
Like davidminzer, I’m Jewish and descendant of holocaust survivors. Moreover, I’ve been a Zionist all of my life. I went to a Zionist school, I was active in Zionist youth groups. I’ve always been a fervent supporter of Israel as a refuge for Jews around the world who seek a place to exercise their traditions and embrace their identity in peace. I sang the Israeli anthem in the train rails of Aushwitz-Birkenau and I pledged to fight every day of my life to make sure the savage crimes that had taken place there would never happen again. Every year I pledged: Never Again. Remember and Never forget.

Well, I haven’t forgotten. And so to honor that pledge, to honor the memory of my family members who died in those death camps and because “there comes a time when silence is betrayal,” today I finally and publicly end my support for the state of Israel.

ENOUGH. I’m done justifying crimes against humanity by a country that claims to be an illuminated western democracy. I’m done defending a country that is unwilling to grant self-determination to a neighboring people because it won’t let go of a few settlements and divide a city. I’m done tolerating the slaughtering of innocent kids, the murderous and barbaric occupation of an impoverished people, the utter disregard for human life.
Fuck them.

If they think their daily peace of mind is worth the lives of hundreds of innocent people, Fuck them. If they think the best way to go right now would be to vote for Natanyahu (who is so far winning in the polls), Fuck them.

If they won’t bat an eye before keeping millions without electricity or water, before bombing civilian neighborhoods at exactly the time when kids are leaving schools, before breaking every standard of international law or moral decency, Fuck them.

It’s time for every true progressive in this country and around the world to do the only thing that our consciences should allow us to do, the only thing that can keep us consistent with our supposed beliefs that human life is precious and that unnecessary violence is always criminal, barbarous and unacceptable. We must demand that Israel stop violence and immediately put an end to its colonialist military occupation of Palestine. And until they do so, we must organize and do everything we can to make sure our money is not financing mass murder and oppression.

Thanks to Ian Warner

  1. eyeofthetiger says:

    If the IDF went into the Gaza strip (one of the most population dense places in the world) how many more do you think would have died? It is quite comical how the left support Hamas. “Allah in heaven, Hitler on Earth”

  2. tsbardella says:

    I publicly end my support for assholes who shoot missiles indiscriminately

  3. contempt says:

    What is a nation to do when their sworn enemy keeps lobbing unprovoked rockets of death into it’s neighborhoods?

    Many who condemn Israel’s retaliation would be the first to cry for action if it was their neighborhood constantly under harassment fire from Hamas.

  4. fedup says:

    “Today, I pledge my support both political and financial to the state of Israel”…. It’s about time Israel stood up to these cowards who launch rockets into civilian neighbor hoods and who strap bombs onto the backs of palestinian children then run and hide behind the families of those children.I hope Israel kills every last one of these cowardly bastards…Im sure Mohamed is so very proud of these warriors…

  5. molly says:


    and give it to people who retaliate with high tech war equipment financed by the West and driven by well fed soldiers and kill 10 to 1?

    way to go public.

  6. Personality says:

    Hey, I support Israels choice and I’m from the left?

  7. sargasso says:

    Television, the modern terrorist’s nail bomb. Honestly, they should sell advertising space on those kids tee shirts. This is all a play to the TV, and the target is the American family’s living room. Switch it off, if you want to stop it happening.

  8. molly says:

    they launch rockets. they use hand made weapons. they don’t have planes, nor tanks. they don’t have food, nor medecine. as for neighborhoods… ha! they attack because they are starving and sick and need help.

    when are people going to realize, Hamas is a consequence if Israel’s constant harrasment, disregard for human rights (aparteid anyone??). a consequence, a cry for help, nothing more.

  9. Bobby says:

    Nice use of the english language. Just about any 12 year old moron can type the f word over and over to make his point. Too bad you didn’t even try to address the issues. I don’t like the results of this any more than you do, but the facts are the facts-the only way to really deal with a bully is to smack him down-and frankly, Hamas is just a big bully. They have been bullying not only their neighbors but their own people. The residents of Gaza are in the mess that THEY created by voting in Hamas. If Hamas then decides to attack the neighborhood-so be it. Way to go Israel. I hope that they (Hamas) get smacked good and hard. IF you think this is just about Israel denying food, fuel and medical aid then you’ve really been standing around with your head in the sand. The Egyptians can easily prove that goods have been getting in to Gaza and the opportunists in Gaza are going to have the tunnels rebuilt posthaste. Nothing to see here, move along…

  10. Benjamin says:

    I publicly support Israel.

    Bless those that bless Israel and curse those that curse Israel.

    Hamas is full of cowards who launch rockets while hiding next door to hospitals and schools.

  11. tomdennis says:

    I support Israels choice.
    There is plenty of land in Iraq and Iran for the Palestine tribes to wander in or settle in. They can live in Palestine if they follow the laws of the land; so far they haven’t.

  12. F**k Who? says:

    Of course, no decent person could possibly disagree. Regrettably the Zionists have 200 (200+) nukes and a considerable number of truly disgusting friends. So I would recommend, before any serious fornication is attempted, that the relevant coital calculations are made with the greatest precision and accuracy.
    Total depravity is a source of great strength in this world (politician’s windmusic to the contrary notwithstanding) and this is the only world there is.

