We are pleased to welcome a new entry into the green blogosphere; TreeHugger hero Rupert Murdoch, fresh off our “CEOs Who Made an Environmental U-Turn” post, has launched How Green? on Fox News. In it’s trademarked Fair and Balanced style…it covers green living, green tech, and since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we cannot help but love their homophonic “plan it green section.”
I don’t think it is a joke at all; I think they are deadly serious.
Every day, there are fewer people listening to them, and fewer places for their audience to share their views where they are not laughed out of the discussion, if their comments are posted at all. John Holdren is advising the president, the Senate and House are irretrievably lost, MSNBC is eating their lunch.
So far, it’s only an aggregation website. But, it has to be ripping the heart from climate change sophistry skeptics.
Nothing surprising here. They’ve done shows like this before, and there is plenty money in looking like you are going green. BP gave themselves a great image doing practically nothing.
“Doing practically nothing” would be a positive trait for some nutballs.
At first, I thought the site was a phony – and it still may be, with good internal links, though – but, there is a Paul Wagenseil working for Fox Snooze.
Maybe they gave him his own broom closet?
Of course, if the Ignoranus Right looked further back, they’d learn Murdoch started his personal turnaround on issues associated with climate change a year ago. This is a logical extension of that change.
Plus, it hurts to lose business to the competition.
“MSNBC is eating their lunch.” Let see MSNBC has half the viewers of FNC and he calls that eating their lunch.
Like the GOP party, Fox News is struggling to become relevant. Some marketing guy thought the idea of doing a “Green Website” will help.
Yeah, good luck.
Maybe Fox should rename it self iFox and hope for an Apple following.
Global warming is just another threat that allows people to take away your freedoms.
Just today I see Oregon’s governor wants satellite tracking of cars to pay for roads.
One of the excuses is that people are driving more fuel-efficient cars.
Wow… Such venom against an organization that appears to be putting a good foot forward. That’s mature…
#5, Lyin’ Mike,
Global warming is just another threat that allows people to take away your freedoms.
Hhmm, the freedom to injure others. How novel. Only a right wing nut like yourself would wail and cry about the “lose of liberty” because you are not allowed to injure others by your irresponsible acts.
where do you guys get your info? FOX news is THE highest rated cable news network. Your comments about “irrelevant” and losing to MSNBC make you seem desperate.
Murdoch knows a good money scam when he encounters one.
There’s lots of money to be made from gullible people. Carbon trading, etc.
#9 forgot the rest – special edition bibles, arthritis bracelets, Rush-approved cigars, Paul Harvey-approved exercise machines – donations to the RNC.
That’s because trash is the most viewable thing on Cable.
#8, joe,
FoxSpews do indeed pull ahead when they get the clown shows on. But they are not a news network. Many local stations have more reporters on staff than does FOX.
Fox News and Limbaugh used to be entertaining. Even if you didn’t like their brand (like me) you had to admit they were very good at what they do.
Now they’re starting to sound like angry, aging, white, ex-frat boys. No one wants that in their living room, and it sure ain’t entertaining.
Fair and balanced as always:
#15 – Lyin’ Mike
>>Fair and balanced, as always:
Or more accurately, “full of shit, as always”. That link is peppered with nonsense like
“Global warming is going to drive killer stingrays, like the one that killed Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, to the shores of Britain after a 5-foot -long marbled stingray was captured by fishermen, the Daily Mail reported in June.
A single touch can zap a man with enough electricity to kill, the Mail said, and global warming is bringing the Mediterranean killers north.
They think Steve Irwin was killed by being zapped with electricity? They think marbled stingrays live in salt water? They think they zap with electricity?
Sheesh. This is pathetic, even for Faux Spews.
“injure others by your irresponsible acts.”.
Hmmm, if driving a real truck, living in a real house, away from the big city and basically living the free life our founders envisioned harms people, I hope I harm everyone on Earth.
#17, iHotAir,
Why not just continue to crap in your own swimming pool. You enjoy it. Playing “hunt the turd”, or just watching them all float by. Just don’t invite us over.
Fox News is popular here for the same reason Al Jazeera is popular “over there”.
They are quoting other sources Mustard, pointing out the most BS claims. This is still nothing compared to Kofi Annan saying genocide in Sudan is because of global warming.