Any musicians out there willing to give this a try? Post it on YouTube with you playing it on some instrument (a good harmonica and bassoon duet is always welcome) and/or singing it, then post the link in the comments.
BTW, if you search for this on Wikipedia, you get the helpful suggestion: “Did you mean: Faeries Air And Death Walter?” Not sure what a Death Walter is since this doesn’t come up with anything useful either.
Reminds me of the King of Austria’s complaint of Mozart’s Music: “Too many notes.”
Looks like one of P.D.Q. Bach’s nightmares!
Too funny!
I really want to see when they release the penguins.
I think it CAN be played, but not as a solo. If you divide the parts up among 4-5 (or maybe more) people playing the same kind of instrument, then it could probably be accomplished without much difficulty.
err.. didn’t read that close enough. It’s meant for a full orchestra from the looks of it.
Just paint the page black and be done with it.
Cool, a gong duet in the middle, a shoe horn, and Lakers in 6.
Even if he played it correctly, it still sounds like two cats fighting on the keyboard.
If I was bored enough, and I’m not, I could put that into a midi file and play it.
That’s essentially what whoever actually created that thing did, only backwards.
I’d like to know what sofware they used to create the score. It’s pretty good.
I should amend prev post:
The SOFTWARE used to create the score is good.
The score itself is only mildly amusing.
A waste of time.
Playing this is akin to standing on one hand while kicking a soccer ball with one finger up your nose and the other hand scratching your balls. Although I’m sure that too can be done, it begs the question WHY.
Wow so clearly a joke. That you morons didn’t get it is what makes it so funny.
#12–Now Bob==why should anyone not familiar with sheet music do anything except take this at face value?
Know what I mean?
Har! I like the fact that it’s “Based on a Cro-magnon skinning chant.”
#9: good call. I wonder what this would sound like after being transcribed into something with multiple instruments, using, say, Magix Notation or Notation 2?
Very funny. Dr. Johann Peter Schickele, eat your heart out!
#15: I’m afraid it might sound a lot like the piano version in the attached video.
Maybe paul gilbert would be willing to give it a shot.