has NO SUBSTANCE/ANALYSIS AT ALL! Just a conclusion. Thereby, it cannot be judged as truthful or a work of propaganda.
Anyone against the Horror of Israel as set forth here–how would you deal with an enemy who will not make peace and wants to wipe you from the face of the earth?
How do you do that?
So, yeah. I guess you could make peace on any terms provacated, like allow all Palestinians to return home are reoccupy their original homes or the replacement homes that have been built, remove yourself from Jerasaleum, return the Golan Heights, and convert to Islam. Israel could do that and I guess its unreasonable for them not to do so.
So, let me see:
1) Zionist Jews come into a land and take it from an entire people who have been living there for two thousand years, the Palestinians. For nearly just as long jews and Palestinians lived in peace in that area, together. As an American, it is ridiculous to think of reclaiming my ancestors land of even a few hundred years ago in Europe.
2) These people (The Palestinians) are not given the right to citizenship, as only people of Jewish blood can be Israelis (after all, they believe they are God’s chosen race). Hmmm… “chosen race” – doesn’t that sound a little scary, I don’t know, kind of like the Nazis. What a lovely democracy.
3) Millions of Palestinian people have been living in refugee camps for generations and are not given equal rights, opportunities or justice.
4) Zionist elite, who fully support these actions, using the holocaust as a pretext, wield their incredible wealth and power lobbying the United States politicians for financial and military aid (even though Jews represent but a small percentage of the population here). As a result Israel has state of the art weaponry (tanks, planes, etc.).
5) The Palestinians are just people, no different in spirit or substance than any other humans (even the “chosen race”) and they retaliate and elect Hamas. With no proper army, they blow themselves up with bombs strapped to themselves against their enemy (a dastardly act against innocent people). Now they also use crude missiles.
What would you do if your grandparents land was stolen and you were living running between checkpoints without any decent standard of living, much less freedom? What would you do if your child didn’t have access to proper education? What would you do if the settlements kept encroaching? What would you do when your children are shot by M-16’s for throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers? What would you do when you built a house only to see it torn down because of permits?
Oh yes, but please remember Palestine is the bully.
If I could make any point here, it is this: people are the same all around the world. It doesn’t matter what group you are from. Ideas need to be resisted. The whole idea that you must have Jewish blood to be an Israeli citizen is racist and ridiculous. The idea of a “chosen race” should be insulting to all. The idea of suicide bombing should be deplored. The idea of rocket attacks on civilian targets is terrible. I think we all need to look how we got into this mess (and the USA also, for supporting Israel).
Just another place to store nuclear waste eventually
In 1933 http://amazon.com/Judea-Declares-War-Germany-Critical/dp/B000K9JP2A
I read President Carter´s book Palestine peace not apartheid.
Whatever happened to no more race nation states? General Wesley Clark a jew lambasted Serbia for fighting Kosovo. And Serbs who are christians fighting Muslims as being nineteenth century racist evil. I say hypocrite! Integrate and intermarry israelis and palestinians? The religion forbids it! Ezra ch 9,10 Nehmiah ch 13 joshua ch 23 and much much more… Listen to and visit davidduke.com
Me thinks Hitler would be proud of the jews, he taught them well.
Israel only wishes they could build some ovens to rid themselves of the Palestinian problem.
I saw this nutter documentary that claims the the Genocide carried out by Hitler was to goad the working class Jews into creating a Jewish state since most had already lost pretty much everything…
The only way for Israel to have peace is to commit genocide. The Zionists need do it or give the Palestinians back their land. Please stop dancing around the issue. Just grow a backbone and do what the Nazis did to you.
You want my analysis? The Israelis deserve this and more because Yitzhak Rabin wanted to end all this back and forth murder nonsense once and for all and he was killed by his own people and he was no left winged liberal, he was a war veteran who witnessed too many deaths.
Kinda makes me wonder if his own people did the same to Ariel Sharon because he was on track to do the same as Yitzhak Rabin in terms of ending all this nonsense happening in the middle East by removing the Jewish settlements in the occupied territories.