  13. morram says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  14. fedup says:

    Molly, are you really as stupid as your posts? What the fuck? You are complaining because Israel is killing more of Hamas than Hamas is of Israeli citizens? Tell the fucking cowards in Gaza to stop launching Rockets and sending 10 yrs old into Israel with fucking bombs stuffed under their spiderman shirts and Im sure Israel will park the fucking planes. Only a fucking liberal could think it’s OK to blow jewish children to pieces and then bitch that palestinians don’t get enough to eat. What a dumb bitch…. I have had it with stupid fucking liberals who support the murder of jewish children. Hey molly, instead of typing on a keyboard why don’t you put your hands to good use and go jerk off a terrorist. I have absolutely had it!!!

  15. ChuckM says:

    I am no expert on the situation. But an eye for an eye seems reasonable…

    If the government can not get a handle on the hand-made rockets being shot, then Israel has a right to fire back with reasonable force in a similar manner.

    Israel should be firing hand made rockets right back at them. Unfortunately what they are firing back is out of line.

    If they were smart, they’d setup an automatic firing system to fire off a rocket each time one takes flight so there is a direct relationship to the launching and one landing on Hamas’s soil.

  16. contempt says:

    #15 ChuckM
    >>what they are firing back is out of line.

    You are obviously a product of the politically correct public school system. In case there is any doubt, I am mocking your stupidity.

    However, we can agree on one thing – you are not an expert on the situation. Go back to your coffee and New York Times.

  17. QB says:

    Is it election time in Israel already?

  18. god says:

    The eye for an eye posts are no less egregious and founded on Fascist lies, greed and racism than the Nazis were – at Lidice and Guernica.

    A Jewish state is not exempt from condemnation for slaughter of a captive people.

  19. mrmigu says:

    If during the 40s the jews had fired handmade bombs out of their concentration camps, would they have been called terrorists?

  20. Cursor_ says:

    This is the result of anti-semitism.


  21. Shinderpal Jandu says:

    The amazing part is that one “Jew’s” opinion just because he is Jewish is supposed to invalidate the whole other Jewish experience and viewpoint
    What are the Israeli’s supposed to do ?
    They gave back Gaza
    Those lovely sweet down to earth Palestinian ( a wrong term ) elect Hamas – who then make it clear they want to kill you every day and shower you with rockets not meant to only scare but kill
    The Israelis held off for the longest time ( most corrupt leadership ) , and are now forced to do something they should of done a lot worse a year ago.
    The Israeli’s to their credit are targeting military targets
    They are expected to feed clothe etc these people who are trying to kill them
    Go figure
    Anyway it is only one person’s opinion – that should be put in reference
    By the way what are those European monitors doing at the Egyptian border . Promises and somehow all these large rockets are there
    Ditto for Lebanon and all the promises of the UN to end that conflict and ensure no rockets
    In the end you can only depend on yourself
    Lesson of the holocaust

  22. jobs says:

    #15 So Chuck your fine with the killings but not happy with Hamas missile production. Maybe if they could kill more you would feel better.

  23. sargasso says:

    That whole conflict is run like any other long running television franchise. When the ratings lag, a key character gets killed or is found shagging a dark stranger. Honestly, they even have advertising breaks.

  24. Jopa says:

    We don’t need jews like that… hamas can take him.

  25. Angel H. Wong says:

    I blame the Brittish. Why? Because they promised -just like the did to many other people- the Jewish people that they (Brittish government) will help them create the nation of Israel if they fight their wars for them in the middle East.

    As usual, once they did the dirty job; the Brittish turned their backs (something the USA seemed to be good at too, otherwise there would not be a Bin Laden) at leaving the Jewish to fend for themselves against the muslims and the rest is history.

    You think is BS what I’m talking about? If you go to the Mediterranean, Turkey and India and you will notice a fair amount of ppl in their 60s and older who will agree with me on the part of the Brittish government using others to do the dirty work.

  26. tobyr21 says:

    If canada attacked the US for weeks, we would attack them back. If France attacked England for weeks, England would attack back. Germany actually did attack England, and England fought a grand war against them. If India attacks Pakistan, Pakistan will attack back.

    If Japan attacked the USA, we would attack back. In fact, we did, and we made Israel’s little sortie against Hamas look like chicken feed.

    Israel is the only country in the world that is apparently not allowed to attack when it is attacked. Israel is a young country, but every old country was 60 years old once. What’s the problem with a state trying to stop its innocents from being bombed?

    Bu some wild coincidence, Israel is almost the only country in the world that’s the victim of antisemitism. Hmmmmm….

    – tobias d. robison

  27. #9 – Bobby

    Who typed the f word over and over?

  28. fedup says:

    Every fucking liberal that post support for the bastards that are attacking Israel, If you have children, I hope yours also meet a similar fate (death!) at the hands of a pedophile dismembering junkie. If this happens and if their is a God it will, post and let me know so I can show support for the murderer…Thank you and have a nice day….

  29. Jopa says:

    #19 – did the jews of 1940 pledged the destruction of germany?
    what you are seeing now in gaza are nazis firing rockets at jews that have an army to defend themselves.

    Hamas is a nazi organization.

  30. Angel H. Wong says:

    #26 Toby

    “Israel is the only country in the world that is apparently not allowed to attack when it is attacked.”

    Check the history books please, they invaded a country and then claimed it as their own.

    btw read this



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