The way I see this, some writer or producer got screwed big-time by the most recent financial crises and produced this film which just looks ghastly. The follow-up film will be titled, “Bernie Madoff, International Hit Man.” Personally the idea of “murder” being on the computer screen menu to me is priceless.

  1. gerard says:

    Uh, how long do you think it takes to produce a film of this size and budget?

  2. ECA says:

    3 months..
    And they say that the USA and the banking industry, that IF’ everyone decided to TAKE their money out of the system, there would be a short fall of about 60+%.
    That MORE money is JUST numbers being pushed around, that there is NO Legal tender being used.

  3. bobbo says:

    If that writer was pissed at the incompetency and corruptness of “big banks” why would he write a thriller making the worlds largest bank into a super criminal? ie–backhandedly, its too much credit.

    No, this film was created by people far away from banking who just confuse money with power with ability with competency.===then with being evil. Too many steps removed from the reality that has been before us with “the bail out.” They are in fact “in control” but they are idiots. They only got away with their fraud because bigger idiots were in charge of regulating them.

    Its a race to the bottom fueled by greed and short sightedness–aka, good repuglican values.

  4. chuck says:

    “This isn’t over”
    “Who said anything about arresting you?”

    Sounds like the writer got a big book of cliches for Christmas.

  5. Unimatrix0 says:

    WOW! This looks like a great documentary!!

  6. ECA says:

    #5 YES, 3 months…
    And you are right…07..
    NOW count 9 months into 08, and in 1 week is 09??

    And MOST women dont SHOW pregnancy the first few months..

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    #3 Bobbo. Couldn’t agree more.

  8. Paul says:

    You think banks let you keep your money safe?

    Your money in their bank is their money — until they decide otherwise.

  9. ECA says:

    So, she wasnt preggers during the movie..


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