#34 mister fedup let me stop you right there.
i am a veteran of two wars. i have fought and bleed for this country. i am a southern and while i do then to have many liberal views when it comes to social issues but i don’t believe anyone who knows me would describe me as “sheepish”.
it is true that hamas likes to pretend that it doesn’t recognize israel. but just like the republicans or democrats don’t represent all of the united states, neither does hamas represent everyone in their country.
remember that, at least in recent history (500 years for example) there has been no israeli state and that part of the world belong to the palestinians. they were not giving a say when israel was created by outside powers.
how would you react if an outside power took most of your land and gave it to strangers?
again i am not defending hamas actions, but i do understand them. just like i am not going to completely condemn israel but i am not going to give them a free pass.
continuing to make wrongs isn’t the way to bring a little peace. all sides need to come up with a better way and unreasonable people, like you are acting, does not help the matter.
It cracks me up to hear people crying for the a-holes in Gaza. How poor and starving they are. I can’t find one person who has been there (prior to this latest event) who would agree with that. They had food and medicine and schools and things were getting significantly better until Hamas ruined it. Abbas could do wonders if they would just let him do his job. If you’re poor and starving you DON’T LAUNCH ROCKETS AT OTHER COUNTRIES. That’s not how you get sympathy. The press is painting this wrong as usual.
I have no attachment to this other than I’m inundated by it as an American. I can say this however… this is never going to end as long as the current leadership in *both* parties are dictating the direction of these states.
Hate is preached by both side at a very early age. If both of them would instead teach acceptance and patience, the conflict would be over in a generation.
The kids dictate the future. Teach them well, and the future changes.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein
vi and Slackwear forever! Death to Microsoft Pigs!
#45 I totally agree. With the amount of hate I see here on a DU, its no wonder that there’s little hope for peace. Both sides are guilty in this conflict.
When you have no one left to Kill in Gaza that’s when Israel should stop the bombing….
To quote the Gaza Strip wikipedia article:
“After a 24-hour period in which not a single Qassam rocket or mortar was fired into Israel, on 24 November the IDF facilitated the transfer of over 30 truckloads of food, basic supplies and medicine into the Gaza Strip, and it also transferred fuel to the main power plant of the area. On 25 November Israel closed its cargo crossing with Gaza due to two rockets being shot at Israel.”
WTF. For one whole day Hamas actually didn’t fire any rockets. Once. And now you complain when Israel finally retaliates.
Poke a dog with a stick long enough and the dog will eventually eat your ass. Gaza is having it’s ass eaten as we post.
#49. Then Israel is ultimately doomed. Enjoy your hell asshole.
Ill see you there but you will be my slave since you are a sheep….
I can’t believe the stupidity I read here. Stop worrying about Israel. God swore (he’s not a politician, He WILL do what He promises)that he would take care of Israel whether or not you support them. But, if you read and believed your bible, you would be better off by supporting Israel. That stuff you heard above is correct. Bless God’s chosen and you will be blessed by God. That was a promise, too.
And that garbage about Israel invading another country and then claiming it as their own…that is your garbage. Read your bible again. God gave the land to Israel. It was His to give. God was the original deed holder and He’s going to give them All of the land back in a very short time.
I hope all you guys bad-mouthing Israel are around for the party. That kind Lord you have in your mines eye is going to upset you more than Israel has. His clothes will be covered in the blood of those He will slaughter with his army. Remember your bible? It said he would start in Egypt.
Don’t believe the bible? That’s OK too. Hell ain’t half full yet! Ole Satan will keep the light on for ya!
Biggie Smalls, I thought that negro was decomposed…He’s probably selling chicken heads to the terrorist in hell.
Dear Ed: I think fedup needs to take a hike…
I personally do not support everything Israel has done by a long shot. Much that Israel has done over the years has not been to my liking. However, if “Chilean Jew” really believes that giving away half of Jerusalem is the answer to peace in the middle east, s/he is obviously missing a key point. The other nations of the middle east want to completely get rid of Israel. Half will not be enough.
Israel should certainly abort its policy of having settlers expand its borders into Palestinian territory. However, this will not stop the violence. Nor will giving up half of Jerusalem. Once again, the problem in that particular region is religion.
With the exception of religion, Palestinians and Israelis are one people.
Until both sides, and the rest of the world, give up on the xenophobic genocidal Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion (deliberately singular), there will be no peace in the world. True, there may be no peace even without religion, but a religion of world dominion and death to anyone who believes even slightly differently will not be the answer to anything.
One People Divided by Religion
Well, I’m so glad that this thread hasn’t degenerated into something ugly.
[Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]
Liberals are so free speech…..
#56: Got it, calling someone a name is more horrific to a liberal than supporting a group that dismembers jewish children with rockets and forcing 10 yr olds to be suicide bombers…