OK, can you count the number of time she says, “You know” and “uh” in two minutes and 16 second. It’s incredible.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. Fedup says:

    Why is that Democratic women are always ugly as hell and the republican women are like models.. Kennedy is ugly as hell…. She would fit right in with all the other ugly ass democratic women in the congress…

  2. QB says:

    #57 “Just another rich, limo ridding, liberal democrat”

    Actually she rides the subway

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #61, F*ckedup,

    Why is that Democratic women are always ugly as hell and the republican women are like models.. Kennedy is ugly as hell….

    OK, like let’s see,

    Elizabeth Dole,

    Carolyn Kennedy

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Am I the only one who couldn’t care less about this? Maybe because I’m on the west coast, far away from New York, or maybe because I assume Caroline Kennedy couldn’t possibly be 1/100th as bad as most of the GOP obstructionist jerks in the Senate.

  5. I’m a Toastmaster. (Google the name of the international organization). We count utterances that do not communicate in hopes of helping our members become more effective communicators.

    She should find a local Toastmasters club meeting in Manhattan to get herself up to speed. Apparently the public speaking lessons of law school have been forgotten. Of course if you do not plan to litigate why bother to become proficient at public speaking?

    BTW I believe her lack of extemporaneous speaking skill is inherited. Her dad was a good writer and delivered speeches well. He was a lousy speaker without notes and known for his excessive use of “ers” “oms”, “uhs” and “you knows”.

    Regardless, she stills communicates more effectively than either Palin or President Dumbya.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #61, Here, another Republican beauty for you,

    Sarah Palin who is younger than Kennedy.

    Jennifer Granholm


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