All these shirts are limited editions and this one goes off sale on Jan. 1. All will be shipped by then.

The meaning of this should baffle your friends.

Buy a T-Shirt here. You’ll be doing everyone a favor, especially me and the t-shirt company.

  1. sargasso says:

    And, suitably, they also come in black and blue.

  2. Michael M says:

    Um.. I’d rather send some money by paypal then buy the shirt. What email address should I send the funds to?

  3. hfidek says:

    nice scheme the limited edition do john dvorak need a bailout?
    i will buy one when it’s more elaborated

  4. mikolajl says:

    It’s too expensive to send to Europe!

  5. Get Mroe says:

    What the hell is a git mo nation? Get more? If I wore this I wouldn’t have any friends.

  6. skunky says:

    good riddance. poor taste, John, but what do you expect from a pig but a grunt!

  7. Ivor Biggun says:

    Just in time for Obama to announce that Gitmo will remain open and in business for the foreseeable future.

  8. SnotLikeBlasterpoop says:

    #7 – hope so.

  9. skunky says:

    yeah cuz keeping 15-year-olds locked up without charge or trial makes me safer! and warm and fuzzy about our moral superiority! you people are sick

  10. hvacmach says:

    Hay, it is not closed yet, and there is a good chance it wont!!!


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