OK, can you count the number of time she says, “You know” and “uh” in two minutes and 16 second. It’s incredible.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. EvilPoliticians says:

    #29 Mister Mustard

    It’s just that Dumbya is so easy. And for those gainsayers who spout “She hasn’t received the Nobel Prize in all five disciplines, discovered a cure for cancer, or created utopia, so she’s not qualified to be senator”, it just goes to show how far even a dimwitted know-nothing can go, only in America.

    So the party and supporters of Obama and Clinton who touted experience, their record and vision are buying into this? No doubt she is a smart person. But is she a leader who can navigate the waters of D.C.?

  2. EvilPoliticians says:

    #24 – The fact NY is the center of creation is certainly one reason it is national news.

    Another is I believe the DNC initially thought this might add to the enthusiasm following the Obama election. A new Kennedy stepping up to public service. A Kennedy who stepped in the spotlight to give early support to Obama.

    Undoubtedly some in the DNC now have some regrets given the questions raised and polling.

  3. deowll says:

    Anybody think Bush is going to hack people off by calling her articulate?

    If Obama had talked like this he would not be the President elect.

    Sometimes it’s not what you say but how you say it.

  4. cheapdaddy says:

    Caroline’s cousin Patrick (the Ambien Poster Child) is our congresscritter (for life if he wants it) in Rhode Island. At least he’s smart enough to stay there and not run for Senator.

    The scary part is her late brother John would likely have been the senator from New York instead of Hillary, and possibly would have been “the one” sworn in as POTUS this Jan 20th.

  5. EvilPoliticians says:

    # 33 deowll

    Have you listened to Obama’s press conferences lately? Once he goes off script, it’s much the same. Someone needs to get him to work on that and fast.

  6. BigBoyBC says:

    “The scary part is her late brother John would likely have been the senator from New York instead of Hillary, and possibly would have been “the one” sworn in as POTUS this Jan 20th”

    Interesting… (adjusting tin-foil hat)

    Another political rival “OFFED” by the Clinton Political Machine…

    The bodies keep stacking up…

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #35 – EvilPolitician

    Have you listened to No Agenda or Cranky Geeks lately? Have you counted the number of times John C Dvorak says “No Yeah” or “Yeah No”?

    Try it sometime.

    You may have to poke around for it, in between the Obama=Hitler statements and the lampooning of global warming every time there’s a chilly day, but seek and ye shall find.

    And unlike Dumbya, what both Caroline Kennedy AND Obama have in common is that they make sense when they talk.

  8. Hugh Ripper says:

    The question is “is she corrupt enough to be a senator?”.

    How I wish Clay Davis had been the first black President. Then we would know where we stand.

  9. Thomas says:

    > And as she points out,
    > she’s a lawyer, has
    > written 7 best-selling
    > books (two on the
    > Constitution), etc.

    Ann Coulter is also a laywer and has written six best selling books, was editor of the Michigan Law Review, has a syndicated column and is a complete twit. Be honest, Caroline is getting by because of her name at the moment. She might eventually develop into a skilled politician (if she can stay away from Ted), but she certainly is not at the moment.

  10. Laszarus says:

    I can’t believe a Kennedy speaks this way. She needs to attend some Toastmasters meetings before she tries to step into the national spotlight.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #39 – Thomas

    >>Ann Coulter is also a laywer and has written
    >>six best selling books, was editor of the
    >>Michigan Law Review, has a syndicated column
    >>and is a complete twit.

    And if Ann Coulter weren’t a screeching harridan who made her millions by trying to polarize the entire country AND had the rest of Caroline Kennedy’s creds, she might be a viable candidate too.

    Come on, this is a senate seat for NY we’re talking about, not the goddamned Pope. Look down the list of senators; unless they’re from your state or you are a political science major, you’ve probably never even heard of most of them. Who ever heard of Larry Craig or David Vitter until their problem keeping it in their pants became known to law enforcement? Who’s Mike Crapo? Herb Kohl? Who is Sheldon Whitehouse? Who is the OTHER senator from Alaska, the one who isn’t a convicted felon? Who beat the convicted felon for his seat?

    I’d say if anything, her name is an impediment to getting appointed. As she figured, everyone says “waaahhhh, she’s only getting consideration because she’s a Kennedy”. What exactly are the qualifications for becoming a senator, anyway? Al Franken was a comedian (and you just KNOW he’s going to win over Coleman). If she does a crappy job, they can vote her out in ’12. I doubt she will, though.

  12. Pmitchell says:

    Mr mustard if Satan him self came up from hell and claimed him self a democrat and wanted ot run for office you would defend him and every thing he has ever done wouldn’t you.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    #42 – Paulio Mitchelli

    Not at all, Paulio. I have failed to vote for Democrats on a number of occasions because I deemed them unworthy of my vote. I even voted for a Republican. Once. (Christine Todd Whitman).

    I really don’t give a shit about party affiliation; it’s just that most of the acceptable candidates seem to be either Democrat or “something else”.

    Once in a while, you find a good Repub, but sadly, they’re few and far between.

  14. MikeN says:

    You’ve never heard of Herb Kohl? He owns the Milwaukee Bucks, and Kohl’s Department Stores.

  15. bobbo says:

    #26–Evil==what I love is people who think they are making a point by evoking false comparisons.

    My entry was a short one to catch the general issue. It was not an exhaustive detailed study of every situation that exists.

    I would just ask again then==what are they main requirements/characteristics of a public office holder? You criticize my quick review but offer nothing yourself.

    But your defective post makes a more basic error==comparing the necessary qualifications of a mid term appointment of a Senator with the necessary qualifications of a full term elected VICE-PRESIDENT to an old Presidential candidate. Very different potential impacts on the country==a bad choice the Republic may not survive.

    I hope you see the difference you silly person.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You’ve never heard of Herb Kohl?

    Nope. You must be from Wisconsin if you know of him. Or a political science major.

    I don’t pay attention to professional basketball. Unless it’s the Celtics, and then only once in a while.

    I know Kohl’s Department Store, of course, but I didn’t know Herb was part of the family. According to Wiki-whatever, after he and his brothers managed the Kohl’s stores, he “went on to become a US senator”, so I guess he’s not in the family business any longer. Some guy named Larry Montgomery is now the Chairman and CEO.

  17. slowth says:

    #8-sargasso,#13-bobbo: Lexical density, as in lexicon.

  18. Thomas says:

    Well, there is a certain devilish delight in watching NY vote in buffoons such as Hilarity. (That said, I live in CA so, I can’t snicker much). Still, she is running for public office you would think her public speaking skills, especially given her education, would be better. She sounds almost as dumb as J.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    #48 – Thomas

    >>Still, she is running for public office you
    >>would think her public speaking skills,
    >>especially given her education, would be

    Eh, I don’t know. Dumbya went to Yale and Harvard. Kerry went to Yale. Al Gore went to Yale. Barney Frank went to Harvard, and he talks like he’s got something sticky in his mouth.

    I guess the take-home messages is that an externship with Toastmasters International is not a requirement for an Ivy League degree.

  20. The Warden says:

    Mr. MusTURD,

    When Bush is out of office, what will you beat on then? I guess it’s back to beating your kawk.

    Btw, just saw “Changeling”. Gordon Stewart Northcott reminded me of you a WHOLE lot.

  21. bobbo says:

    #47–slowth==thats easy to assume, but not what he said. I don’t assume a typo either as it was the central theme of the post.

    No, ideas have no meaning if we change words to make sense to ourselves.

    Unlike Mustard, I’m always open to those cutting edge, new age advances in linguistic, anthrolexography if you will.

    Sad when its just a typo or made up. Turns the whole thing into a political ad.

  22. Thomas says:

    Let me be the first to offer my contrafribblarities at the construction of your new term anthrolexography and I’m frasmotic at the thought of causing any further pericombobulation but would not anthrolexography be the equivalent of etymology?

  23. QB says:

    She can raise the money to run in 2010 and 2012. It’s an expensive seat.

  24. jbenson2 says:

    She can’t help it.

    It’s in her genes. Have you listened to the swimmer talk? (Ted Kennedy)

    Howie Carr on WRKO radio has a “Wizard of Uhs” segment where listeners call in with guesses on how many uhs were uttered by The Chappaquiddick Assassin.

  25. bobbo says:

    #52–Thomas==you uprise a numerology of consumptutory issues there that phobically instill themselves contra the thrust vectors of the ipso factotum.

    But it would be fun to take up when the sargasso returns from sea.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    In defense of Kennedy, she is NOT running for office. The process is the Governor selects someone, vets them, and appoints that person to the office. Kennedy is walking that very fine line between wanting the job and being too political in begging for it.

    Kennedy is NOT a professional politician. BUT, as with most unprepared people she is thinking very carefully about every question. She does care what she says and is doing her best to not err. Most people will hem, haw, studder, repeat the question, uummm, clear their throat, and do other things while they pause for an answer.

    Kennedy would make a very good Senator for New York. So would several others. Because I am not a New Yorker I neither have a say in the matter but even if I was it would still be up to the Governor.

  27. Fedup says:

    Makes Palin seem like a professor of communications… Just another rich, limo ridding, liberal democrat that feels like she is owed something. She’s toast. Even the democrats in NY can’t stomach this fraud. If not a kennedy, this woman would be just another so, so lawyer in america….

  28. Fedup says:

    Whatever happens, I recommend you keep your ass out any car being driven by a Kennedy or Plane being piloted by a Kennedy. These people will kill your ass….

  29. bobbo says:

    #57–F&dup==typical repug==enamored of ignorant beauty pageant contestants. Palin CONSISTENTLY had nothing of substance to say. Carolyn certain was having an off day in the clip above==sounded tired to me, but still more real than the meaningless bumper sticker crap that continues to spew forth from Palin. You Betcha!!!

  30. Fedup says:

    You gotta love the dumb ass liberals that post here. Anyone with a D behind their name is a fucking genius. You are some funny, fakeass, fools…. I see that you did not disagree with my post about getting in a car with these crazy bastards. Apparently even as stupid as you are you wouldn’t let this bitch drive you across any bridges…


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